Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/683

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.



Steinman (G. Steinman), his biography, 88, 314,350,416 Sternpe (Thos.), Warden of Winchester College, 45, 115 Step-brother, meaning of the term, 38, 473 Stephen (Sir Leslie) on Bishop Warburton, 7 Stephens ( Dr.). See Stevens ( Richard). Stephens (F. G.) on mummies for colours, 229 .Stephenson (E.), Governor of Bengal, 3 48, 437, 492,539 Stephenson (P. A. F.) on the mussuk, 329 Ruskin at Neuch^tel, 348 Washington (George), his arms, 327 Stephenson or Stevenson (Capt.F.), BlackHole,429 Stepney, burial-ground at, 393, 496 ; parishioners of,

448, 512

Stepney amazon, Phoebe Hessel, 16, 74 Steps of Grace at Berwick, 426, 516 Steuart (A. F.) on Jane Clairmont's grave, 284 Stevens (E.) on tea as a meal, 17

Stevens (Richard), his biography, 35

Steward (Charles), statue at Bradford-on-Avon, 444 Stewart (Alan) on Lord Both well, 27 Epitaph on Ann Davies, 152 Flying Bridge, 491 Hildesley (Mark), 53 Stilwell (J. P.) on kissing gates, 396

Zad (Adam), 48

Stob in Scottish place-names, 409, 495 Stories, humorous: For One Night Only, 188, 231 ;

The Cornish Jury, 188, 231, 355 Stow (John), proposed edition of ' Survey,' 341 Strachan (L. R. M.) on corks, a game, 347, 392 H in Cockney, 390 Martyrdom of St. Thomas, 432 ' Reliquiae Wottonianse,' 476 Trousered, 326

fitrada (Famianus) anticipates electric telegraph, 136 Streatham, Mineral Wells at, 228, 315 Street (E. E.) on h in Cockney, 490 Sex before birth, 235 Webster (Daniel), 472

Strickland (W. W.) on Gipsies : Chigunnji, 105 Stronach (G.) on Bacon and the drama, 331 Elliot (Sir Gilbert, 48 Shakespeare's wife, 389 Strong (Prof. H. A.) on an epitaph, 13

Prescriptions, 356

Strong (Col. 0. H.) on regiments at Boomplatz, 251 Struthius (Josephus), his Doctrine of Pulses,' 108, 151 Stuart (James), Old Pretender, his lying in state, 48 Stuart (J.), Quaker princess buried at Wisbech, 208, 294 Stuarts, their heiress, 400 Stubbs (Sir T. W.), his biography, 189 Style, Old and New, 128, 177, 266 Sundial, Isle of Man, inscription on, 44 Suomi on Runeberg, Finnish poet, 9 Surname of Queen Alexandra, 529 SurveillanteandQuebec,actionbetweenfrigates,228,271 Sutton (C. W.) on Wiltshire naturalist, 248 Swaen (A. E. H.) on Anthony Brewer, 468 Brewer's 'Lovesick King,' 409 " What if a day, or a month, or a year," 388 Swan-names, 128, 151

Sweden (King of) on the balance of power, 8, 94 Swett family of Devon and U.S., 8 Swift (Dean), his gold snuff-box, 249, 292 Swimming, the mussuk in, 263, 329, 371, 431 ; notes on Thomas's ' Swimming,' 382

Swynnerton (C.) on "First kittoo," 149

Mortimer (Roger), his escape, 225

Smith (Squire Dick), 328 Sycamore or sycomore, correct spelling, 465 T. on "Vine" Inn, Highgate Road, 327 T. (D. K.) on sporting clergy before the Reformation ,29 4

Steinman (George Steinman), 314 T. (F. E.) on Philip d'Auvergne, 492 T. (G.) on Sir Harry Vane, 108 T. (H.) on anonymous novels, 365

Dog-names, 233

Milton's Sonnet XII., 67

Shoe, an old, 87

Singing face, 87

Thinking horse, 165 T. (J.) on Dean Milner, 249 T. (R. C.) on Roger Casement, 332 T. (T. W.) on Dickensian London, 49 Taal or Cape Dutch language, 126, 256 Tablets, memorial, on houses, 369 Tabor (C. P.) on Ludovico, 288 Tailors, three, of Tooley Street, 468 Tails, men with, 249, 317

Talent: Talented, use of the words, 23, 93, 172, 418 Tallard (Count), French prisoner of war, 447 Tantallon, march composed for its siege, 74 Tantarabobus, its various forms, 480 Tany (Thomas), D.N.B.' on,' 208 Tasker (A.) on genealogy in Dumas, 427 Tavern Signs :

Black Dog, Westminster, 118

Half- Brick, 507

Old Angel, 507

Sun and Anchor, 92, 132, 315

Vine, Highgate Road, 327, 433

Vine, Mile End, 167, 218, 252 Tea, as a meal, 17, 175 Tea, correct pronunciation of the word, 90 Telegram, longest, 125, 176, 192 Telegraph, electric, anticipated, J36, 135, 234 Tempany (T. W.) on the arbalest or cross-bow, 443 Temple (Richard, Earl) and Junius, 285 Tenement houses, Roman, 73

Tennyson (Lord) on psalm singing weavers, 128, 194; FitzGerald's song in his ' Memoirs,' 285 ; house at Twickenham, 324 Thackeray (W. M.), pictures suggested by his works,

67 ; sale of his pictures, 169, 192 " The " as part of title, 524 Theatre, Roman, at Verulam, 527 Theatre-building, rare Italian books on, 328, 432 Theophany, name for Christmas and Epiphany, 505 Thieme (C.) on Cape Bar men, 516 Thirkell-Pearce(E.)on Northumberland pedigrees, 268 Thomas (A.) on Principal Tulliedeph, 312 Thomas (A. W.) on Roman theatre at Verulam, 527

Williams ( Rev. John), 68

Thomas (N. W.) on ' ' Tropenwut " : " Tropenkoller, " 48 Thomas (R.), notes on his ' Swimming,' 382 Thomas (R.) on ' Experiences of a Gaol Chaplain,' 330

Mussuk, 263

Pigeon English at home, 77

Spelling reform, 451

Talented, 94

" Was you ? " and " You was/' 72 Thorp (J. T.) on Fingal and D wmid, 277