Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/662

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.

Clarke (C.) on irresponsible scribblers, 277

Memorial tablets on houses, 369

Vanishing London, 125 Classic and translator, 71 Classics quoted in Parliament, 326, 418 Clajton (H. B.) on chunnerin', 26

Dolly Varden up to date, 185 Clements (H. J. B.) on heraldry, 490 Clergy, sporting, before the Reformation, 89, 293 Clerks, Parish, stories of, 128, 215, 373 Clock made by W. Franklin, 448, 513 Close's poetical works, 232

Closets in Edinburgh buildings, 89, 154, 234, 297 " Closure-by-compartment," the phrase, 106 Club, University women's, name for, 33 Cluni on women voters, 494 Coachman's epitaph at Edinburgh, 96 Cobden (Richard), bibliography, 3, 62, 103, 142 ;

commemorative tablet, 425 Cobham (C.) on desecrated fonts, 170 Cockade, its history, 407, 537 Cockburn (H. A.) on Thomas Gladstone, 388 Cockle (M. J. D.) on storming of Fort Moro, 93

Va*ghnatcb, or tiger-claw weapon, 55 Cockney, use of h, 307, 351, 390, 490, 535 Colcock (C. J.) on Pettus, 468 Cold Harbour, its derivation, 14, 74 Cole (H.) on dog-names, 233 Cole (Jacob), his songs, 289 Coleman (E. H.) on bathing-machines, 131

Beating the bounds, 114

Benbow, 111

"Better the day better the deed," 16

Bread for the Lord's Day, 538

Bunney, 13

Butcher Hall Street, 117

Carver, royal, 134

Cockade, 537

De Keleseye or Kelsey family, 275

Denny (Lady Arabella), 419

Eton lists, 152

Galileo portrait, 492

Gamage, 334

' Goody Two Shoes,' 250

Grievance Office : John le Keux, 537

Gwillim's 'Display of Heraldrie,' 416

Holy Maid of Kent, 336

Hone, a portrait, 154

I.H.S , 192

Jersey wheel, 274

Kean (Edmund), 35

Lemans of Suffolk, 317

Magna Charta, 35

Markham's spelling-book, 377

Mazzard Fair, 312

Mineral Wells, Streatham, 315

Obb wig, 176

Oxenham epitaphs, 411

Oxford almanac designers, 512

1 Oxford Sausage,' 376

Parish documents, 476

Phrases and reference, 197

Portuguese pedigrees, 255

Propale, 493

Seventeenth-century phrases, 533

Silesias : pocketings, 312

Coleman (F. H.) on silk men: silk throwsters, 217

Statues, London, missing, 209

Stob, 495

Swift's gold snuff-box, 292

Tithing barn, 477

Tituladoes, 16

Travers (Elias), his diary, 133

" Vine " Inn, Highgate Road, 433

White Company : naker, 132

Witham, 333

Woolmen in the fifteenth century, 515 Coleridge (S. T.), on "talented," 23 ; bibliography,.

81, 245 ; 'Lyrical Ballads,' 1798, 228 Coles (J.), Jun., on Kuskin at Neuchatel, 512

Witham, 474

Colfe's Almshouses, Lewisham, their demolition, 324 Coliseums old and new, 485, 529 Collier's ' Celsus,' plates in, 56 Collins (William), R.A., his wife's monument, 405 Collis (John and Peter), their epitaphs, 215 Collompton : Cullompton, derivation of place-name^

77, 95

Collyer (J. M.) on Patrick, Lord Gray, 527 Collyweston, meaning of the word, 9 Colon, its oiigin, 301

Colston (Edward), Jun., M.P. for Wells, 228 Colvac as a Gaelic Christian name, 56 Comma, its origin, 301 Commentary, Old Testament, 188, 258 Commissioner of Sewers on Heacham parish officers,.


Con- contraction, its use, 427 Conditions of sale of live and dead stock, 269 Connection and connexion, 450 Constance, Council of, legend of, 18 Cooper (A. L.) on Carter and FJeetwood, 268

Fettiplace, 234

Copernicus and the planet Mercury, 56 Copying press, its introduction, 488 Corfe Castle, painting by Morland, 207 Corfield (W.) on " A shoulder of mutton," &c., 48

Stamp collecting and its literature, 38 Corks, the game described, 347, 391, 452 Cosas de Espana, 474, 510 Cotton (Julian) on Governor Stephenson, 492

Theatre-building, 432 Cotton (J. J.) on Major- General Eyres, 38 Cottyngham will, 88

Coulson (John) = Anna Catherina Lane, 269 County tales, 111

Courbillon or Gourbillon family, 4C8 Court dress, 107, 131 Courtney (W. P.) on William Collins, B.A., 405

Cricket, 394

Hobbes (T.), 485 Coutances, Winchester, and the Channel Islands, 68,

154, 231

Coutts (Messrs.), their removal, 125, 232, 293 Coventry worsted weavers, 347 Cowley (Abraham), 'A Vote,' 434; ode on "the

matchless Orinda," 506 Cowper (Benjamin Harris), his death, 60 Cowper (William), unpublished letters, 1, 42, 82,-

122, 162, 203, 242 ; best biography, 149, 235 Cows : " II parle fran^ais comme une vache espag- nole," 173