Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/436

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io th s. i. APRIL so,

and some curious works on witchcraft, including ' Pseudochristus,' 1650; Hopkins's 'Discovery o: Witches,' 1647 ; Perkins's ' Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft,' 1608 ; and a manuscript list of witches in Scotland, 1658.

Mr. James Thin, of Edinburgh, has a number of anisoellaneous books on the fine arts. These include Tadema,' selected by F. G. Stephens, 21. 2s. ; ' His- tory of Art Sales, 1628-1887,' 2 vols. royal 4to, issued to subscribers only, 1888, 24. ; ' British Gallery of Pictures,' 31. 10s. ;"'Life of Vicat Cole,' by Robert Chignell ; ' Gallery of Pictures selected from the Galleries and Private Collections of Great Britain,' with descriptions by S. C. Hall, 1872, 71.7s. ; Ottley's ' Wood Engraving,' 1816, 4. 5s. ; Stafford Collec- tion ; Turner, and Raffaele. The law-books include -a set of the Scottish Jurist, 1829-73, and Scottish Law Reporter, 27 yols. Under Military will be found interesting items. Mr. Thin has also a supplementary list of new books at very reduced prices, including the Anglo - Saxon Review for 41. 15-s., and Pearson's ' Historical Maps of England during the First Thirteen Centuries.'

Mr. Thorp, of Reading, has a copy of the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica, 25 vols., Times office, as new, for 91. Spenser's ' Faerie Queene,' the beautiful illustrated edition of 1896, is 51. 5s. ; Talfourd's ' Lamb,' 1838, uncut, scarce, 21. 10s. ; Barbault's ' Rome,' 1761, large thick paper, 51. 10s. ; Holings- head's ' Chronicles,' 1586-7, 101. 10s. ; Swift's ' Directions to Servants,' 1745, ' The Injured Lady, 1746, and ' The Chace,' the three tracts in 1 vol.,

8vo. calf, 51. 5s. ; the Britannia, weekly journal,

January, 1840, to December, 1849, 9 vols., 11. ; 'Topself s ' History of Four-Footed Beasts, 1607, a curious work, in which the unicorn, satyr, ape, and hunting horse are described, 11. 10s. ; a set of the " Anglo-Catholic Theology Library," Parker, 1841-67, .88 vols. 41. 4s. ; first edition of Byron's ' Hours of Idleness,' Newark, 1807 ; Dickens's works, a set of first and early editions, 71. 10s. ; Miss Burney's 'Camilla' and 'The Wanderer,' first editions; and Parker's 'Archaeology of Rome.' Interesting items are to be found under America, Architecture, Angling, Berkshire, Chronicles, &c.

Mr. Wilfrid M. Voynich sends us another of his

short catalogues, and we take the opportunity of

offering to him our congratulations on his becoming a naturalized Englishman. The Athencenm believes that he is the first Polish political exile to receive letters of naturalization. The new list is full of rarities. Under Americana is a black-letter Hak- luyt, 1589, 30Z. Archaeology includes Alexandro, ' Dies Geniales,' ed. princeps, Rome, 1522 ; Junius, ' The Painting of the Ancients ' ; and Prasch's collec- tion of epitaphs, Augsburg, 1624. Under Bibles is the very rare first Polish Bible (the British Museum possesses only an imperfect copy, and Mr. Voynich knows of no copy in America), Cracow, 1561. The price of this is 30?. In an interesting note it is mentioned that " few books have been the cause

of so much discussion and the vexed question

of the translator's identity is still unsettled." Other noteworthy entries are 'Isocrates,' Basle, 1582 (no copy of this is in the British Museum) ; ' France and Spanish Armada,' Bergamo, 1594 (a rare collection, edited by Ventura); Bunyan's ' Life and Death of Mr. Badniau,' 1680, 201. (this is the rare first edition, "no copy has been sold in the auction-rooms in England during the last

sixteen years"); 'Pilgrim's Progress,' Hamburg,

1703, 12mo, 101. 10s. (the earliest German edition in the British Museum is 1751) ; English Presses before 1640 ; Erasmiana ; Greek Presses ; Incunabula ; Secrets, Inventions, and Occult Science ; and Shakespeariana.

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, have Beattie's ' Castles and Abbeys,' 21. 10s. ; Walbran's ' Abbeys,' 41. 4s. (complete copies of this are seldom to be met with) ; Archbishop Parker's rare edition of three Chronicles, including Asser's life of Alfred, 1574, 41. 10s. ; Bewick's ' Quadrupeds,' 1807, 61. 6s. ; valuable books on birds ; second edition of ' Don Quixote,' 1652, 51. 5s.'; Skelton's ' Charles the First ' ; and Cruikshank's ' Lessons of Thrift,' hand- coloured etchings, Boys, 1820, 51. 15s. Under Early Printing are St. Jerome's ' Lives of the Holy Fathers,' Venice, 1483 ; ' The Decrees of Pope Gregory IX.,' 1482; and Thomas a Kempis, 12mo, 1486. Hayward's 'Edward the Sixt,' 1630, and Milles's ' Heraldry,' 1608, are notable, as are items under Tudor Law, Kelmscott Press, Naval (including Pepys's ' State of the Royal Navy of England,' first edition, 1690), Walter Pater, Plantin's Press ; the second edition of ' The Faerie Queen,' fine copy, 1611, 10/. 10s. ; and MacGillivray's 'Natural History of Dee Side and Braemar,' privately printed by com- mand of Queen Victoria (this copy was presented by Prince Albert to Col. Sir T. Cautley, 1855). There are also a number of bargains for book collectors.

We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."

E. S. MARSHALL ("Impression of Seal"). To us the seal, which we have no means of reproducing, seems modern.

C. H. BICKERTON HUDSON ("Somerset Notes and Queries"). You had better inquire of Messrs. Meehan, of Bath, or Messrs. George's Sons, of Bristol.

CORRIGENDA. Ante, p. 297, col. 1, 1. 15, for "ait" read aut ; and 1. 19, for " sensitus " read sensibus,


Editorial communications should be addressed to " The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lisher" at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.

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