Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/669

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.



Heart of Louis XIV. eaten, 346, 496

Heaven, Hell, and Paradise as place-names, 354, 533

Hebb (J.) on Barga, Italy, 537

Bathing-machines, 131

Chimney-back, cast iron, 189

Colfe's AlmshouseSjLewisham, 324

Coutts (Messrs.), their removal, 293

Rigadoon, 65

Heelis (John Loraine), his death, 100 Helga on Arden as a feminine name, 368

Christian names, curious, 375

Descendants of Mary, Queen of Scots, 6

Fair Maid of Kent, 59

Fotheringay, 128

Grant (Barbara), 327

Hell, Heaven, and Paradise, 355 Heliodorus, 'Histoire ^thiopiqve,' tr. by Amvot, 508 Hell, Heaven, and Paradise as place-names, 354, 533 Helm (W. H.) on ff, its use or omission, 535 Hemming (R.) on Byron : Biron, 50 Hems (H.) on one-armed crucifix, 294, 395

Desecrated fonts, 171

Humorous stories, 231

London cemeteries in 1860, 394

  • Magazine of Art,' 145

Martyrdom of St. Thomas, 274

Newspaper, first ocean, 96

Oxenham epitaphs, 510

Port Arthur, 212, 251

Private house, largest in England, 197

Refectories, first floor, 237

Scribblers, irresponsible, 137, 196

Wolverhampton pulpit, 96

Henderson (Charles Cooper), his etchings, 69, 117 Henderson (G. B.) on bathing-machines, 131

' Road Scrapings,' 117

Henman (C.), drawings of Finchale Priory, 168, 252 Henry IT. on the Welsh, 446 Heraldry :

Armorial bearings, 328

Armorial book-plates, 287

Armorial visiting cards, 509

Azure, two crescents in chief, 168

Bromley coat of arms, 366

French, 267

Lincoln city and see, 37

Quarterly, 1 and 4, a fesse between three fleurs- de-lis, 388

Sable, an escutcheon within orle of owls, 490

Six (Burgomaster Jan), Id8

Washington (George), his coat of arms, 327, 417

Waterton, Watton, and Watson family arms, 29 Herberley, Haberley, or Huberley (T.), biography,


Herbert (D.) on Pembroke Earldom, 228 Hermit's crucifix at Cratcliff Tor, 228, 435 Heron-Allen (E.) on khaki, 253

Omar Khayyam, 322, 398

Tea as a meal, 175

Herpich(C. A.) on "The penalty of Adam," 524 Hertford borough seal, 18 Hertford county biography, 47 Heslop (R. 0.) on galapine, 531

Saint as a prefix, 87

Hessel (Phoebe), the Stepney Amazon, 16, 74 Hessels (J. H.) on Italian scholar hoaxed, 367

Hessian, definition of the word, 312

Hessle or hazel pears, 349, 436

Heuskarian catechism in Biscayan, 264

Heward (W. L.) on storming of Fort Moro, 93, 313

Hewett family, 48, 418

Hewitt (C. E.) on Manor Court of Edwinstowe

Notts, 226 Hewitt (J. A.) on Cawood family, 515

Hewett family, 488

Hibgame (F. T.) on T. Beach, portrait painter, 285 Bristol slave ships, 257 Crucifix, one-armed, 294 Dunatable the musician, 387 First bishop consecrated in Westminster Cathe- dral, 145

Hawker of Morwenstow, 286 London cemeteries in 1860, 297 Manzoni's ' Betrothed,' 169 Michaelmas custom, 347 Mocassin : its pronunciation, 495 Morland's grave, 49 Stanley (Sir H. M.), his grave, 526 Higgins (Godfrey), his death, 184, 276, 331 High Peak, Derbyshire, old words, 201, 282, 384, 472 Higham (C.) on Jacob Cole, 289

" Grant me, indulgent heaven," 309 Hill (Rev. William), 427 Hildesley (Mark), his MSS., 53 Hill (A. F.) on Roberto Valentine, 27 Hill (Rev. W.), editor of 'Northern Star,' 427, 490 Hilson (J. L.) on Berwick : Steps of Grace, 516 Hazel or Hessle pears, 436 Hell, Heaven, or Paradise, 355 Hippoclides on late intellectual harvest, 54 Shakespeariana, 64 Victoria, 468

Hippodrome at Goettingen, inscription on, 528 ' Historical English Dictionary,' notes on, 266 Hitchin-Kemp (F.) on Cricklewood, 408, 495 Hoax on Italian scholar, 367 Hobbes (Thomas) on the Continent, 485 Hodgkin (J. Eliot) on bathing-machines, 130 Going shopping, 445 Shakespeariana, 344 Holar, Bishops of, 1148-1408, 67 Holborn, the place-name, 308, 392, 457, 493 Hollantyde, its meaning, 420

Holme Pierrepont church and library, 149, 295, 350 Holus-bolus, its derivation, 188 Holy Maid of Kent, Elizabeth Barton, 268, 336 Homer and Pope, 525

Homo Coelebs on University Women's Club, 33 Hone (Nathaniel), miniature by, 68, 154 Hone (N.) on Edwinstowe Manor Court, 437

Sporting clergy before the Reformation, 293 Tickling trout, 277

Hood (Thomas) and John Hamilton Reynolds, 67 Hooker (Sir J. D.) on Isabelline as a colour, 75 Hooper (J.) on largest puvate house, 29 Hoosier, state and people of Indiana, origin of the

name, 147

Hope (H. G,) on antiquary r. antiquarian, 174 Battlefield sayings, 275 Documents in secret drawers, 255 Fair Maid of Kent, 297 ' Goody Two Shoes,' 251