Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/68

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Causton, field-name, and Costen family, xii. 327,


Cava dei Tirreni, Italy, inscriptions at, vi. 406 Cavalcanti (Guido), Dante's sonnet to, iv. 207, 277 Cavalier (Jean), d. 1740, and Thomas Caverley,

vii. 8

Cavalier songs, vi. 269, 310 Cavaliers with Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice,

ix. 129

Cave (F. B.) on ' Chevy Chase,' iv. 89, 537 Cave (G. C.) on Gladwin family, ii. 207 Cave, the, at Hornsey, i. 269 " Caveac " Tavern, City, its history, viii. 116 Cavendish (Henry), commemorative tablet, ii. 425 Cavendish Square, George Bomney's house in,

vii. 487 ; viii. 11 Caverley (Thomas), d. 1745, and Jean Cavalier,

vii. 8

Caves used by smugglers, v. 282 Cawood family, ii. 205, 515 Cawdor dispatch and French invasion, 1797,

xi. 508 ; xii. 53 Caxton (W.), and the word " Bichter," ii. 146 ;

and his son-in-law Gerard Crop, vi. 241 ; his

birthplace, xii. 327, 394 Caxton family of Kent, 1472-1553, v. 142 Casement (Boger) and letter from Kossuth, ii.

309, 332

Cech, ' Good King Wenceslaus ' in, viii. 33, 175 Cech and Bussian languages, divergence between,

iii. 202 Cech and Slovenish languages, their affinity,

vii. 381, 436

Cech manuals, v. 168, 217, 297, 315 Cecil family, its origin, v. 6, 94 Cecil MSS., proverbs in, ii. 22 Cedar of Lebanon, first planted in England, its

death, i. 336

'Cedilla in the ' Encyclopaedic Dictionary,' i. 307 Ceiba, orthography of the Cuban word, vii. 288,


Celer on Bacon as " Glendower," iii. 302 Cellini (Benvenuto), Boscoe's translation of his

autobiography, xii. 266 ; figure of Jupiter, 367 Celt on Sir John Claridge's portrait, vii. 329.

Macdonough (Felix Bryan), ii. 527. Quids in

Ireland, x. 268

Celtia on authors of quotations, ix. 49 'Celtic August feast, viii. 35 Celtic mythology, vii. 86 Celtic titles, i. 14 'Celtic word denoting various colours, v. 86, 194.

Celts of Wales, viii. 145, 218, 233, 274, Cemeteries, London, in 1860, ii. 169, 296, 393,

496, 535 ; iii. 56, 133, 454 Cemeteries, Protestant, at Naples, xi. 343 Cemetery, earliest consecrated, vii. 490 ; viii.

93, 153 'Cemetery at Cape Town, monuments in, viii.

106, 253 Cemetery for French refugees in London, 1721,

i. 517 Cemetery for Jews in ancient London, i. 70, 296,


Cenci on ' Poculum Elevatum,' iv. 409 Censor of plays, c. 1832, George Colman as, ix.

206 ; ' Don Quixote ' on, xi. 485 ' Census Beport,' 1851, its author, v. 9 Centenarian, Irish, his death, ix. 466 Centenarian voters, v. 187, 258 -Centrifugal or Flying Bailway, v. 13 Century : ' the present century," i. 386 Cera Panis, meaning of the term, v. 490 ; vi. 113

Cernet's Tower in Bucklersbury, xii. 330, 396 Certificate of banishment, 1789, x. 230 Cervantes, and Burns's ' Twa Dogs,' ii. 465 ; ' Don Quixote,' 1595-6, iv. 107, 158, 313 ; Cervantes, ' Don Quixote ' in English literature,

viii. 107

Ceylon bibliography, xii. 169 Ceylon Begiment, 2nd, xi. 490 Chadwick (J.) on Burney's Theatrical Portraits,

v. 449

Chafy (W. K. W.) on detached belfries, iv. 290.

Cambridge Chancellor, vii. 30, 78. Clergy in

wigs, x. 158. Foote (Samuel), x. 109. German

Volkslied, ii. 327

Chagford Church, " stationing relics ' in 1501,

ix. 89 Chained books, in prisons, ix. 187 ; in iron covers,


Chains, hanging alive in, xi. 221, 303, 404, 472 Chair of St. Augustine, i. 369, 472 Chalcot Farm, N.W., 1800-50, ix. 251, 338, 377 ;

x. 73

Chalfont St. Giles, Fleetwood brass at, vi. 88, 137, 198, 316 ; and Oliver Cromwell, vii. 210 ; Milton Cottage porch, xii. 407 " Chalice & Sheppheard," house sign in 1618, ix.


Chalice, 15th-century Italian, arms on, viii. 89 Chalice, pre-Beformation, at Leominster Church,

vi. 30

Chalice inscription, 1645, ix. 470 ; x. 78 Chalk Farm, formerly Chalcot Farm, ix. 251, 338,

377 ; x. 73

Chalkhill (John), his identity, iii. 186, 229 Chalmers family of Cults, vii. 348 Chaloner in the Blakeway MS., iv. 509 ; v. 35 Chaloner (G.) on the People's Charter, vii. 235 Chalons-sur-Marne, mistletoe in church at, i. 66 Chamber-horse for exercise, 1742, xi. 49, 113 Chamberlain (Commodore), his identity, x. 329,

372, 437 Chamberlain (Mr. Joseph) and Bobert Burton, vii.

208 Chamberlain (Judith), of Skip ton, c. 1700-14,

ix. 171,213

Chamberlain family of Lincolnshire, vii. 369 Chamberlain marriage, 166575, viii. 89 Chamberlen (Dr.), his descendants, iv. 17 Chamberlen (Drs.), physicians to Stewart and

Georgian sovereigns, iii. 428 Chamberlen (Dorothy) = Dr. Hugh Chamberlen,

ix. 509 Chamberlen (Hugo), cenotaph in Westminster

Abbey, x. 329, 437

Chamberlin (John) of Batcliffe-on-Soar, x. 168 Chamberlin family, ix. 329 Chambers (G. F.) on comets, xi. 489. ' Bitualist's

Progress,' vi. 130

Chambers (B. E. E.) on Chandos and Lawton families, vii. 309. Elliott: Ponsonby, 1661, vii. 94. Knighthood of 1603, vii. 16, 54 Chambers family and Dr. Johnson, ix. 144 ' Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English Literature,'

article on J. Gait in, i. 145 ' Chambers's Encyclopaedia,' error in, vii. 7 Chambpn, engraver of calligraphy, x. 168 Champion's Vinegar Brewery, City Boad, ix. 186 Champneys (Justice), marriage performed by, vi. 8 Chancel (Ausone de), lines by, vi. 82, 166, 216,

233, 335 ; vii. 15, 355

Chancel arches, triple, list of, xii. 208, 255 Chancellors, Worshipful Company of, c. 1478, vi. 110