Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/105

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NOTES : Bibliography of Publishing aud Bookselling, 81 The Trelawny Ballad, 83 Irish-printed Plays, 84 The Fortune Theatre in 1649 Curious Inscription Purlieu : Bow-rake : Buck-leap, 85 Halley's Comet, 86.

QUEKIBS :-French Miniature Painter Crabbe Biblio- graphy Robert Catesby Roman Lanx Roman and Christian Chronology, 86" Fide, sed cui vide" Howard and Dryden Families Epitaph on Sir John Seymour Ea.J4 Rasalu William Hartley" Down, little flutterer ! " Thompson of Boughtou John Lewis, Portrait Painter Henrietta M. G. Smythies Dutch Fishermen in British Waters, 87 Batrome Addison's Daughter Medals " au pied de sanglier" " Commission" " P. P., Clerk of the Parish," 88.

REPLIES : Comber Family St. Mary Axe : St. Michael le Querne, 89 Pronunciation of Raleigh Mary, Queen of Scots, 90 Tideswell and Tideslow, 91' Oxford Univer- sity Calendar ' " Meynes " and " Rhines " " Chaperoned by her father," 93 West-Country Fair Capt. Death- Hobgoblin's Claws " Collectioner," 93 "As merry as Griggs" Grammar: Nine Parts of Speech Veto at Papal Elections Field-names, West Haddon, 94 The Wykehamical Word " Toys " Sadler's Wells Play Richard Nash, 96 Penrith Rous or Row_se Family "Constantine Pebble" Error in 'Poliphili Hypneroto- machia' Cardigan as a Surname Salep or Salop, 97 " Lost in a convent's solitary gloom " Birch-sap Wine, 98.

NOTES ON BOOKS -.Scott's Admissions to the College of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge ' Hutchinson's ' Songs of the Vine ' Stroud's ' Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases ' ' Poems of Lord de Tabley 'Ber- nard's ' Cathedral Church of St. Patrick ' Thoyts's ' How to Decipher Old Documents ' ' Record of the Upper Norwood Athenajum.'

Notices to Correspondents.



"/ these days, ten ordinary histories of kings <ind courtiers icere wdl exchanged against the tenth part of one good History of Booksellers." Carlyle, Review of Boswell's ' Johnson,' Eraser's Magazine, No. 28 ('Essays,' People's Edition, voL iv. p. 84).

IN the following contribution towards the Bibliography of Publishing and Bookselling, mainly referring to Great Britain and the United States of America, it has been my intention to enumerate those books, &c., that deal solely or mainly with the subjects of pub- lishing and bookselling, and not to include works on literary history or memoirs. The three principal exceptions are also the three greatest works of their kind in the language Boswell's l Johnson,' Lockhart's ' Scott,' and Trevelyan's ' Macaulay.'

In each of these such a considerable space is occupied by the transactions with, or rela- tions between, authors and publishers, that they may fairly claim a place in any list of books dealing with the history of what Tal- fourd calls " the Great Trade."* There is, however, hardly any work of literary bio- graphy, from Gibbon's 'Autobiography' to

  • ' Final Memorials of Charles Lamb ' (new edit..

1850), p. 179.

"The Life of Mrs. Oliphant,' that will not yield material bearing on the subject of pub- lishers and publishing.

The largest collection of books devoted to the subjects of book-producing and book- selling in all its many branches will be found in the library of the Borsenverein der Deutschen Buchhandler at Leipzig. The catalogue of this library is in 2 vols. (Vol. I., 1885; Vol II., 1902), and contains several thousands of titles of works in all languages. I am considerably indebted to this catalogue, although I had nearly finished my list before I had the opportunity of consulting it.

' Works on printing and the production of books are only noted when they contain matter bearing incidentally on publishing or bookselling. Works on copyright, book- collecting, and the sport of book-hunting are not included systematically.

Works dealing with the freedom of the press, actions for libel, or prosecutions for pub- lishing blasphemous or seditious books are not systematically included. They form a very large section in the Leipzig catalogue.

A 'Bibliography of Journalism and its History,' by Mr. D. Williams, will be found in Mitchell's ' Press Directory ' for 1903.

The ' D.N.B.' is cited, as it contains much material, with references to authorities, under the names of booksellers and pub- lishers who are not the subject of separate volumes. A list of these names may perhaps one day be compiled. With three exceptions, other biographical dictionaries are not noted. Ackermann, Edward. A Bookseller by Choice. (The Bookseller and Newsman.) September, 1899, New York.

Aldine Magazine, The, 1838.

William West (q.v.) contributed a. series of articles on old booksellers.

Allen, C. E. Publishers' Accounts, including a

Consideration of Copyright. 8vo, London, 1897.

Almon, John, 1737-1805. Memoirs of John Almon,

Bookseller, of Piccadilly. 8vo, London, 1790. Famous as John Wilkes's publisher.

Ames, Joseph, 1689-1758. Typographical Antiqui- ties, being an Historical Account of Printing in England, Memoirs of the Ancient Printers, and a Register of Books printed by them from 1471 to 1600. 4to, London, 1749. See Lowndes.

Amory, Thomas, 1691 ?-178S. Life of John Buiicle,

Esq., 1756-66.

Amory was a bookseller in London and Dublin. ' John Buiicle contains fragments of autobiography, a character of Edmund Curll, &c.

Andrews, W. L. The Old Booksellers of New York (John Bradburn, Joseph Sabiu, William Gowans).

See the Publishers' Weekly (New York), vol. xlix. No. 16 ; vol. xlviii. No. 20; vol. xlvii. No. 15. Annuals.

See ' The Annuals of Former Days ' in the Bookseller, 29 November aud 24 December, 1858.