Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/647

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Notes and Queries, July 30, 1904.



Hussey (A.) on Guncaster, 518

" Mustlar " : " Musky 11," 228

Potts family, 434

Procession door, 468

Torch and taper, 109

Yeoman of the Crown, 208 Hutchinson (John) on Raleigh, its pronunciation, 90

Shakespeariana, 161 Hutchinson (M. B.) on Ipswich Apprentice Books, 41,

111 Hutchinson (T.) on Lamb, Coleridge, and Mr. May,

61, 109

Hydrophobic patients smothered, 65, 176, 210, 332 Hymn-writer, leper, 227, 297 Hymns : " O come, all ye faithful," 10, 54 Hymns by Isaac Watts, 508 I. on ejected priests, 9

Interment in graves belonging to other families, 9

Omega, an old contributor, 8 I. (C. J.) on Roman and Christian chronology, 86

Eliot (George), and blank verse, 14 I. (J. H.) on Marlowe's birth, 491 I. (W.) on King John's charters, 469 lago (W.) on St. Mewbred, 377 Ibague* on accentuation in English, 72

Childbirth folk-lore, 15 Iberian inscriptions in Hibernia, 388, 455 Imaginary or invented saints, 159, 333 Imagination, Napoleon Bonaparte on, 488 Immurement : of nans alive, 50, 152, 217 ; in sea- walls, 288

Incense in post-Reformation times, 178 Indian sport, records of, 349, 397, 455 Indiana on authors of quotations wanted, 297 Ingleby (H. ) on epitaph by Shakespeare, 126

" Kick the bucket," 412

Prescriptions, 409

Tasso and Milton, 202

Ingram (J. H. ) on Poe : a supposed poem, 145 Inman (J. E.), his ' Le Premier Grenadier des Armees

de la Republique,' 385 Innes (J. H.) on ' New Amsterdam,' 161

Inns of Court, married members, 488 Inquirer on Bartolozzi, 289

Inscriptions : on statue of James II., 67, 137 ; near Bowden Parish Church, 85 ; on museum at Christ- church, New Zealand, 268; at Orotava, Tenerife, 361, 455 ; in Hibernia, 388, 455 ; at Santa Cruz, Tenerife, 442 ; on public buildings, 448, 516; at Las Palmas, 482

Intake : " Jenion's Intake," near Chester, 407, 477 Intellectual harvest, late in life, 469 Interment in graves belonging to other families, 9 Ipswich, inscription in St. Margaret's Church, 368, 431 Ipswich Apprentice Books, 41, 111 Ireland, Iberian inscriptions in, 388, 455 Ireni Jacobi Fanny Jessop Cavendish de Rienzi Selina Anna Susannah Skelton Peter, child named, 171

' Irus, ' supposed play by Shakespeare, 349 Irish ejaculatory prayers, 249, 337, 492 Irish historical and artistic relics, 206 Irish House of Commons, Speakers 1660-1780, 227, 293 Irish-printed plays, 84 Irish surnames, their pronunciation, 125 Irving (Dr. David), his ' History of Scotish Poetry,' 325

Isabelline as a colour, 487

Ivy, the oak, and the ash, 35

J. on curious Christian names, 171

J. (F. C.) on Madame de Pompadour's library, 445

J. (F. M.) on copper coins and tokens, 248

Wesley (John) and gardens, 349 J. (J. H.) on "Scole Inn," Norfolk, 454 J. (W. W.) on Rev. Dr. G. D'Oyly, 448 Jack-bar or bijou, 456 Jackson (E.) on Collins, 329 Jackson (F. M.) on Miss Lewen and Wesley, 218

Rankin (Thomas), 366

Jacobin and Jacobite, their differing origins, 15 Jacobite wineglasses, 204, 293, 392 Jaggard (W.) on ' Children of the Chapel,' 459

Collectioner, 28

Inscriptions on public buildings, 516

Jaggard, East Anglian family, 489

Jaggard- printed books, 506

Paste, 477, 510

Poems on Shakespeare, 472

Prescriptions, 454 Jaggard family, 489 Jaggard-printed books, 506 Jago (F. W. P.) on Cornish lexicology, 326 Jamaica newspaper, early, 169

James I., "God's silly vassal," 17; his Privy Coun- cillors, 131

James I. of Scotland, his daughters, 507 James II., inscription on statue, 67, 137 James (Rev. E. B.), his letters on the Isle of Wight,


Janion (C.) on "Jenion's Intack," 407 January weather-lore, 65 Japanese customs on New Year's Day, 25 Japanese date plum, its markings, 212 Japanese ghosts, 176 Japanese master of lies, 485 Japanese monkeys, 334

Japanese names, their pronunciation, 187, 238 Japanese playing cards, 29, 75 Japanese weddings, glass- breaking at, 195 Jarratt (F.) on architecture in old times, 334 Jealousy, water of, Oriental story, 147 Jeer, derivation of the word, 70 " Jenion's Intake," near Chester, 407, 477 Jenkins (H. T.) on North Devon May Day custom, 406 Jenkins's ear, war of, 288 Jerram (C. S.) on glowworm or firefly, 193

Proverbs in the Waverley Novels, 455

"Purple patch, "510 Jessamy bride, meaning of the term, 310 Jessel (F.) on derivation of bridge, 250

Euchre, 13, 116

Japanese cards, 75

Patience, card game, 268 " Jessy " or Cheshire cat in America, 365 Jesus, a form of Joshua, 428, 490 Jevons (F. B.), his ' History of Greek Literature,' 447,

476 ; date of Euripides, 476

Jews, fables as to child-murder by, 15 ; their cemetery in ancient London, 70, 295, 457 ; in London circa 1660, 124 ; and the stage, 449 Joan, daughter of James I. of Scotland, 507 Jode (Gerarde), artist, his biography, 288 Jode (W. L.) on Gerarde Jode, 288