Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/67

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Carpenter (Nathanael), his 'Geography De- lineated,' 1625, i. 22, 104 Carpenter (Samuel )= Hannah Hardiman, 1684,

vi. 268 Carpenter (William), 1657, and Francis Kirkman,

ix. 248

Carr and Chitty families, iii. 209 Carriage called a pic-nic, v. 170, 235 Carriages, road, mechanical, xi. 305, 374, 431, 498 Carriages, unroofed, in early railway travelling,

viii. 167, 234, 292, 357, 414, 473 Carriages drawn by oxen, xi. 70, 136, 396 Carrier pigeons, discontinued by Admiralty, ix. 485 Carrington (A.) on 'Bat Bearaway," yii. 258. Lee alias Tyson, viii. 436. Lincolnshire poll- book, 1723, vii. 509. Raine Island, ix. 48 Carroll (Lewis), and Charles Nodier, v. 250

his sources of inspiration, viii. 404 Carroll (William) and Locke, iii. 208 Carshalton, Gaynesford monument at, xi. 208 Carson (Dr. William ) = Esther Giles, c. 1800, v. 70 Carson family, i. 52, 377 Carstares or Carstairs, origin of the name, xi.

290, 397, 497 ; xii. 57

Carte the historian, his biography, vii. 169 Carter (F.) on Carter pedigrees, v. 309 Carter (Matthew), his ' Honor Redivivus,' i. 434 Carter (Nathaniel) = Mary Fleetwood, their de- scendants, ii. 34, 268, 333 ; place of her death, 409, 513

Carter (W. A.) on " A thimbleful of sense," v. 429 Carter (W. F.) on surnames ending in -nell,

xi. 75

Carter family pedigrees, v. 309 Carter of York, nickname for Wolsey, xi. 288 Carton (J.) on the Admirable Crichton, vii. 33 ;

marriage like a Devonshire lane, xii. 518 Cartrie (Count de), his pension from the English

Government, v. 327

' Cartularium Saxonicum,' notes on, xii. 186 Cartulary of Bisham Abbey, xi. 210 Cartwright (W. C.) on Pierrepont's Refuge, xi. 74 Carucate, use and meaning of the word, i. 102, 143 Carver, a royal, ii. 27, 134 Carvings, miserere, v. 29

Cary (Henry ) = Isabella Dawson, 1827, ix. 249, 318 Gary (Henry), Westminster scholar, xi. 329 Cary (H. F.) on Dawson = Cary, ix. 249 Cary or Carey (Bishop Mordecai), his biography,

xi.245 Casanova (Francesco), painter, his biography,

xii. 4

Casanova (J.) in England, viii. 443, 491 ; ix. 116 ; xi. 437 ; parallel story by Col. W. Cuninghame, xi. 147 ; articles in ' Le Livre ' on, xii. 389, 476 Casanoviana, xi. 147

Casata, use and meaning of the word, i. 102, 143 Case, compositor's, c. 1500 and 1600, xii. 330, 375 Cash (A. J.) on Shakespeariana, v. 263 Casino House, Herne Hill, its history, vi. 285, 334,

353 Cassell (John), 'Works of Eminent Masters,' iv.

468 ; v. 95

Casting lots for death, military custom, i. 366, 476 Casting-out jingles, ix. 369

Castle (Edmund and Thomas), ' D.N.B.' on, ix. 409 Castle (Thomas), botanist, c. 1804-38, x. Ill Castle architecture, works on, ix. 429 ; x. 255 Castle Bytham, Lincolnshire, legend of piper at,

v. 9 Castle Coote and the Gunning family, v. 323, 374,

395, 436, 457 Castle Foulis, legend of, xi. 169

" Castle " Inn, Birmingham, its history, xii. 168,

258 Castle Ring, British port near Stanton in the

Peak, ii. 246

Castle Rising, its political history, ix. 70, 412 Castle Society of Musick, i. 71 Castlemaine (Monson, Viscount), his parentage, vii.


Castleman family, x. 69

Castles, British, plans of, vi. 208, 258, 274, 338 Castleton, Derbyshire, Royal Oak Day celebra- tion at, i. 486 Castor hats, ix. 388, 477

Castor oil, origin of the name, xi. 406 ; xii. 157 Cat : whipping the cat, ix. 5, 317, 494 ; x. 198 Cat, Cheshire, in America, i. 365, 513 Cat folk-lore, iv. 505 ; viii. 227 Cat in the wheel, variant of Catherine wheel, ii.


Catalaunian Fields, term explained, xi. 88 Catalog, the spelling, ii. 508 Catalogue, gender in French, xii. 348, 418, 474 Catalogues, publishers' earliest, ii. 50, 118, 357, 455, 518 ; of seventeenth-century tracts, ii. 388, 453 ; iii. 174 ; of MSS., iv. 368, 415, 531 ; of public libraries, 388, 454 ; Strawberry Hill Sale, vii. 461, 517

Cataloguing, curiosities of, vi. 165, 253 Catamaran, its meanings, iv. 286, 433 Catapults for orange peel, vanished pastime, iii. 26 Catcliffe, glass-making in 1740 at, i. 51 Cateaton Street, derivation of the name, v. 429.

475,497,513; vi. 36

Caterpillers of the Commonwealth, iv. 248, 396 '"* Cates=things provided by the catour (caterer),

i. 180

Catesby (J.) on Catesby family, i. 408 Catesby (Robert), his descendants, i. 86, 172 Catesby (Sir William), brass effigy of, i. 366 Catesby family, i. 408 Catgut ruffles, c. 1755, x. 189 Cathay for China, origin of the name, vii. 168, 235,


Cathay, street-name, its origin, vii. 168, 235, 418 Cathedral High Stewards, i. 348, 412 Cathedrals, their consecration, vi. 9, 76 ; deaneries

unattached to, xii. 469

Cathen, Court Roll term, its meaning, vii. 249, 317 Catherine, Katharine, Katherine, spelling varia- tions, v. 469 Catherine (Grand Duchess) of Russia and Napoleon,

v. 428 Catherine of Braganza, lines on, iii. 208 ; and

Charles II., painting, viii. 407 Catholic : Roman Catholic, use of the terms, v. 327 ;

vii. 180

Catling (T.) on song on railway travelling, viii. 107 Cats, c. 1398, their price, v. 367 Cats, tortoiseshell male, c. 1808, ix. 270 Cats and clover in Darwinian argument, iv. 169,


Catskin earls, i. 226 Catte Street, etymology of name, vi. 49, 95,

115,175,254 Cattell (W.) on Constantine the Great, inscription

on his tomb, iii. 268 ; v. 352 Cattle burnt alive, instances of, vi. 366 Cattle talking on Christmas night, ix. 4, 51 Catzius (Josias), gathering of Jews under, iv. 10, 77 Caul for sale, i. 26 Caulfield (James), his annotation of Granger's

' Biographical History,' vii. 65, 223, 323, 462 Cauntebrigg or Cambridge family, ii. 144