Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/663

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.



Cox (Leonard), ' D.N.B.' on, 65 Crane (E. S.) on travels in China, 408

Wall : Martin, 309

Crane (T.), Fellow of Winchester College, 45, 116 Crawford (C.) on Webster and Sir P. Sidney, 221

261, 303, 312, 381

Crawford (K. K.) on naval action of 1779, 228 Creepa Close, Walney Island place-name, 56 Cresswell (L.) on names common to both sexes,


Creswell (P. T.) on Longfellow, 226 Cricket match, first separately printed account, 145,


Cricket umpires, their garb, 126 Cricklewood, place-name, 408, 476, 495 Crocodile, prehistoric remains at Fletton, 286 Cromwell (Oliver), hi* bed-linen, 268 Crone (J. S.) on ' William Tell,' 412 Croquet or tricquet in the sixteenth century, 8 Cross in the Greek Church, 469, 531 Cross-bow or arbalest, its history, 443 'Crouch (C. H.) on Ashburner family, 163 Bathing-machines, 131 Dryden portraits, 1 8 Fonts, desecrated, 171 Gwillim's 'Display of Heraldrie,' 328 Potts family, 17 Sanderson family, 389 Crowhurst, Sussex, rectors of, 69 Crowley (Robert), ' Select Works,' 224 Crucifix, one-armed, 189, 294, 395 ; at Cratcliff Tor,

Derbyshire, 228, 435 Cruikshank (George), designs for 'Tarn o' Shanter,'


Cumberland (Duke of), song on his death, 406 Cumming (Col. Sir John), his parentage, 269 Cumminga (W. H.) on Purcell's music for 'The

Tempest,' 270, 370 Curry (J. T.) on "Grant me, indulgent Heaven,"


Southey's 'Omniana,' 410 Talented, 23 "Three guns, "169 " Was you ? " and "You was," 157 Cursals, farm of, its meaning, 509 Curtis (J.) on dog-names, 470 Male-law word, 426, 453 Mineral Wells, Streatham, 316 Tickencote Church, 289 Tithing barn, 477 Curwen (A. F.) on Berwick : Steps of Grace, 516

' Steer to the Nor'-Nor'-West,' 490 Curwen (J. S.) on tithing barn, 368 " Cuttwoorkes " : 'True Perfection of Cuttwoorkes,'

149, 197

Cymro on Phillipps MSS. : Beatrice Barlow, 28 D. on Court dress, 131

" Field Marshall the Lord Roberts," 245 " Go anywhere and do anything," 32 Swan -names, 151 Tricolour, 247, 312 D. (E. H. W.) on PhcBbe Hessel, 74 D. (H. H.) on "bonnets of blue," 456

Fair maid of Kent, 175

D. (N. D.) on North Devon May Day custom, 76 D. (T. F.) on Anahuac, 196, 317

D. (T. F.) on silver bouquet-holder, 134

Dago, 332

Gwillim's Display of Heraldrie,' 417, 495

lona Cathedral, 47

Refectories, first-floor, 353 D. (W.) on Goldsmith's 'Present State of Polite

Learning,' 309

Dago, meaning in United States, 247, 332, 351 Daldy, early forms of surname, 249 Dale (T. C.) on Dale family, 289 Dale family, 289

Dallas (J.) on Shakes peariana, 343 Dalmeny, its pronunciation, 36 Dalton (C.) on William I El. at the Boyne, 321 D' Auvergne ( Philip), his wife's surname, 427, 492 David (J. P.) on Gourbillon or Courbillon family, 408 Davies (Ann), her epitaph, 106, 152 Da vies (J. C.) on " Giving his supper to the devil," 427

Henry II. on the Welsh, 446

Twin calves, 406 Davy (A. J.) on desecrated fonts, 172

Tooker, 307

Dean (John), mezzotinter, c. 1777-91, 481 Death, the great reaper, 146 Decanter, Nelson and Warren inscribed on, 268 Deedes (Cecil) on " Bearded like the pard," 275

" In puris naturalibus, " 265

Jacobite verses, 349

Pelican myth, 429

Struthius (Josephus), 151 De Keleseye or Kelaey family, 188, 275 De Morgan (A.), his 'Book of Almanacs,' 266 Denman (A.) on Loyal Lads of Feltham, 401 Denny (Lady Arabella), monody on her death, 368,

419 Denny (H. L. L.) on Denny family, 288

Denny (Lady Arabella), 368 Denny family, 288, 494 Denton and Washington family arms, 417 De Quincey (T.), editorship of Westmorland Gazette,


Derbyshire, dialect words, 201, 282, 384 Desecrated fonts, 112, 170, 253, 292 D'Eudemare (Francis), his ' Histoire du Roy

Willaume le Bastard,' 388 Devil, giving his supper to the, 427 Devonshire May Day custom, 75 Dewar (J. C.) on Gamage, 249 Diadem, use of the word, 65, 135 Diaeresis, its origin. 301 Dialect synonyms, dictionary of English, 18 Dialects, large number of words still used, 472 Diarmid and Fingal, 87, 152, 277 Dibdin (E. R.) on ' Tom Moody,' 398 Dickens (C.), Dolly Varden as a term of reproach, 185;

two slips in ' Barnaby Rudge,' 206 Dickensian London, illustrations of, 49 Dickinson (William), British mezzotinter, 522 Dictionary, German-English, 9

' Dictionary of National Biography,* notes and corrections, 65, 146, 208, 225, 244, 246, 324, 362, 425, 519

Dilke (Lady), her death, 360 Disraeli (B.) on Gladstone. 67, 110 D'Israeli (I.), commemorative tablet, 425