Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/658

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.

Bibliography :

Brewer (E. Cobham), ' Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,' 362

Burns (K.), his 'Tarn o' Shanter,'309

Burton (R.), his ' Anatomy of Melancholy,' 124, 223, 442

Catalogues of seventeenth-century tracts, 388

Christmas, 503

Cobden (Richard), 3, 62, 103, 142

Cole (Jacob), 289

Coleridge (S. T.), 'Poems,' 1808-9, 81, 245; ' Lyrical Ballads,' 1798, 228

Cowley (Abraham), 506

Cowper (W.), letters, 1, 42, 82, 122, 162, 203, 242 ; best biography, 149, 235

Doyle (Sir A., 68

Duelling, 435

Epitaphs, 57, 194, 533

Falconer (Capt.), his 'Voyages,' 185

FitzGerald (E.), song in Tennyson's * Memoir,' 285

Fitzgerald (E. M.) f 141, 214

Gaboriau, 58

German- English Dictionary, 9

Goethe, 57

Goldsmith's 'Present State of Polite Learning,' 309

Gray's ' Elegy ' in Latin, 92, 175

Greene (Robert) : Martine Mar-sixtus, 483

Gwillim's 'Display of Heraldrie,' 328, 416, 495

Halley (Dr. Edmond), 224

Higgins (Godfrey), 184, 276, 331

Heuskarian in the Biscayan dialect, 264

King's ' Classical and Foreign Quotations,' 281

'Liber Landavensis,' 149

Longfellow (H. W.), 226

' Magazine of Art,' 145

Manzoni's ' Betrothed,' 238

Moliere in verse, 448, 516

Omar Khayyam, 322, 398

Philately, 38

Publishers' Catalogues, 50, 118, 357, 455, 518

Publishing and bookselling, 11

Rockall, 47

Rossetti (D. G.), 464

Runeberg, 9, 93

Eutland (John or Gaspar ?) ' Loci Communes,' 189

Scaliger (J. C.), 325

Shakespeare, poems on, 18 ; his books, 464

Shelley (Percy Bysshe), 268

Southey's 'Omniana,' 1812, 305, 410, 530

Stowe's ' Survey,' 341

Thomas (Ralph), his ' Swimming,' 382

' Topographia Antiquae Romse,' 226

' Tracts for the Times,' 347, 398, 452, 492

Tregortha (John), 393

' True Perfection of Cuttwoorkes,' 149

Valentine (Roberto), 27

Vossius (Isaac), 361

Webster (J.) and Sir P. Sidney, 221, 261, 342, 381

Witchcraft, 323

Wotton (Sir Henry), 326, 371, 476 Biddenden maids, story of, discredited, 15 Bideford Freeman Roll, its discovery, 325 Bigg (John), the Dintow hermit, 526 Biggs (H. V.) on Biggs or Bygges family, 346 Biggs or Bygges family, Worcestershire, 346

Bilford, painter, c. 1611, 508

Billingsley (N.) and ' History of St. Athanasius,' 167

Biron-Byron controversy, 50

Birth, determination of sex before, 235, 313

Birth at sea in 1805, 448, 512

Birth-marks, their cause, 516

Biset (Margaret), maid of Queen Eleanor, her death, 69-

Bishops, Scandinavian, 67, 153

Black (W. G.) on Antwerp Cathedral, 57 Barga, Italy, 449 English cardinals' hats, 28 Richard of Scotland, 408 " Sal et saliva," 55

Black Dog Alley, Westminster, 5, 118, 174

Black ram, riding the, 173

Blackett family, 9

Blacklock (Thomas), his ' Poems,' 228, 396

Blagrave (Joseph), 1689, and electric telegraph, 13$

Blairs College portrait of Queen of Scots, 516

Blake (Benjamin), his biography, 447

Bland (Esdras), rector of Buckland, Herts, 227

Blandford (John, Marquis of), his death, 494

Blin-Stoyle (B. W.) on Blysse of Daventry, 323 Edmunds, 307 Parish documents, 476

Blind Freemason, Francis Linley, 269

Blood used in building, 389, 455

Blysse family, of Daventry, Northants, 323

Boarding-houses, Westminster School, 127, 275, 33?

Boars and bears in Britain, 248, 489

Boccaccio's ' Decameron ' and the Roman See, 328, 395

Bohemian villages, 86, 173

Bolingbroke and Bishop Warburton, 7

Boiling, definition of the word, 506

Bonaparte (Napoleon) on England's precedence, 226 ; his horse Marengo, 400

Bonapartes, their genealogy, 525

Bond (F. T.) on vaccination and inoculation, 456

Bonneville-sur-Touques, King John at, 134

Bononcini and Handel, epigram on, 7

Book of Common Prayer with Shakespeare's auto- graph, 248, 332

Book-borrowing : " Read and returned," 348

Book-plate, Tynte, 19

Book-plates, foreign, 287

Books recently published :

Acts of the Privy Council, 1597-8, 199 Alcuin, his Life and Work, byC. J. B.Gaskoin, 240 Alfred (King), Asser's Life of, ed. Stevenson, 278 Amory's (T.) Life and Opinions of John Buncle,

Esquire, 438

Anti- Jacobin, Poems from the, 120 Aucassin and Nicolete, Englished by Lang, 420 Bain's (W. F.) The Great God's Hair, 478 Barbeau's (A.) Life and Letters at Bath, 458 Barnstaple Parish Registers, 1538-1812, 258 Bax's (I.) Cathedral Church of St. Asaph, 498 Besant's (Sir W.) London in Time of Tudors, 298 Birmingham Midland Institute and Birmingham

Archaeological Society, 1903, 399 Blake's (W.) Jerusalem, ed. Maclagan and

Russell, 278

Book-Prices Current, 359 Britten's (F. J.) Old Clocks and Watches, 60 Brooke's (A. St. C.) Slingsby and Slingsby Castle, 178