Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/660

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905,

Books Recently Published :

Shakespeare : Favourite Classics, 139, 299, 337, 458,498 ; Hamlet in the Pocket- Book 01 assies, 240 ; Titus Andronicus, ed. Baildon, 299

Shelley's (P. B.) Complete Poetical Works, ed. Hutchinson, 539

Sidney's (Sir P.) Defence of Poesie, 98

Smith Family, by Compton Reade, 519

Spencer's (B.)* Northern Tribes of Central Australia, 177

Suffolk, its History as disclosed by Existing Eecords, by Copinger, Vol. I., 218

Swinburne's (A. C.) Poems, 240

Tennyson's Poems, Oxford Edition, 520

Thomas's (R.) Swimming, 19, 263

Treherne's (G. G. T.) Eglwys Cymmin Papers, 79

Vagabond Songs and Ballads of Scotland, ed. Ford, 419

Vaughan's(A. 0.) Old Hendrik's Sales, 260

Verney Family, Memoirs, compiled by F. P. and M. M. Verney, 378

Wandesforde of Kirklington and Castlecomer, ed. McCall, 318

Whitaker's Almanack, 1905 Whitaker's Peerage, 1905, 520

"White's (R.) Dukery Records, 238

Who's Who, 1905 Who's Who Year-Book, 1905, 520

Wieland's (C. M.) Adventures of Don Sylvio de Rosalva, 438

Wight, Isle of, "Little Guides" series, 240

Wonderland, 240

Wordsworth's (W.) Poetical Works, ed. Hutchin- son, 139

Worke for Cvtlers, ed. Sieveking, 378

York Library, 120

Yoikshire Notes and Queries, 100, 219 Booksellers' Catalogues, 79, 179, 279, 338, 439, 498 Bookselling and publishing, bibliography of, 11 Boomplatz, regiments engaged at, 148, 251, 292 Booths or vaccaries, derivation of the words, 167 Boswell-Stone (W. G.), his death, 480 Boteler (William, Lord), of Wem, 69 Eothwell (Lord), laying out Lincoln's Tnn Fields, 27 Bottesford or Botesford, in Leicestershire, 349, 416 Bouquet-holder, pilver, probable date, 50, 134 Bourne (B.) on Genevieve Collection, 369 Boyne, William Ill.'s charger at, 321, 370, 415, 453 E r (B.) on epitapbiana, 323

Fonts desecrated, 253

-27, use or omission, 491

Northburgh family, 377

Stob, 495

Bradbrook (W.) on Upton Snodsbury discoveries, 312 Bradford (J. G.) on Samuel Bradford Edwards, 377 Bradford- on- A von, Steward monument at, 444 Bradlaugh medal, 348 Bradley (H.) on final -ed in public reading, 47

Marquois scales, 187

Bragadino (Marcantonio), flayed alive by Turks, 14 Brampton, near Carlisle, Capon Tree at, 285 Bread for the Lord's Day, 209, 538 Breslar (M. L. R.) on " Come, live with me," 89, 434

Intellectual harvest, late, 54

Kaboose, 106 Brewer (Anthony), his ' Lovesick King,' 409, 468, 496

Brewer (E. Cobham), errors in * Dictionary of Phrase

and Fable,' 362

Bridle, a Pelbam, the name, 267 Bridlington, pronunciation of the name, 36, 77 Brie (F. W. D.) on an Anglo-Norman chronicle, 41 Brigstocke (G. R.) on Owen Brigstocke, 237 Byrt of Shropboupe, 449 Barlsey Castle, co. York, 89 Willock of Bordley, 276

Brigstocke (Owen), d. 1746, his biography, 86, 237 Bristol slave ships, 108, 193, 257 Britain, boars and bears in, 248, 489 ; as " Queen of

Isles," 365

British mezzotinters, 481, 521 Broker : "honest broker," 369 Bromley borough coat of arms, 366 Broom-squire, origin of the tfrm, 145, 198, 252 Browne (W.), of Tavistock, his "Inner Temple

Masque," 366 Browning (R.), "Thunder free ; ' in ' Pippa Passes/

73, 193 Browning (W. F.) on false quantities in Parliament*


'Titus Andronicus' on the stage, 366 Browning societies, 67

Bruce (Michael) and couplet, " In every pang," 166 Buchanan (Capt. John), his widow married to Warren

Hastings, 10

Buckingham (Duke of), ode on Purcell's death, 261 Buck! and, Herts, rectors of, 227 Buda-Pest, flying bridge at in 1702, 406, 491 Bugman, Abbe" GrSgoire's error, 246 Building, blood used in, 389, 455 Bulloch (J. M.) on Thomas Blacklock, 396 Gordon (Duchess), 427 Gordon (E.), Sergeant-at-Arms, 347 Gordon (Mrs.), tall Essex woman, 128 Gordon epitaph, 50 Bumper, derivation of the word, 28 Bumping or beating the bounds, its origin, 113 Bunney, UPC of the word, 13, 115 Burchell (Dr. W. J.), his diary and collections, 486" Burial-ground, English, at Lisbon, 448 Burials, intra-mural, their cessation, 394 Burlington, pronunciation of the name, 36, 77 Burneis, meaning of the word, 368 Burns (Robert) and Prof. Wilson, 306 ; Cruik~

shank's designs for ' Tarn o' Sbanter,' 309 ; his

' Twa Dogs ' and Cervantes, 465 ; parody on

" Scots whahae," 488 Burris, meaning of the word, 368 Burton (R.) on Josephus Struthius, 108, 151 ; errors

in Sbilleto's edition of 'Anatomy of Melancholy,.

124, 223, 442

Bussemaker (Prof), of Groningen, his writings, 527 Butcher Hall Street, derivation of the name, 28, 117 Butler (Gabriel), of Farewell, co. Southampton, 527 Butler (Geoffrey) on Gabriel Butler, 527 Butler (John), M.P. for Sussex, date of birth, 129 Buttery, derivation of the word, 167 Buzzing, explanation of, 167 Bygges or Biggs family, Worcestershire, 346 Byrom (J.), epigram on Handel and Bononcini, 7 Byron-Biron controversy, 50 Byroniana, 'Sequel to Don Juan,' 55 Byrt (James), of Shrophouse, 449