Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/435

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10* s. i. APRIL so, loot.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


sketch of the north bank of the Thames, 1825, being the original roll showing the improvements sug- gested by Col. Trench, including a proposed quay. Under Oxford we find the decision of Dr. Alworth, 26 October, 1678, " that Edmund Warcup, his wife and family, alone had the right to use and occupy the north aisle in the parish church of Northmore in the co. of Oxford."

Mr. Charles Higham's list includes a unique library of hymnology of 4,000 volumes, many of them described in ' The Dictionary of Hymnology,' 1892, but others of earlier date and not known to the compilers of that work. The great majority of the books are in English, but some are in Greek, Latin, French, German, and other languages. The price asked is 3157. Mr. W. T. Brooke has largely assisted in the collection. The catalogue contains a wide selection of modern theological books. We notice one exception, a copy of Baronius, 16 vols. folio, calf, 1612-1727, IQL 10s.

Messrs. Idle, of Bloomsbury, have a catalogue of modern books at moderate prices.

Mr. Macphail, of Edinburgh, has in the front page of his catalogue "an ancient prophecy about to be fulfilled" regarding his change of address to St. Giles Street. Among rarities in Scottish literature we find the original drawing in sepia of 'A Gala Day at Abbotsford,' by Sir William Allan. The picture represents Scott, his family, and friends in the grounds at Abbotsford. The price in frame is 4?. 4s. Strangvage's ' Mary Stuart,' 1624, is 21*. ; first edition of ' Rokeby,' with the portrait, which is often missing, 21s. ; ' Acts of the Parliament of Scotland,' 1682-1731, 4 vols., 35s. ; Lady Anne Barnard's ' Auld Robin Gray,' edited by Scott, 1825, 42s. (only 65 copies printed) ; and Buchanan's ' Rerum Scoticarum,' 1582. There are also Jacobite works ; works relating to family his- tory, the Bairds, Dick Cunynghames, Douglases, Egertons, Gowries, Mures, &c. ; ' Views of London,' 1794; and 'Trials.'

Messrs. B. & J. F. Meehan, of Bath, have books relating to Bath ranging from 1770 to the present time. There is a ' Bath Bibliography,' containing 200 works in prose and verse. Other items are Cruikshank's ' Odds and Ends,' by Merle, 1831, priced at 2?. 2s. ; 'Scenes from the Pickwick


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Cripps's 'Old English Plate'; a set of the Quarterly, 1809 to 1850, 87 vols., 31. 3s. ; and Wilkes's Narlk Briton, including No. 45, which was suppressed. We wish Messrs. Meehan would print their catalogue on white paper.

Messrs. Parsons's catalogue includes Bryan's ' Painters,' a magnificently extra-illustrated copy, 450. ; a large collection of Alken's illustrations ; Audsley^ ' Arts of Japan,' 1882-4, very rare, 1QL 10s. ; works of Bartolozzi ; Boydell's 'Thames,' 14J. 14s. ; Burton's 'Arabian Nights'; Rowlandson, 1811, &c., 151. 15s. ; a number of books on costume ; ' The Politicke and Militarie Discourses of Lord De la Noove,' 1587, 4?. 4s. ; Dickens's ' Grimaldi,' Bentley, 1838, 3i. ; Edwards's ' Etchings of Inns,' privately printed, 1875-80, 12/. 12s. ; Harding's ' Biographical Mirrour,' 1795, 15/. 15s. ; original drawings of Gavarni, 50 guineas ; Girtin's ' Views of Paris,' 1802, 11. 7s. ; ' Holbein's Portraits,' 1812, HI 14s. ; ' Houghton Gallery,' Boydell, 1788,

40 guineas ; Houbraken and Yertue's ' Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain,' 1756, 121. 12s. ; Kidd's ' Views of Jamaica,' 1839 ; ' Kit-Cat Club Portraits,' 1735, 38 guineas : Madame Lanchester's 'The Mirior de la Mode,' 1803; Lecomte's ' Costumes de Theatre de 1600 1820,' 1830 ; Malton's 'Coloured Views of Dublin,' 1791 ; a large number of works on military costume, including Smith's, published by Colnaghi, 1815, 467. ; coloured plate books of battle scenes ; Millais's sketches, 25 guineas ; an original unused specimen of the Mulready envelope, 10-9. 6d. ; Nash's 'Mansions,' rare coloured copy, 1839-49, 38 guineas ; original water - colours of English ladies' costume, 1800, 25 guineas ; panoramas of Queen Victoria's Corona- tion, giving the Royal cortege and the whole line of decorated streets, also Victoria's Marriage, and the opening of the Royal Exchange ; Reynolds's complete engraved works, 1833-66, 180 guineas ; War Tracts, Americana, &c., from the collection of General Knollys, 1689-97, 107. 10s.

Messrs. James Rimell & Son have a large number of choice books with coloured plates, including a copy of Pierce Egan, in the original boards, 1821-4, 131. 13?. ; Humphries's ' Middle Ages,' 81-. ; Mclan's ' Clans of the Scottish Highlands,' Acker- mann, 1845, ; Racinet's' Costume Historique,' 21/. ; Rowlandson's ' Microcosm of London,' 24. ; ' Les Peuples de la Russie,' Paris, 1812, 9/. 5-*. There are presentation copies, including ' The Excursion.' Written on the flyleaf is, " To William Wordsworth Talfourd, from his friend William Wordsworth, London, 20 May, 1839." This is- priced at 131. 13s. The catalogue is also rich in his- torical and personal memoirs and military works.

Messrs. Sotheran's April list is, like all their catalogues, full of interest. It opens with subjects relating to Africa ; then we have Alp-lore, then Americana, including Bancroft's ' Historical Wprka on \Testern American Origins,' San Francisco, 1883-93, 39 vols., 211. ; ' Harnman Alaska Expedi- tion,' 11. 15s., described as being one of the most important works on North-West America ; Silk Buckingham's works on America, 1842 ; Kingsford's- 'Canada,' 8 vols., 31. Is. 6d. ; the charter granted by William and Mary to the inhabitants of Massa- chusetts Bay, Boston, 1726, rare, 181. 18s. ; ' The- Book of Mormon,' 1840-4, 2 vols. 16mo, 31. 3*.; ' Vues- de Boston,' rare, 4. 4s. ; and Schomburgk's ' Guiana/ scarce, 31. 10s. There is a set of the Annual Register r 251. Under ' Botany ' occur a set of the Botanical Magazine, 1787-1901, 150?. ; Sander's great work on orchids, 22/. 10s. ; and Sowerby's ' English Fungi, r 1797-1803[-15], extremely scarce, 21/. Napoleon's great work on Egypt, 1809-22, is 63/ ; it was pub- lished at 1607. unbound. A choice copy, in the original 88 weekly parts, of 'Master Humphrey's Clock,' is 51. 5*. Other noteworthy items are 34 num- bers of the Eton Miniature, 1805 ; Florian's works, printed on vellum paper, 15 vols., Didot I'ain6, 1784-92, 107. 10s. ; Cough's ' Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain,' very rare, 1786-96, 251. ; Higgins's ' Celtic Druids' ; O'Donovan's 'Annals,' 7 vols. 4to r Dublin, 1856, 11. 10*. ; Hodgson's ' Northumberland,' large-paper copy, 42/. ; a set of the Royal Society Transactions, 211. ; and in the Isham reprints- ' Venus and Adonis,' from the hitherto unknown edition of 1599, 'The Passionate Pilgrim,' and others, edited by Charles Edmonds, who discovered them over a stable at Lamport Hall, 1870, 11. 11s. 6d. There are a number of books on Scottish subjects-