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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. i. JA*. so, im.

Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. 6 vols., New York, 1887-9.

Arber, Edward. List of London Publishers, 1553-

1640. 8vo, London, 1889. And see ' Catalogues ' and ' Stationers' Company.'

Archseologia, vol. xxix. p. 101. Copies of Original Papers illustrative of the Management of Litera- ture by Printers and Stationers in the Middle of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Communi cated by (Sir) Henry Ellis. 4to, London, 1834.

Athenaeum, The, published weekly, 1829 See throughout for obituary notices, &e.

Author, The, published monthly, 1890

Authors and Publishers a Description of Pub- lishing Methods and Arrangements. Fourth Edition. New York, 1855.

Bagster. A Century of Publishing: a Chat with Mr. Robert Bagster. With Illustrations and 3 Portraits. St. James's Budget, 27 April, 1894. Bagster, The, Publishing House : Centenary of the Bagster Publishing House, established 19 April, 1794. Crown 8vo, London, 1894.

Ballantyne, House of. See Lockhart's ' Scott,' passim.

A Refutation of the Misstatements and Calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott respecting the Messrs. (James and John) Ballantyne. By the Trustees and Son of the late James Ballantyne. 8vo, London, 1838.

The Ballantyne Humbug Handled. By John Gibson Lockhart. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1839.

Reply to Mr. Lockhart's Pamphlet entitled 'The Ballantyne Humbug Handled.' By the Authors of ' A Refutation of the Misstatements and Calumnies,' &c. 8vo, London, 1839. "Mr. J. H. Rutherford, bookseller of Kelso, who died in November, 1903, aged eighty-four, made a special study of the Lockhart-Ballantyne controversy. I have often wished that he had published his conclusions." ' Rambling Remarks,' by W. Robertson Nicoll, British Weekly, 5 Nov.. 1903. And see s.n. Fearman (W.).

History of the Ballantyne Press. 4to, Edin- burgh, 1871.

Bentley, House of. Some Leaves from the Past. Swept together by R. B. With 11 Portraits and other Illustrations. 8vo, privately printed, 1896. With references to original authorities

Richard Bentley and Son. By Ernest Ches- neau. Reprinted from ' Le Livre ' of October, 1885. With some additional Notes. With 3 Illustrations. Privately printed, roval 8vo, 1886.

Richard Bentley, 1794-1871. The Bookseller (p. 811), 1871.

Bent's Literary Advertiser, 1802-60. See throughout for obituary notices, &c.

Berjeau, Jean Philibert. The Book-worm : a Lite- rary and Bibliographical Review. 5 vols., London, 1866-71.

Besant, Sir Walter. The Pen and the Book. 8vo, London, 1899.

Literary Handmaid of the Church (the S.P.C.K.). Crown 8vo, London, 1890. And see the volumes of the Author, 1890 Bibliographer, The, a .Journal of Book-lore. Edited by Henry B. Wheatley. 5 vols., London. 1882-4. See Indexes throughout.

Bibliographica. 3 vols. 4to, London, 1895-7.

An Elizabethan Bookseller (Edward Blount, 1564-?). By Sidney Lee. Vol. i. p. 474.

Two References to the English Book-trade, circa 1525. Vol. i. p. 252.

The Booksellers at the Sign of the Trinity. By E. Gordon Duff. Vol. i. p. 93, p. 175.

English Book-sales, 1676-1680. By A. W. Pollard. Vol. i. p. 373.

The Long Shop in the Poultry. By H. J. Plomer. Vol. ii. p. 61.

The Early Italian Book-trade. By R. Garnett. Vol. iii. p. 29.

Bibliophobia : Remarks on the Present Languid and Depressed State of Literature and the Book-trade. In a letter addressed to the author of the ' Bibliomania.' By Mercurius Rusticns. With Notes by Cato Parvus. London, 1832.

(Bigg, James.) The Bookselling System, a letter to Lord Campbell respecting the late inquiry into the regulations of the Booksellers' Association in reference to the causes which led to its

dissolution and the consequences to authors

likely to result from unrestricted competition in the sale of new works. By a Retired Book- seller. Westminster, 1852.

Bingley, William, 1738-1799. A Sketch of W. Bingley, Bookseller. With Portrait and a Pro- spectus of his Proposed Reprint of Nos. 1-46 of the 'North Briton.' London, 1793.

The New Plain Dealer; or, Will Freeman's Budget, 1791-94. Contains autobiographical details.

Black, Adam, 1784-1874. Memoirs of Adam Black. Edited by Alexander Nicolson, LL.D. With Portrait. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, Edin- burgh, 1885.

Blackie, W. G. Origin and Progress of the Firm of Blackie & Son, 1809-1874. 8vo, London, 1897.

Blackwood, House of. Annals of a Publishing House : William Blackwood and his Sons, their Magazine and Friends. By Mrs. Oliphant. With 4 Portraits. Vols. I. and II. 8vo, Edin- burgh, 1897.

Vol. III. John Blackwood. By his Daughter, Mrs. Gerald Porter. With 2 Portraits. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1898.

The Bookseller, 26 June, 27 August, 26 Sep. tember, 1860.

The Critic, 7 July, 1860, and five successive weeks a series of articles by F. Espinasse.

The Bookman, special article, with portraits,. &c. November, 1901.

Blackwood's Magazine. A Letter to Mr. John Murray, occasioned by his having under- taken the publication in London of ' Black- wood's Magazine.' 1818.

Correspondence on the Subject of 'Black- wood's Magazine.' ? 1818.

Bohn, Henry George, 1796-1884. Times, 25 August, 1884 ; Athenaeum, 30 August, 1884 ; Bookseller, September, 1884 ; Bibliographer, October, 1884.

Book Auctioneers.

See the Bookseller, 8 April, 1902; and Lawler's 'Book Auctions,' forward.

Book, The, of English Trades : the Bookbinder, the Bookseller, the Printer, &c. New Edition, with 500 Questions for Students. 12mo, London,, 1824.