Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/549

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10 s. xii. DEC. 4, 1909.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


was poisoned by Queen Eleanor ' bears the imprint " Stirling : Printed and sold by C. Randall. 1807, n pp. 24. It is in verse, as are also the two following : ' ' The Life and Death of Fair Rosamond, Concubine to King Henry II. To which is added, The Lass o' Gowrie. Stirling : Printed for the Booksellers, ' ? pp. 8, undated, but circa 1817, and the Falkirk publication, also undated, but not earlier than 1820.

Both the Glasgow versions of Fair Rosa- mond are in prose. I subjoin a note of them from copies lying before me :

" The History of Fair | Rosamond, | the beautiful Mistress of | King Henry the Second. | Her Birth and Education | at the Nunnery of Godstow. | And her Death. | Glasgow : | W. & R. Inglis & Co. | 203 Gallowgate." Pp.24.

On the title-page is a woodcut of a young woman holding aloft a bird in a cage, while a cat on the ground at her feet watches the proceeding with evident interest. This chapbook travesties history, representing Rosamond as spared by the Queen, and dying at last in the odour of sanctity. It is undated, but is circa 1850. The other copy is entitled :

"History of | Fair Rosamond, | otherwise Eleanor Clifford ; | and her | Royal Paramour, Henry the Second, j King of England. | With an Affecting Account of her melan- | choly and terrible death, | at the hands of the | Injured Queen Eleanor | at the Bower of Woodstock. | | Glasgow : | Printed for the Booksellers." 1878, pp. 21.

It contains a woodcut portrait of ajady, who in other chapbooks does duty for Mary Queen of Scots. WALTER SCOTT.


THE LAST PRIOR OF TWYNHAM (10 S. xii. 221, 315). Mr. Herbert Druitt has not only sent me the following notes, but has also kindly allowed me to print them :

" A fine slab of Purbeck marble lying just west of the eastern chapel of the south choir aisle, called Draper's Chapel, measures Oft. Sin. by 4 ft. 6 1 in. There is no indent of a brass, but there is a marginal inscription in fine Gothic lettering on a fillet 7 in. wide : (W.) * Tumba lohis Draper (N.) uicesimi sexti prioris huius ecclesie qui

obiit xxix die

(E.) mensis Septeo Anno dni Mille mo (S.) CCCCCP LII CITIUS Anime propicietur deus

Amen. (Slab worn.)

" The inscription and the borders of the fillet are filled with black mastic.

" The stone screen of Perpendicular work with Renaissance details has an inscription along the top in faded red lettering in a Lombardic style :

. Anno : Domini . Millesimo : [canopy] qvingen- tesimo : xxix :,

" Over the canopy in centre over doorway is IHS ; and over the door a shield whereon is painted a representation of a church with central spire, with on either side the letters ID.

" On Thursday, 28 Oct., 1819, at an adjourned vestry meeting, the space for erecting a pew adjoining the pulpit was sold, under the conditions that the purchaser was to erect a good and suffi- cient pew of the height of the adjoining pew ; to bear all expenses incidental to removing the pulpit, reading desks, &c. ; and also to the removing the head stone of the late Prior John Draper, and making good the floor, &c. The pew was to be ' for three lives,' with a ' power of re- newal by paying one guinea fine, on the death of each of the said lives.' Ferrey says, p. 46 n : ' Some remains of Prior Draper were found beneath it, together with a part of his vestments and crosier.'

" In the third edition of Mackenzie Walcott's 'Memorials of Christchurch-Twynham ' (1883), p. 71, it is stated that ' the gravestone was re- moved in 1822 to the south choir aisle, in front of his chantry chapel.'

" Whether the remains were moved also I do not know ; nor do I know who now has the pewter chalice and paten found in the grave. Parts of the leather shoe-straps and a piece of candle taken from the grave were formerly in the posses- sion of the late Francis Bernard Argyle, a local antiquary who was a Roman Catholic ; from him they passed to a priest, and are probably still in existence.

"It is just possible that the stone stood on a low plinth above the level of the floor, as its con- dition does not show much sign of wear from being trodden on. At any rate, the floor under the lantern was at a higher level than that of the nave ; but ill-judged ' restoration ' has destroyed all traces of this interesting arrangement."


ST. MARGARET'S, WESTMINSTER, THE EAST WINDOW : PRINCE ARTHUR, 1502 (10 S. xii. 269, 357). I am very much obliged to MR. HARLAND-OXLEY for his interesting reply to my query ; Rickman's pamphlet promises to be of considerable interest, and his offer of the loan of it is gratefully accepted. Rickman assisted Miss Hackett on the restoration of Crosby Hall, 1833-5.

Walcot (' History of the Church of St. Margaret,* p. 9), writing of the preservation of the window by General Monk, says :

" After lying a long time cased up Mr. Coriyers, of Copt Hall in Essex, bought it for his chapel near Epping at a cost of fifty guineas. Here it remained until his son built a new house, and finally sold it to the committee for repairing and beautifying St. Margaret's, for four hundred guineas, in 1758."

Farmer, * History of the Abbey of Walt- ham,'- 1735, has no mention of this window being at Copt Hall, but describes (p. 64) how the windows there were destroyed :

"In the year of our Lord 1639, in November, here happened a Hurricane or Wild-Wind, which, entering in at the East Window, blew that down,