Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/634

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Notes and Queries, July 30, 1904.

Bensly (E.) on authors of quotations, 433

Burton's 'Anatomy of Melancholy,' 42, 163, 203, 282 Horace, first edition of, 338 Latin quotations, 437, 496 Weather, 38

Bent (M.) on Japanese names, 238 Beranger's letter to M. Paques, 165 Berlioz (Hector) and Emanuel Swedenborg, 26 Betham -Ed wards (M.) on women voters in counties

and boroughs, 327

Beveridge (A. S.) on Babar's memoirs, 147 Beverley, Easter sepulchre at, 1526, 265 Bewley (Sir E. T.) on Heardlome : Heech, 29 Beyle (Henri), his use of " de," 34 Bezar stone, its properties, 1 1 3 Bhopal (Begum of), 14, 68

Bianchi (Nicomede), Italian historian, his MSS., 349 Bible, Robert Boyle on, 186 ; Baskish translation, 284, 315 ; original of St. Paul's " slowbellies," 405 ; "Let the dead bury their dead," 488 Bil)le texts, phrases doing duty for, 205 Bibliography:

JEsop in Greek, 268

Ainoo and Baskish, 264, 297, 432

Alcott (Louisa M.), ' Eight Cousins,' 489

Animals, their immortality, 169, 256, 336

' Athenae Cantabrigienses,' 348, 412

Barnes (Barnaby), ' The Devil's Charter,' 467

Bartolozzi, 289

Baskish legends, 190, 493

Bianchi (N.), his MSS., 349

Boer War, 1881, 226, 277, 395

Bookselling and publishing, 81, 142, 184, 242,

304, 342

Britons, ancient, 169

Burton's 'Anatomy of Melancholy,' 42, 163, 203, 282 Campbell (T.), Prof. L. Campbell's edition, 486 Channel Islands, earliest printing in, 349, 436 Chaucer ; R. Bell's edition, 404 Close (Poet), 409 Cobden, 481 Cornish lexicology, 326 Crabbe, 86

Craik (Georgiana M.), her first novel, 346 'Creevey Papers,' 285, 355, 436 Dee (John), 241 Dibdin (Charles), 463, 502

Dickens, continuations of ' Edwin Drood,' 37, 331 Dyer (Sir Ed.), " My mind to me a kingdom is," 487 Easter, 265

Epitaphs, 44, 173, 217, 252, 334 French poems and folk-songs, 409 Gaboriau, ' Marquis d'Angival,' 428 Gibson (Charles Bernard), 106 Goethe, translations of ' Wilhelm Meister,' 489 Goldsmith (O.), 'Vicar of Wakefield' in French, 489 ' Graduati Cantabrigienses,' 348 Gray's ' Elegy ' in Latin, 487 Gray's Inn, ' Ancient Orders ' of, 367, 434 ' Grenadier's Exercise of the Grenado,' 347, 412 Harvey (Gabriel), whereabouts of his books, 267 Herondas, his date, 68, 216, 336 Horace, first edition, 103, 338 Hugo (Victor), ' Les Abeilles Imperiales,' 348, 391 Irving (Dr. D.), his 'History of Scotish Poetry,'325 Jaggard-printed books, 506

Bibliography :

Jonson (Ben), his ' Alchemist,' 223

Leigarraga, German reprint, 284, 315

L'Estrange, ' Merry Thoughts in a Sad Place ' 141, 193, 250

Luther (Martin), his " distich," 409

Macklin (Charles), 506

Methodist, 328

Milton (John), " painted and popped," 407

Missirini (Melchiore), ' Life of Bartolozzi,' 289

Mottley (John), dramatist, 367

Name origins, 329

' Oxford English Dictionary,' 146, 193, 255

Parkins (Dr. John), of Little Gonerby, 15, 51

Peck (William), 348, 434, 513

Penn (William), 'Fruits of Solitude,' 190, 275

Pennecuik (Alexander), 513

'Plumpton Correspondence,' errors in, 466

Publishing and bookselling, 81, 142, 184, 242, 304, 342

Raynsford (Capt. - Lieut. John), ' The Yong bouldier,' 428, 477, 512

Sarpi (Paolo), his ' Council of Trent,' 408

' Scots Peerage,' 404

Shadwell (Thomas), his ' Bury Fair,' 221

Shakespeare (W.), Venus and Adonis, 310; his books, 465

Shorthouse (J. H.), 'John Inglesant,' 289, 357

Sicily, 128

Stamp collecting, 322

Stephen (Sir Leslie), 'English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth Century,' 288, 357

Taylor (Jeremy), ' Holy Living,' 406

Teedon (Samuel), his diary, 473

Biddenden Maids, their history and bequests, 324, 391 Biddy, derivation of the word, 272, 431 Bijou, brazen, kitchen utensil, 369, 455 Billiards, Herbert Spencer on, 48, 113 Bilson (J.) on a French cloister in England, 207 Birch (H.) on Birch, Burch, or Byrch families, 328 Birch, Burch, or Byrch families, 328, 417 Birch-sap wine, its manufacture, 18, 98 Bird (John), Suffragan Bishop of Pentruth, 1527-39,

29, 97, 156, 275, 354

Birds' eggs, their collecting, 327, 372, 453 Birkbeck (R.) on miniature of Isaac Newton, 248, 414 Birkenhead on lines attributed to Wordsworth, 448 Birth-marks, their cause, 362, 430, 493 Biset (Margaret), maid of Queen Eleanor, her death, 4(J8 Bisk, derivation of the word, 138 Bismarck (Prince) on the Cretans, 406 Bitton Church .epitaph on Sir J. Seymour in, 87, 137, 232 Black (W. G.) on derivation of bridge, 394 "Gallants of Fowey," 505 " Go for "=attack, 225

" Little Mary," 70 Mosky, 266 "

Blackwall, ministerial whitebait dinner at, 213 Blaikley (R.) on step-brother, 329 Blakeney (E. H.) on Tennyson on Britain, 166 Blaker (R.) on ancient Britons, 169 Blin family, 428, 517 Blin-Stoyle (B. W.) on Blin, 428

Stoyle, 349

Blue eggs used in May Day celebrations, 126, 173 Boast, etymology of the word, 18