Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/665

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.



Editorial :

Cinderella's slipper, 320

Dryden's burial, 440

Flagellants, books on, 420

" Her mother she sells laces fine," 260

' Hermit in London,' 440

"Hoc habeo quodcumque dedi," 460

Hollantyde, 420

1 Little Pedlington,' 320

Masons' marks, 500

Napoleon's horse Marengo, 400

Navew, use of the word, 500

Navvy, its derivation, 20

" Once in a blue moon," 80

Pepys, pronunciation of the name, 500

Royal arms in churches, 500

St. Walburga's oil, 120

"Sic volo, sicjubeo," 380

Stuarts, their heiress, 400

Tantarabobus, 480

"The tree of knowledge is not that of life," 540

Wattman, 220

Wooden pipes for water, 180

" Yankee Doodle went to town," 480 Edmeston (Andrew), Westminster scholar, 268 Edmunds (Flavel), his 'Traces of History in the

Names of Places,' 186 Edmunds and Royal Geographical Society's charter,


Edward the Confessor, his chair, 508 Edward I., his look, 169, 257 Edwards (Samuel Bradford), Westminster School, 309,


Edwards-Radclyffe (D.) on ramie, 94 Edwinstowe, Notts Manor Court, 226, 353, 437, 536 Eel folk-lore, 149, 231, 331 Eggler, meaning of the word, 447 Eggs used in building, 455 Einsle (8.), Austrian mezzotinter, c, 1789, 521 Electric telegraph anticipated, 66, 135, 234 Electron, new sense of the word, 225 Ellacombe (H. N.) on rules of Christian life, 129

' Tracts for the Times,' 398 Elliot (Sir Gilbert), date of his death, 48 Ellis (A. S.) on descendants of Waldef, 332 Elworthy (F. T.) on Bennett family of Lincoln, 98

High Peak words, 472

Northern and Southern pronunciation, 538

Whitsunday, 297 Emeritus on Indian life in fiction, 445

Obb wig, 50

Zad (Adam), 133

Emernensi Agro, place name, 389, 518 Emerson and Lowell, inedited verses, 423 England, derivation of the word, 327, 407, 471 England, evil-eye superstition in, 156 ; its inhabitants in 1697, 169; Napoleon Bonaparte on its prece- dence, 226 ; suppression of duelling in, 367, 435 " England and France can conquer the world," 13 English, Algonquin element in, 422 English, pigeon, at home, 77 English, saying about the, 388 English cardinals' hats, their destiny, 28, 96 English Channel: "La Manche"=the sleeve, 34,

134 'English Dialect Dictionary ' : Nonsense verses, 182

English extraordinary, 226 English graves in Italy, 307, 352 Englibh literature, prisoners of war in, 407 Englishman, last canonized, 352, 432 Ephis and his lion, the story, 448 Epigrams :

I am the Dean, and this is Mrs. Liddell, 353

I come first, my name is Jowett, 275, 353

Some say, compar'd to Bononcini, 7 Episcopal ring found at Sibbertoft, 188 Epitaphiana, 322, 396, 474, 531 Epitaphs, bibliography of, 57, 194, 533 Epitaphs :

" A neighbour good, a prudent wife," 322

"Anna Maria Matilda Sophia Johnson," &c., 322

"Arabella Jennerenna Raquetenna Amabel Grunter," 322

Brooke (Jeremiah), 323

"By these Inscriptions be it understood," 323

Clarke (John), 44

Collis (John and Peter), 215

Cubbon (Robert), 44

" Death spyed these new sprung flowers," 322

"Fay tout ce que tu vouldras," 186

Glutton, epitaph on a, 134

"Here lies an only darling Boy," 322, 396, 531

"Here lies the body of Joseph Gordon," 50, 134

Hessel (Phoebe), 74

" Inveni portum, 13

Le Keux (J.) in St. Margaret's, Westminster, 413

Luther (Richard and Anthonie), 323

Oxenham (John, Mary, and James), 368, 411, 509

"Pain was my portion," 106, 152

Richards (James), 27

"Thorpe's corpse, "134

" Thou wert a sweet winning child," 323 . " Twelve years I was a maid," 322 Erekine (David Montagu) at Winchester, not West-

minster, 406, 535 ese, use of the suffix, 77, 133 Espec. See L'Espec. Esquire in Scotland, use of the title, 109 Essex woman, tall, Mrs. Gordon, 128 Etiquette, municipal, 408 Eton College lists, 107, 152 Evans (Rev. David), D.D., his biographers, 408 Evelyn family, 348

Evil eye, the superstition in England, 156 Exclamation, note of, its origin, 301 Executions, children at, 346, 454 Exemplar on "Good news to those whose light i

low," 528 Eyres (Major-General George Bolton), his biography,.

38 F. (F. J.) on " An Indian beauty," 343

St. Alban's Grammar School, plays at, 126 F. (H. J.) on "Sir John I'Anson, Bart., 485 F. (J. C.)on paste, 19 F. ( J. T. ) on antiquary v. antiquarian, 474

Cross in the Greek Church, 531

Hazel or Hessle pears, 349

I.H.S., 231

Jowett and Whewell, 353