Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/633

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Notes and Queries, July 30, 1904.



B. (W. C.) on ' Edwin Drood ' continued, 37

Epitaphs, their bibliography, 217

February 30, 166

" Fide, sed cui vide," 87

Fulture, 225

Glass manufacture, 51

" Hanged, drawn, and quartered," 356, 410

" Jenion's Intack," 477

"Kick the bucket," 314

" Kissed hands," 135

London rubbish at Moscow, 257

Lynold family, 307

Manor Rolls, guide to, 272

Mayor's seal for confirmation, 447

Mount Grace le Ebor', its records, 198

'Oxford English Dictionary,' 193

P. P., Clerk of the Parish,' 137

Parkins (Dr.), 51

Pindar family, 135

' Plumpton Correspondence,' 466

' Practice of Piety,' 15

Public school, our oldest, 257

Purlieu : Bow -rake : Buck-leap, 85

" Sal et saliva," 432

Sex before birth, 406

Sherlock, 426

Sleep and Death, 315

" Son confort et liesse," 232

Stow, misprints in Thoms's edition, 205

Turner : Canaletto, 217 B. (W. E.) on Latin lines, 373 B r (R.) on engravings, 336

Martello towers, 356

Oak, the ash, and the ivy, 35

Penrith, 156

Tideswell and Tideslow, 52 B s (R.) on diabread, 126 Babar (Emperor), his memoirs, 1 47 Badger in the bag, game, 289, 355 Bagshaw (Samuel), his ' History, Gazetteer, and Directory of the County of Kent,' 1847, 9, 152, 295 Bairn, Scotch word used in Lincolnshire, 415 Bala, weather at, 347 Balbus on Penrith, 97

Baldock (G. Yarrow) on medical barristers, 32 Ball (F. Elrington) on John Wainwright, Baron of

the Exchequer in Ireland, 55 Banns of marriage, time of their publication, 18 Baptism, "sal et saliva" in, 368, 431, 514 Baptist Minister on Temple College, Philadelphia, 207 Barbers, famous references to, 290, 375, 513 Barbey-Boissier (Madame) on Louis XVII., 267 Barclay- Allardice (R.) on long lease, 32

Parish register to stop a rat's hole, 266 Bardsley's ' Dictionary of Place-names,' error in, 505 Barnes(Barnaby),plotof 'The Devil'sCharter,'467, 509 Barrar, use and meaning of word, 349, 434, 478, 515 Barrett College, North Carolina, its fictitiousdegrees, 45 Barristers, medical, 32

Barrow, use and meaning of word, 349, 434, 478, 515 Bartholeyns (A. O'D.) on picture by Frith, 67 Bartolozzi, ' Life ' by M. Missirini, 289 Baskish and Ainoo languages, 264, 297, 432, 513 Baskish Bible, 284, 315 Baskish legends, their recitation, 190, 493 Basle, Council of, Heine's legend, 8, 397

Bass Rock music, 308, 374, 437

Batchelor (John), his Ainoo dictionary, 265

Bates (E. F.) on Aristotle and moral philosophy, 405

Marlowe and Shakespeare, 75 Bath, Richard Nash at, 32, 96 ; Nelson at, 366 Batley, Easter sepulchre at, 1509, 265 Batrome (John), carved woodwork by, 88, 173, 252,

338, 378

Batson (H. M.) on Mortimer, 109 Battlefield sayings, 268, 375, 437 Baxter (F. W.) on Baxter's oil printing, 490 Baxter (George), his patent oil printing process, 427, 490 Bayley (A. R.) on Becket's martyrdom, 451

Bradley, co. Southampton : Clark family, 456

Camden on surnames : Musseiwhite, 314

Charles the Bold, 232

Crowns in tower or spire of church, 17

Dee (Dr.), his magic mirror, 16

Dorsetshire snake-lore, 253

Dryden portraits, 435

Egremont (Earl of), 192

Fair Maid of Kent, 374

" Feed the brute," 416

Fettiplace, 396

Ghent, its arms, 168

Hall (John), Bishop of Bristol, 72

Hartley (William), 198, 316

Marlborough and Shakespeare, 177

Nelson and Wolsey, 376

' Oxford University Calendar,' 92

Public school, our oldest, 215, 257

Reade, 393

Rous or Rowse family, 97

St. Dunstan, 216

Shadwell's ' Bury Fair,' 221

Walbeoff family, 413 Bayne (T.) on anon, 337

Craik (Georgiana M.), 346

Hasped, 366

Hockey, 385

Irving's ' History of Scotish Poetry,' 325

Oonalaska, 486

Pennecuik (Alexander), gent., 386

Phrase : what is it ? 427

Scotch words and English commentators, 261, 456

Shanks's mare, 345

Watts's hymns, 508 Beadnell family, 17, 515

Beardshaw (H. J.) on "Run of his teeth," 478 Beating the bounds, origin of the custom, 489 Beaven (A. B.) on Mark Hildesley, 475 Beaumont (Sir Thomas), of Whitley Hall, co. York,

his motto, 87 Beaumont and Fletcher's ' Valentinian,' quotation from,

405 Becket (St. Thomas k), his martyrdom, references and

illustrations, 388, 450

Beggi (F. O.), book collector, his biography, 148, 198 Begum. See Bhopal and Sumroo. Belben (P.) on " send " of the sea, 456 Bell: Dead bell: Passing bell, use of custom, 308, 350 Bell (R.), his edition of Chaucer, 404 "Bellamy's" in English and Australian Houses of

Legislature, 169, 352, 518

Bells: "ringingthebellsaukeoraukert(awkward),"179 Belludo, supernatural horse of Spain, 417