Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/646

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Notes and Queries, July 30, 1904.

Heuskarian translation of the Bible, 284, 315

Heward (W. L.) on storming of Fort Moro, 448

Hibernia, See Ireland.

Hibgame (F. T.) on brazen bijou, 369

Children of the Chapel, 458
Close (Poet), 409
Coffin House, 493
Cope, 174
Crouch, the musical composer, 248
Dorsetshire snake-lore, 333
Evil eye, 508
Gaboriau's 'Marquis d'Angival,' 428
Hinds (Dr. Samuel), 227 Hessel (Phœbe), 406
Little Wild Street Chapel, 77
Nelson at Bath, 366
Passing bell, 351

Hieroglyphics, references to the supernatural in, 290

Higden (Ralph) and Thomas Usk, 245

Higgin (L.), his 'Spanish Life in Town and Country,' 326

High Stewards of cathedrals, 348, 412

Higham (C.) on Berlioz and Swedenborg, 26

Hildesley (John), memorial at Hemingford Abbats, 414

Hildesley (Mark), memorial in Lincoln's Inn Chapel, 344, 414, 475

Hill (G.) on Camden on surnames: Musselwhite, 248

Hilson (J. Lindsay) on passing bell, 350

Hinds (Dr. Samuel), formerly Bishop of Norwich, 227, 351, 415, 517

Hio on "Crown and Three Sugar Loaves," 167

Hippoclides on "As merry as griggs," 94

"Ashes to ashes," 387
Thackeray quotation, 189
West-Country fair, 48

History "made in Germany," 5

Hitchin-Kemp (F.) on Samuel Haynes, 334

Heirloom cots. 207
Historical geography of London, 258
Yeoman of the Crown, 457

Hobby-horse dancing, 5, 296

Hobgoblin's claws, in Mortimer's 'Husbandry,' 93

Hockday and a pottage called hok, 187, 496

Hockey in 1785, Cowper on, 385

Hodges (W.) on "As merry as griggs," 36

Hodgkin ( J. Eliot) on Pig and Kill-pig, 105

Playbills, earliest, 71
'Poliphili Hypnerotomachia,' errors in, 4

Hogan (J. F.) on Hell, Heaven, and Paradise, 332

Hogarth, Act of Parliament bearing his name, 369

Hok pottage and Hockday, 1 87, 496

Holinsworth (C. B.) on glowworm or firefly, 112

Holles (Gervaise), his church notes and other MSS., 208, 251; and the aurora borealis in Lincolnshire, 242

Holt (Henry Frederick and Walter Lockhart) inquired after, 29

Holyoake (G. J.) on Sir Edward Dyer, 487

Hone (N.) on martyrdom of St. Thomas, 450

Hone family, 389

Hood (Lord), letter on Martello towers, 477

Hooker (Sir Joseph D.) on isabelline as a colour, 487

Hooligan in Russian, 125

Hooper (J.) on birth-marks, 362

Bristow on Eugene Aram, 389
Cathedral High Stewards, 348
Fable from Ariosto, 290
"Sal et saliva," 368

Hooper (J.) on "Scole Inn," Norfolk, 394

Hope (H. Gerald) on Carson, 52

Clavering: De Mandeville, 213
Hastings (Warren), his first wife, 494
"I expect to pass through," 433
Immurement alive of religious, 152
Jacobite wineglasses, 392
Louis XVII., 375
MacElligott (Col. Roger), 294
Marlborough and Shakespeare, 353
Mary, Queen of Scots, 90
Premier Grenadier of France, 384
Raleigh's head, 197
St. Fina of Gimignano, 415
Westminster changes in 1903, 355

Hope (J. E. S.) on the 'Times,' 1962, 470

Hopkins (F. A.) on William Willie, 257

Hopson (Admiral Sir T.), 1643-1717, his marriage, 269

Horace, first edition, 103, 338

Horn (Alexander) and the 'Incendium Divini Amoris,' 2

Horn dancing, revival of the custom, 5, 296

Horneck (Mary) and Oliver Goldsmith, 310

Horner (S.) on 'Ancient Orders of Gray's Inn,' 434

Horse, Latin for "roping" a, 448, 513

Horse or horses, plural in Shakespeare, 342, 424

Horses of Duke of Wellington, 329, 416

Hough (John), Bishop of Winchester, anecdote of himself, 431

Housden (J. A. J.) on "Disce pati," 316

Envelopes, 57
Grahamize, 505
Privy Council under James L, 131

Houses, Roman tenement, 369

Howard and Dryden families, 87

Howard (W.) on John Mottley, dramatist, 367

Howell (M.A.), on 'Astræa Victrix,' 7

Huddersfield history, 107

Hudson (C. M.) on Browning's text, 208

Hudson (Tom), his 'My Oak Table,' 16

Hughes (T. Cann) on Bagshaw, 295

Birch, Burch, or Byrch families, 417
Comber family, 212
Fellows of the Clover Leaf, 7
Ferrar (Nicholas), his 'Harmonies,' 108
Holt (Henry Frederick and Walter Lockhart), 29
Lament harp, 329
Leche family, 397
Manning (Rev. C. Robertson), 67
Pannell, 172
Roman Lanx, 86
Syer-Cuming collection, 409
Tickling trout, 274
Welsbach (Caspar), 509
Wolverhampton pulpit, 407

Hugo (Victor), his 'Les Abeilles Impériales,' 348, 391

Hulton (Blanche) on " Barrar," 435

Engravings, 309

Hundred Courts still existing, 127, 197

Hunter-Blair (Sir D. Oswald) on "Sal et saliva," 432

Huntington family, 389

Huntley (Mrs.) on carved stone, 109

Huquier, father and son, French engravers in England, 469

Hussey (A.) on Cathedral High Stewards, 412

Chair of St. Augustine, 473
Easter Day, Kentish custom on, 391