Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/666

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Notes and Qoeriee, Jan. 28, 1905.

F. (J. T.) on Kissing gates, 395 Martyrdom of St. Thomas, 31 "Paulesfete," 138 St. Ninian's Church, 117 F. (R. C.) on mayor's seal for confirmation, 19 F. (S. J. A.) on ' Goody Two Shoes,' 167 1 Tom Moody,' 295 ' William Tell,' 327

F. (W. G. D.) on Isabella Basset, 1346, 69 Emernensi Agro, 389 Meignell (Sir Hugo), 49 Nine Maidens, 128

Fair Maid of Kent, 59, 118, 175, 236, 297 Fairbank (Sir Thomas) and Hull docks, 95 Fairs, beer sold without licence during, 9, 71 Falconer (Capt. Richard), his ' Voyages,' 185 Falkner or Faulkner family, 168 Falmouth, Phoenicians at, 469, 518 Famr (W.) on Northburgh family, 377 Favourite, envied, Chinese story of, 505 Feltham, Loyal Lads of, 401 Female incendiary, her supposed crime, 9 Fenton (Rt. Rev. Patrick) consecrated in West-

minster Cathedral, 145 Fern (Matthew), his imprisonment, 288 Fettiplace family, 234, 335

Fewtrell (A. H.) on Bishop of Man imprisoned, 535 Fief on "Character is fate," 494 Finchale Priory, Durham, Henman's drawings, 168.


Fingal and Diarmid, 87, 152, 277 Finger, wedding-ring, 508 " First kittoo," use of the phrase, 149, 296 Fish in the North Sea, Great Britain's claim, 187 Fishwick (H.) on Richard Pincerna, 92 FitzAthulf (Constantine), his execution for rioting,

181 FitzGerald (Edward), song in Tennyson's 'Memoir,'


Fitzgerald (Edward Marlborough), poems by, 141 FitzGerald bibliography, 141, 214 Fitz- Norman (J. K.) on Blake: Norman : Oldmixon,


Five, the French figure, its origin, 301 Flagellants, books on, 420 Flaying alive, notable case, 14 Fleetwood (Mary ) = Nathaniel Carter, 268, 333 Fleetwood cabinet, its owner, 67 Fleetwood family, 33 Fletcher's 'Fair Maid of the Inn,' "the Captain"

in, 184

Fletton, prehistoric crocodile found at, 286 Flesh and shamble meats, 54 Flint chippings in barrows, 188 Flower, alias William Way, alias Wygge, 106 Flying bridge between Buda and Pest, 406, 491 Foat (F. W. G.) on punctuation in MSS. and printed

books, 301, 462

Foix (Cte. de St.) on Mozart concerto, 447 Folk-lore post-card, first, 200 Tolk-lore :

Asses hypnotized, 506

Bee superstitions, 26

Devil : Giving his supper to the Devi), 427

Dog-bite, 428

Eel, 149, 231, 331


Hare's heart stuck with pins, 273

Pin witchery, 205, 271, 376

Toads burnt alive, 271, 325

Toothache, 446

Twin calves, 406 Folk-medicine in Lincolnshire, 446 Fontainebleau, history of, 248 Font, ceremony of its consecration, 269, 336 Fonts, desecrated, 112, 170, 253, 292 Foord (A. S.) on Mineral Wells, Streatham, 228 Footprints of the gods, 65 Ford (C. Lawrence) on "aching void," 348

Browning's " thunder- free," 193

False quantities in Parliament, 418 Forgo : forego, correct spelling, 306 Forshaw (C. F.) on antiquary v. antiquarian, 396

Astwick: Austwick, 35

Bears and boars in Britain, 490

Bronte farnily,.,49

Close, the poet, 232

Closets in Edinburgh buildings, 154, 234

Corks, 392

Crocodile, prehistoric, 286

Denny family, 494

Dog-names, 470

Bales, 353

Edgar (A. and R.), 352

Epitaphiana, 323

Fettiplace, 335

Fingal and Diarmid, 152

Fonts, desecrated, 112, 171, 254

Fotheringay, 215

Freemason, blind, 269

Harlsey Castle, co. York, 193

Hazel or Hessle pears, 436

Heacham parish officers, 336

Hand, 493

Jersey wheel, 274

Kirklington Barrow, 246

Mazzard Fair, 312

Mineral Wells, Streatham, 316

Nelson anthology, 287

Nine Maidens, 397

Oak, historic Cumberland, 285

Obb wig, 177

Pigott (Thomas), 257

Prescriptions, 291, 492

Quotation : author and correct text wanted, 276

Ravison : scrivelloes, 292

Rechabite, 314

St. George, 511

St. Thomas Wohope, 275

Scribblers, irresponsible, 137, 196

Shakespeare, poems on, 18 ; his grave, 195

Shropshire and Montgomeryshire manors, 256

Silk men : silk throwster?, 216

Tides well and Tideslow, 36

Tregortha (John), 393

Waggoner's Wells, 214

Wolverhampton pulpit, 37

Forti or Forsi (Fabio Oliva), Italian author, 307 Foster (H. J.) on Alexander and R. Edgar, 493 Foster (J.) on Elias Travers's diary, 68 Foster (J. J.) on T. Beach, portrait painter, 332 Morland and Corfe Castle, 207