Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/548

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[10 S. XII, Dec. 4, 1909

books of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (at 9 S. xii. 3, col. 1, an example was given of a wrong reference in 'The Anatomy of Melancholy,' probably due to misreading xiiii. as xiii.).

In recent years, by a kind of revival, the older forms have been sometimes used in numbering the divisions of Latin books. Munro, for instance, printed iiii., viiii., xiiii., &c., in his edition of Horace (1869).

Edward Bensly.


The numeral 14 can be represented by xiv. or xiiii. In the 'Siglarium Romanum' in Bailey's edition of the 'Lexicon Facciolati' both forms are given, Ursatus being referred to for both. There are many examples of iiii. for iv. in the 'Siglarium.'

One can find plenty elsewhere, e.g. "Gustos Leg. XIIII.," "vixit ann. XXVIIII.," "vixit ann. XXIIII.," "regionum XIIII.," "dies XIIII." ('Inscriptiones Sacrosanctæ Vetustatis,' collected by Petrus Apianus and Barptholomeus Amantius, Ingolstadii, m.d.xxxiiii., pp. 81, 166, 167, 195, 468).

In the 'Chorus Poetarum Classicorum,' Lugduni, m. dcxvi., the Fourth Book of Lucretius is headed "Liber IV.," while the page-headings are "Lib. IIII."; the fourth Æneid is "Lib. IV." and "Lib. IIII." In the same book in Horace's Odes the 14th of the First Book is "Ode XIV.," that of the Second Book is "Ode XIIII."

In 'La France Métallique,' par Jacques de Bie, Paris, m.dc.xxxiiii., are many examples of iiii for iv., e.g., plate 6, medal of Carolus Magnus dated dcclxxiiii.; plate 10, medal of Carolus I. dated dccclxxiiii.

Note the dates of two of the above books.

On at all events some of our coins of 1822 the king is Georgius IIII.

Robert Pierpoint.

Cire-perdue Process and Sir J. Savile Lumley (10 S. xii. 387).—There is in the British Museum (under 'Lumley') a 'Report on Bronze-Casting in Belgium' (London, 1883) by Sir J. Savile Lumley (fol., pp. 17).

L. L. K.

Edmund, Baron de Harold (10 S. xii. 108).—Edmund, titular Baron de Harold, was b. at Limerick, 1737, of a family claiming descent from that son of Harold II. who fled to Ireland ('Freiherrl. Taschenbuch,' 1858). He entered the Bavarian service, and in 1787 was colonel commanding the Konigsfeld Regiment, a Gentleman of the Bedchamber to H.M.S.H. the Elector Palatine, and member of the German Society of Mannheim, of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of London, and of the Academy of Düsseldorf.[1] He d. 28 June, 1800 ('Freihl. Taschen.'), not 1808.

James Lewis Harold, his son or nephew (b. at Düsseldorf 26 July, 1766), a lieutenant-general in the Bavarian army and Commandant of Munich, was 5 Ap., 1813, naturalized and received into the Bavarian nobility; and 29 Oct., 1820, created Baron Harold (Freiherr von Harold) in that kingdom.

The title became extinct on the death s.p.m. of Adalbert, 5th Baron, 20 Nov., 1884. His only dau. and h. married, 18 May, 1893, Otto, Baron Boith von Boithenberg. Fuller particulars will be found in 'The Nobilities of Europe,' for 1910. Ruvigny.

Fair Rosamond (10 S. xii. 209, 298).—The story of Fair Rosamond first appeared, I think, in Holinshed's 'Chronicle,' 1577. Daniel's 'Complaint of Rosamond' was published in 1592. 'The Ballad of Fair Rosamond' in Deloney's 'Strange Histories; or, Songs and Sonnets of Kinges, Princes, Dukes, Lords, Ladyes, Knights, and Gentlemen,' was published in 1612. Mr. Ashton ('Chapbooks of the Eighteenth Century,' 1882) believes the earliest precursor of the modern chapbook to be 'The Life and Death of Fair Rosamond, King Henry the Second's Concubine, and how she was Poysoned to Death by Queen Eleanor. Printed for F. Coles' (circa 1640). Lowndes assigns 1677 as the date of publication, but probably Mr. Ashton is the more trustworthy. A facsimile title-page in Mr. Ashton's volume, from a copy "Printed and sold in Aldermary Church Yard, London," is undated, but was probably 1720 or 1723. It has on the title a woodcut of the Queen, dagger in hand, standing in front of Rosamond, who, on her knees, with ludicrously woebegone visage, and holding the cup of poison, evinces marked repugnance to swallow the deadly draught.

The Scottish chapbooks dealing with Rosamond, of which quite a number were published, are all of a much later date than the one referred to above. I know of five issues—two in Stirling, one in Falkirk (described ante, p. 298), and two in Glasgow. Of these the earliest, 'The Life and Death of Fair Rosamond, Concubine to King Henry the Second, shewing how she

  1. Title-page of 'Poems of Ossian,' lately discovered by Edmund, Baron de Harold, published at Düsseldorf, 1787.