Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/668

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NoteB and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.

Grace (E. M.) on Queen's surname, 529

Graham (J. M.) on Patrick Bell, 487

Graham family, 149, 274

Grant (Barbara), in Stevenson's 'Catriona,' 327

Graves, English, in Italy, 307, 352

Gray (Patrick, Lord), his descendants, 527

Gray (T.), Elegy ' and Wolfe, 27 ; 'Elegy ' in various

languages, 92, 175

Great Britain's tithe of fish in North Sea, 187 Greek Church, cross in, 469, 531 Green (C.) on children at executions, 516 Green (Valentine) and Sir Joshua Reynolds, 521 Greene (E.), 'Never too Late,' 267; and ' Martine

Mar-sixtus,' 483

Greig (Admiral Sir Samuel), in Russian navy, 173 Grenadier, premier, of France, 52 Greta on Southey's ' Omniana,' 410 Gretna Green marriage registers, 386 Greville (Frances), her 'Prayer for Indifference,'


Grey (Lady Mary), her burial, 405 Grier (S. C.), slips in Like Another Helen/ 445 Grier (S. C.) on first wife of Warren Hastings, 10 Grievance Office: John Le Keux, 207, 374, 413,


Grigor (J.) on Sir Edward Dyer, 32 Groves (C. H.) on ' Gospel of God's Anointed,' 8 Grozer (Joseph), his remarkable will, 521 Gruselier (Gregory) on Iktin, 249

Tregortha (John), 289 Guimaraens (A. J. C.) on Portuguese pedigrees, 167

Winter (Rev. Richard), 348 Guisers, Christmas, 504 Guith, in old Welsh, 466, 539 Gun, Armstrong, its inventor, 34 Guncaster and Godmanchester, place-names, 88 Guns, its meaning in 1546, 169 Gutta-percha, Great Seal in, 528 Gwillim's ' Display of Heraldrie,' its author, 328, 416,


Gwyneth, its correct spelling, 108, 255 ZT, Italian initial, 107, 352 ; use or omission, 307,

351, 390, 490, 535 ; Dr. Johnson on, 446 H. on Thomas Beach, 371

William III. at the Boyne, 370 H, 2 on Avalon, 411

English Channel, 134 Isabelline as a colour, 253, 375, 477, 538 Natalese, 76 Peak and pike, 172 H. (A.) on Alake, 56 Cricklewood, 495 Kaboose, 214

Vaccination and inoculation, 513 H. (A. C.) on Philip d'Auvergne, 427

Warton (William), 1764, 68 H. (A. F.) on Lamont harp, 132 H. (E. S.) on Glen Moubray,' 227 H. (F. R. J.) on female incendiary, 9 H. (L. J.) on verse translations of Moliere, 448 H. (M. F.) on kissing gates, 396 H. (P. F.) on silesias: pocketings, 312 H. (R. A.) on bell-ringing on 13 August, 1814, 36S H. (W. B.) on Mrs. Ark Wright's setting of ' Pirate' Farewell,' 492 Broom squires, 252

H. (W. B.) on D'Eudemare, 338 Epitaphiana, 322, 474 ' Experiences of a Gaol Chaplain,' 330 Higgins (Godfrey), 184 Humorous stories, 355 Kiplin or Kipling family, 269 Poem by H. F. Lyte, 493 Thackeray's pictures, 169 H. (W. G.) on ' Tracts for the Times,' 347 H. (W. S. B.) on final -ed, 196

Wilson (Rev. John), 449 H. (W. T.) on desecrated fonts, 112, 254 lackett (F. W.) on Rebecca of 'Ivanhoe,' 193 laddon, West, parish clerks of, 215 lagiological terms, c, 1500, 147 Haines (R.) on battle of Bedr, 475 St. George, 168 Saying about the English, 388 Shakespeare's autograph, 107 Shakespeare's wife, 429, 473 Hales (G. L.) on Hoi born, 392 Hall (A.) on Ainsty, 97, 516 Cawood family, 515 Peek-bo, 153

Shakespeare's Sonnet XXVI., 214 Halley (Edmond), surgeon R.N., 88, 177 tlalley (Dr. Edmond), his bibliography, 224 Sam (J. S.) on Jacobite verses, 350 Hamilton (S. G.) on an old Bible, 152

"Sarum,"496 Hampstead Road, alterations in, 125 ELampton Court, vinery at, 506 Hand, "giving the hand" in diplomacy, 126, 251 Handel and Bononcini, epigram on, 7 Banged, drawn, and quartered, the punishment, 97 Hanson (J. and T.), c. 1650, 209 Harbour: Cold Harbour, the place-name, 14, 74 Harland Oxley (W. E.) on Black Dog Alley, West- minster, 5

Bromley coat of arms, 366 Coutts (Messrs.), their removal, 125 Grievance Office: John Le Keux, 413 Houses of historical interest, 425 London cemeteries in 1860, 296 Penny a year rent, 186 Port Arthur, 251

Westminster School boarding-houses, 1 27 Harlsey Castle, co. York, 89, 193 Harp, Lamont, 71, 132 ; Queen Mary's, 71 Harrison (J.) on barometer by Marinone & Co., 346 Hart (H. Chichester) on " Captain" in Fletcher and

Jonson, 184

" Cry you mercy, I took you for a joint- stool, " 66 Peek -bo, 85

Hartley (T. C.) on Journal of House of Comnnns, 248 Hartley (William), of Leeds pottery, 152 Harvest, late intellectual, 54 Hastings (Warren), his first wife, 10 Haultmont (M.) on Italian initial A, 352

Rules of Christian life, 255

Havana, storming of Fort Mow, 93, 175, 256, 313, 375 Haward (Capt. Lazarus), and word *' galapines," 447 Hawker ( R. S.), memorial at Morwenstow, 286, 408 Hawkins (Thomas), Fellow of Winchester College, 45 Hazel or Hessle pears, 349, 436 Heacham parish officers, 247, 335, 371, 431