Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/648

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Notes and Queries, July 30, 1904.

"Joe Gurr," slang term for prison, 386, 457 John (King), places in his charters, 469, 512 John of Bologna, statue by, 28 Johnston (C. E.) on Major-General Eyres, 489 Johnston (J. B.) on German quotation, 335 Johnston (W. J.) on Louisa M. Alcott, 489 Jong, Tibetan word in English, 465 Jonson (Ben), his ' Devil is an Ass,' 29 ; his 'Alchemist,' 223; torpedoes anticipated, 286; Pepys on, 292 ; Carlo Buffone in ' Every Man out of his Humour,' 381

Joshua, Jesus a form of the name, 428, 490 Jowett (Prof.) and Dr. Whewell, 386 Julian reckoning, Easter Day by, 324, 352, 390 Jumieges, Abbey of, its reconstruction in England, 207 K. (A. T.) on acerbative, 27

Crown and Three Sugar Loaves," 297 K. (F. M. H.) on Rowe family, 269 K. (H.) on Russian men-of-war, 385 K. (J. H.) on " Creevey Papers," 285, 436

"He who knows not," 235 K. (L. L.) on Nicome de Bianchi, 349 Capsicum, 116

" Chiswick nightingales," 125 Dryden portraits, 435 Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, 26 Lorenzo da Pavia, 76 Pamela, 495

" Riding Tailor " at Astley's, 508 Soulac Abbey, 209 Tatar or Tartar, 11 Tunnelist: tunnelism, 27 Werden Abbey, 111

Kant (Immanuel), his Scotch origin, 467 Kantius on Immanuel Kant, 467 Kappa on hanged, drawn and quartered, 209

Port Arthur, 407

Kean (Edmund), his Jewish strain, 449 Keiley (A. M.) on derivation of bridge, 297 Kernpland (Frederick), Westminster scholar, 126 Kennett (Bishop White), his father, 73 Kent, descendants of the Fair Maid of, 289, 374 Kentish custom on Easter Day, 324, 391 Kenworthy (J.) on Tideswell and Tideslow, 292 Kidd (William Holland), Westminster scholar, 148 King (Sir C. S.) on Lord Gowran, 368

King (Luke) Deputy-Muster-Master, 226 Mitchel and Finlay, bankers, 310 Southwell (Right Hon. E.), 8, 218 Tituladoes, 449

King (F.) on " First catch your hare," 175 King (J.) on tinsel characters, 47 King (Luke), Deputy-Muster-Master, Ireland, 1689.


King of Patterdale, the appellation, 149, 193, 276 King's County, members for county and boroughs,

227, 293

Kings, names of English, 225 Kingston-on- Thames, Queen Elizabeth's School at,

166, 215

Kingston-upon-Hull, Easter sepulchre at, 265 Kipling (Rudyard), his 'Our Lady of the Snows,'

246, 311, 392

Kipples family of Glasgow, 109, 251 Knight in armour, picture of, 29 Knights Templars, points in their cross, 149, 211, 338

Kom Ombo on ' Wilhelm Meister,' 489

Korean and Manchurian names, 265

Krebs (H.) on Siberia, 346

Kroencke (E.), book collector, his biography, 148, 198

Krueger (G-.) on Ash as place-name, 72

German quotation, 339

Immortality of animals, 336

Jeer, 70

"Let the dead bury their dead," 488

"Luther's distich," 473

Pamela, 433

Welsh rabbit, 70 L. on inscription on museum, 268 L. (A. A.) on riddle, 207

L. (E. M.) on " Lost in a convent's solitary gloom," 67 L. (F. de H.) on Warren Hastings's first wife, 494

Hinds (Dr. Samuel), 517 L. (F. F.) on Capt. Death, 48

Woffington (Peg), her letter, 124 L. (G.) on " He who knows not," 277 L. (P.) on " I expect to pass through," 355 L. (H. P.) on derivation of bridge, 189 L. (J. K.) on Capt. Death, 93

Wager, wreck of, 335 L. (M. C.) on Cosas de Espafia, 458

Easter Sunday in 1512 and 1513, 388

Manitoba, 373

" Our Lady of the Snows," 392 L. ( R. M. ) on Persian paintings, 29 L. (W. H.) on " As merry as griggs," 276 L.-W. (E.) on Fellows of the Clover Leaf, 193 La Tour d'Auvergne, Premier Grenadier of France,

384, 470 Lach-Szyrma (W. S.) on Queen Helena, 29

Penrith, 29

Lairstall. See Laystall. Lamb (Charles) and 'Address to Poverty,' 43, 151 ;

and Coleridge and Mr. May, 61, 109 Lamb (Mary) and play at Sadler's Wells, 7, 70, 96, 136 Lamont harp, 329 Lanarth barony, 489 Lancashire and Cheshire wills, 38 Lancaster (Henry, Count of) and Charles the Bold,

189, 232, 335

Landed property in the Franco-German War, 226 Lane (H. Murray) on Charles the Bold, 232

Step-brother, 475

Lane (Mrs.) and Peter Pindar, 226 Langley (G. W.) on " Ovah " bubbles, 169 Language, vicissitudes of, 74 Languages, Charles V. on, 227 Lanx, Roman, found at Welney, 86 Lapland, William Penn on, 190, 275 Las Palmas, inscriptions to Englishmen at, 482 Lasham, place-name, its derivation, 72, 113, 137 Lasham (F.) on Ash place-name, 113 Latham (E.) on "All roads lead to Rome," 112

Anatomie Vivante, 138

Coup de Jarnac, 197

" Eternal feminine," 234, 496

Excommunication of Louis XIV., 69

" First catch your hare," 254

French miniature painter, 137

French proverbial phrases, 3, 485

"Mais on revient toujours," 35

" Morale," 204