Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/659

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.



Books recently published :

Browne's (Sir T.) Christian Morals, 399 Buckle's (H. T.) History of Civilization, 319 Burke's (Sir B.) Peerage, 1905, 540 Burlington Magazine, 40, 139, 220, 320, 479 Burney's (F.) Cecilia, ed. Ellis, 299 Burns (ft.), Life, by T. F. Henderson, 20 ;

Poetical Works, ed. by Robertson, 139 Butler's (S.) Essays on Art, Life, and Science,

219 Calendar of Inquisitions post Mortem : Vol. I.

Henry III., 479 Calverley's (C. S.) Verses, Translations, and

Fly-leaves, 38

Cambridge Modern History, Vol. VII., 77 haucer's (G.) Man of Law's Tale: Nun's

Priest's Tale, 39 ; Squire's Tale, ib. ; Prioress's

Tale and other Tales, 519 Clifton's(E.) Nouveau Dictionnaire, ed. McLaugh-

lin, 259

Constable (John), by A. B. Chamberlain, 139 Copinger (W. A.) Suffolk as disclosed by Existing

Records, Vol. I., 218 Corbett's (J. S.) England in the Mediterranean,

119 Cowley's (A.) Several Discourses by Way of

Essays, ed. Minchin, 239 Crashaw's (R) Poems, 120 Cresswell's (B. F.) Quantock Hills, 60 Cunnington's (S.) Story of Arithmetic, 320 Cupid and Psyche, ed. Rouse, 259 Dante, Studies in, by E. Moore, 198 ; Early

Lives of, trans, by P. H. Wicksteed, 519 Dickens's (C.) Cricket on the Hearth, 299 Dictionary of National Biography Errata, 358 Dinneen's (Rev. S.) Irish-English Dictionary, 439 Dodgson's (E. S.) Synopsis of the Verb in

Baskish New Testament, 520 Dorman's (M. P.) British Empire in Nineteenth

Century, 238 Dunstable, its History and Surroundings, by

W. G. Smith, 478 Edinburgh Review, 199, 459 Elizabeth (Queen), Amy Robsart, and Earl of

Leicester, 99 Elizabethan Manuscript, Facsimile of, ed. Bur-

goyne, 158

Emerson's Works, 299 English Historical Review, 200 English Miracle Plays, ed. Pollard, 278 Englishwoman's Year- Book, 1905, 520 Erasmus, Epistles of, trans. Nichols, 398 Farmar's (A.) Place-name Synonyms Classified,

479 Farmer and Henley's Slang and its Analogues,

completion, 59

Fight at Donibristle, 1316, ed. J. Smith, 420 Fitz-Warine (Fulk), History of, Englished by

A. Kemp- Welch, 78 Folk-lore, 160, 379 Fothergill's (G.) List of Emigrant Ministers to

America, 420

Geoffroy's (G.) La Bretagne, 689 Gillen's (F. J.) Northern Tribes of Central

Australia, 177 -Godolphin (Margaret), Life of, by Evelyn, 439

Books recently published :

Gray's (T.) Letters, ed. Tovey, 379

Great Masters: Parts XVII.-XXIL, 39, 78,

138, 178, 219, 259, 338 Hakluyt's (R.) Principal Navigations, Vols. VII.

and VIII., 138

Hamilton's (E.) Ancestry and Pedigree Chart, 139 Heine : Book of Songs, trans. Brooksbank New

Poems, trans. Armour, 379 Henslowe's Diary, ed. Greg, Part I., 378 Holidays in Eastern Counties, by P. Lindley, 240 Holidays on the South Coast, 240 Hudson's (R.) Memorials of a Warwickshire

Parish, 497 Hughes's (T.) Tom Brown's Schooldays, ed.

Rendall, 240 Intermediate, 160, 379

Jacobite Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, 159 James II. of England, Adventures of, 419 Johnston's (J. B.) Place-names of Stirlingshire.

479 Johnston's (S. H.) Scottish Heraldry made Easy,


Keats's (J.) Poems, 199 Kenny's (C. S.) Selection of Cases illustrative of

English Law of Tort, 299 King (Clarence), Memoirs, 259 King's (W. F.H.) Classical and Foreign Quota- tions, 218 Kings' Letters from the Early Tudors, ed. Steele,

319 Kruger's (Dr. G.) Schwierigkeiten des Englischen,

Part III., 358 Lean's Collectanea, 119

Leycester's Commonwealth, ed. Burgoyne, 99 Lindley's (P.) Tourist-Guide to the Continent, 60 Magrath's (J. R.) Flemings in Oxford, 478, 526 Marlowe (Christopher) and his Associates, by

J. H. Ingram, 198 Marten's (B.) After Work, 357 Marvell's (A.) Poems, ed. Wright, 239 Milton's Poetical Works, ed. Beeching, 360 Moliere: Scenes from ' Les F^cheux,' 139 Moore's (E.) Studies in Dante, 198 Mother Goose's Melody, ed. Prideaux, 320 Morris's (W.) Defence of Guenevere, 60 Mylne's (Rev. R. S.) Cathedral Church of Bayeux,

239 Nashe (T.), Works, ed. by R. B. McKerrow,

Vol. II., 319

New English Dictionary, 98, 337 New Shakespeariana, 400 Owen's (H.) Gerald the Welshman, 320 Palmer's (A. Smythe) The Folk and their Word- Lore, 260

Payne's (J. F.) Fitz-Patrick Lectures, 1903, 259 Pepys's Diary, ed. Wheatley, 399 Pepys, A Later : Correspondence of Sir W. W.

Pepys, ed. Gaussen, 59 Powell's (G. H.) Duelling Stories, 458 Printers' Pie, 1904, 20

Reich's (E.) Foundations of Modern Europe, 318 Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, 100 Russell's (Lady) Three Generations of Fascinating

Women, 437 Scottish Historical Review, 99, 459