Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/657

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.



B. (W. C.) on Markham's Spelling- Book, 327

Milner (Dean), 317

Northern and Southern pronunciation, 317

Northumberland and Durham pedigrees, 351

Oblivious, 518

Parry (Bishop Henry), 425

Ramie, 13

Seventeenth-century phrases, 533

Sex before birth, 313

Sexes, their disproportion, 209

Theophany, 505

Tideswell and Tideslow, 77

Waits, 504

Waterloo, 345

Witham, 333 Bacon (Francis), and drama of his age, 129, 195, 331 ;

on electric telegraph, 234 ; and Ben Jonson, 469 Bacon (Francis) or Usher, "The world's a bubble," 407, 471

Bacon -Phillips (J. P.) on Rectors of Crowhurst, 69 Bailey-Kempling (W. ) on De Quincey and ' West- morland Gazette,' 101

Bailiffs also clerics in thirteenth century, 527 Baily (Johnson) on ' Topographia Antique Romae,' 226 Baker (Philip) and rectory of Winwick, 109, 177, 258 Bale, figure on Cathedral at, 149 Ball (F. Elrington) on Tituladoes, 16

Tynte book-plate, 19

Bananas, Canary and West Indian, 409, 476 Bankrupts in 1708-9, 487 Banks and his horse Morocco, 282 Baptism, salt in, 55 Barclay- A llardice (R.) on Bideford Freeman Roll, 325

Dago, 247

Dog-names, 470

" Get a wiggle on," 28

High Peak words, 386

Newspaper, first ocean, 157 Barga, Italy, its history, 449, 537 Barkham (Dr. John) and Gwillim's ' Heraldry,' 416, . 495

Barlow (Beatrice), m. Sir Antony Rudd, 29 Barometer by Marinone & Co., 346 Barrage, introduction of the word, 77 Barton (Elizabeth), Holy Maid of Kent, 268, 336 Baskish, " apple " in, 269 Baskology, Charles Godwyn and, 487 Bass Rock music, 74

Basset (Isabella), 1346, her parentage, 69 Bathing-machines, earliest, 67, 130, 230 Battlefield sayings, 275 Bayley (A. R.) on authors of quotations, 295

Book of legal precedents, 437

Carnation, green, in Shakespeare's day, 406

De Keleseye or Kelsey family, 275

Fonts, desecrated, 170

James I. of Scotland, his daughters, 55

Jowett and Whewell, 275

Killed by a look, 257

Mercury in Tom Quad, 532

Moliere, verse translations of, 516

Shakespeare's wife, 428

White Company: naker, 132

Woffington, 174

Bayly or Baily family, of Hall Place and Bileford, 108

Bayne (T.) on Cabyle, 65

"Come live with me," 153

Galapine, 531

Goldsmith and a Scottish paraphraser, 166

' Bardyknute,' 425

Hell, Heaven, and Paradise as place-names, 354

Jacobite verses, 417

' Most Impudent Man Living,' 7

Ramsay (Allan), 386

Scotch words and English commentators, 75

Scott (Sir Walter), his music master, 45

Sycamore : sycomore, 465

Watts (Isaac) and Cowper, 323

Wilson (Prof.) and Burns, 306

Withershins, 76

Beach (Thomas), portrait painter, 285, 332, 371, 408 Beaconsfield. See Disraeli.

Beale (B.), reputed inventor of bathing-machines, 130 Beards, wonderful, 166, 275 Beardshaw (H. J. ) on Wol verb amp ton pulpit, 97 Bears and boars in Britain, 248, 489 Beating the bounds, its origin, 113 Beauchamp (E.) on " Bonnets of blue," 347 Beaver or bever, a meal, 180 Beckenham Church, desecrated font at, 171 Becket (Thomas d,), his martyrdom, 30, 195, 432 Becon (Thomas), rector of Buckland, Herts, 227 Bedr, Mohammed's first battle, 409, 475 Bee superstitions, 26

Beer, sold without licence, 9, 71 ; used in building, 455 Bell (Patrick), Laird of Autermony, 487 Bellewes (G. 0.) on John Laurence, 246 Bell-ringing on 13th August, 1814, 369, 414, 531 Belphete, name inquired after, 308 Benbow (Admiral John), his descendants, 29, 111 Bennett family, of Lincoln, 9, 98 Bensly (Prof. E.) on " Anglica gens est optima flens," 405

Authors of quotations wanted, 477

Burton's ' Anatomy of Melancholy,' 124, 223, 442

Carbery (Countess of), 496

" Disce pati," 412

" Humanum est errare," 293

King's 'Classical and Foreign Quotations,' 281

Latin quotations, 110

Owen (J.) and Archbishop Williams, 146

Scaliger (J. C.), his books, 325 Bernard and Rudkin families, 421 Bernau (C. A.) on Blackett family, 9 Berwick, Steps of Grace at, 426, 516 Beveridge (J. R.) on Loutherbourgh, 389 Bewley (Sir E. T.) on Sir Gilbert Pickering, 421 Bhatinda on silesias : pocketings, 268 Biaccianelli (D.), Italian artist, c. 1870, 468 Bible : ' Gospel of God's Anointed,' its author, 8 ; Id pronounced in public reading, 47; "Let the dead bury their dead," 77; Breeches, its value, 87; printed by Christopher Barker, "1495," 108, 151; Old Testament commentary, 188, 258 j sycomore or sycamore, 465 Bibliography:

Billingsley (Nicholas), 167

Blacklock (Thomas), his 'Poems,' 228

Boccaccio's ' Decameron,' 328, 396

Brewer (Anthony), his 'Lovesick King,' 409, 496