Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/550

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and carried some part thereof, with the picture of the Lord Coventry (singled from many more which hung on both sides, untouched all the Length of the Gallery, being fifty-six yards), out of the West Window, which it threw down to the ground. It seems the Wind, finding this Room in the Form of a Trunk and coarcitated [sic] therein, forced the

  • Stones of the first Window like Pellets clear

through it."

This, however, does not add to our know- ledge of the east window of St. Margaret's. ALECK ABRAHAMS.

Describing the St. Margaret's painted window in ' The Romance of London/ John Timbs quotes the opinion of Mr. Winston, " the great authority on glass painting,' 1 who speaks of the window as " the most beautiful work .... that I am acquainted with/* The quotation (about seven lines) may possibly occur in Winston's ' Difference of Style in Ancient Glass Paintings/ 2 vols, new edition, 1867, or his ' Memoirs of Glass Painting,' 1865. WALTER SCOTT.

Visitors to St. Margaret's can there buy copies of a " History and Description of the

Windows by Mrs. J. E. Sinclair. 6th

edition, revised, n which appears from Canon Hensley Henson's preface to have been published in 1906. The east window is described on pp. 5, 6, and the history of the

flass from the time when it was " ordered in 499 " is given on pp. 6-8 of this guide. The following statements occur on p. 5 :

"At the foot of the Cross on the right is the kneeling figure of Arthur, Prince of Wales, whose early death altered so materially the history of England. It is the only certain portrait of this promising young Prince, as I was informed by the learned Dean [Farrar], that is extant ; which fact alone adds to the historic value of the window."

Should these statements be accepted as correct ? I raise the question because in Archwologia, xlix. (1886), there is an article by the late Sir George Scharf ' On a Votive Painting of St. George and the Dragon/ &c., in which he expressed the view (p. 254) that the kneeling figure was of Henry VIII., and also stated (p. 284) that " we possess several pictorial representations ll of Prince Arthur, and mentioned some. H. C.

" TAILED n IN FULLER (10 S. xii. 347, 398). The passage quoted by SIR JAMES MURRAY occurs in Fuller's 'Church History of Britain/ Book XI. section i. sub-section ii., and refers to the treatment of " a Divine named Montague " by the Commons in 1626. James Nichols, who printed and edited the edition in three volumes published by Tegg, London, 1837,, puts the word in italics (vol. iii. p. 338), and in his preface (vol. i.

p. iii) mentions it among a list of words seldom used that he has left unchanged. He there gives the meaning as " fined/* I thought at first it might be a mistake for " bailed/* but in the first edition, London, 1655, we read as follows :

" His Majesty signifyed to the Parliament that he thought his chaplains (whereof Mr. .Montague was one) might have as much protection as the servant of an ordinary Burgess : neverthelesse his bond of two thousand pounds wherewith he was tailed, continued uncancelled, and was called on the next Parliament." 'Church-History. Endeavoured by Thomas Fuller,' London, 1655, folio.


DRINKING TOBACCO (10 S. xii. 369). The following quotations may be worth noting :

" A Dry Dinner, not only Caninum Prandium, without Wine, but Accipitrinum, without all drinke except Tabacco (which also is but Dry Drinke) : herein not like to be liked by many." ' Dyets Dry Dinner,' by Henry Buttes, Maister of Artes, and Fellowe of C.C.C. in C., 1599 (in ' The Epistle Dedicatorie ' to Lady Anne Bacon, near the end).

According to Aulus Gellius, xiii. 30, " caninum prandium n means " an abstemi- ous repast without wine/ 4 because a dog drinks no wine. " Accipitrinum " is appa- rently a supposititious word. Does the hawk drink no water ?

" By making him drink healths, tobacco, dance," &c. 'The Second Part of The Honest Whore,' Act I. sc. i. Dodsley's ' Collection of Old Plays,' 1825, vol. iii. p. 398.

Appended is this foot-note :

" To drink tobacco was a common phrase for smoaking it."

" Thou canst not live on this side of the world, feed well, drink tobacco, and be honoured into the presence, but thou must be acquainted with all sorts of men." ' The Miseries of Inforced Marriage,' Act I. (Dodsley, vol. v. p. 6).

A foot-note gives a quotation from the ' Per- fuming of Tobacco, and the great abuse committed in it/ 1611 :

" The smoke of tobacco (the which Dodoneus called rightly the Henbane of Peru) dnmke and drawen, by a pipe filleth the membranes (meninges) of the braine and astonisheth and filleth many persons with such joy and pleasure, and sweet losse of senses, that they can by no means be without it."

The two plays above mentioned are of about the year 1608. A note in Dodsley, iii. 399, gives the following from Dekker's ' Shoe-makers Holiday/ 1600 :

Roger. Mistris, wil you drink a pipe of tobacco ?

Wife. O fie upon it, Roger, perdy, these filthie Tobacco pipes are the most idle slavering babies that I ever felt.