Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/684

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.

Thorp (J. T.) on desecrated fonts, 254

Stuart (Jane), 294 Thunder, its effect on fish, 231, 331 " Thunder-free " in Browning's ' Pippa Passes,' 73, 193 Thurnam (W. D.) on L.S., 428 Tickencote Church, large Norman arch at, 289 Tickling trout, 277, 356 Tides, Lord Kelvin on, 269

TideslowandTideswell, their etymology, 3 6, 77,95, 152 Tiffin, derivation of the word, 206 Tiger-claw weapon or va"ghnatch, 55, 95

  • Times' correspondents in Hungary, 108

Tithe offish in North Sea claimed by Great Britain, 187 Tithes in kind, their collection, 349, 454 Tithing barn, description of, 368, 477 Tituladoes, derivation of the word, 16 Toad as medicine, 325 Toast, Lancashire, its authorship, 10, 58 Toasts, fifty-nine, drunk in one evening, 210 Tofana Acqua, its composition, 269, 353 Tomahawk, origin of the word, 387 Tooker, derivation of the word, 307 Tooley Street, three tailors of, 468 Topography of ancient London, 58 Torso on Gwyneth, 108 Tote, etymology of the word, 161, 255 Tottenham Court Road, alterations in, 125 Tottenham Street, alterations in. 125 Tracts, how to catalogue, 388, 453 ' Tracts for the Times,' list of authors, 347, 398, 452, 492 Translator and classic, 71 Travers (Elias), his diary, 68, 183 Treasurer (Lord High), words in his accounts, 368 Trees, reversion of, 88, 153

Tregortha (John) of Burslem, his biography, 289, 393 Tricolour, its history, 247, 290, 312 Tricquet or croquet in sixteenth century, 8 Trill upon my Harp, light called, 148 ,> *

Trooping the colours, 49, 116 Tropenkoller : Tropenwut, their translation, 48 Trousered, word used by R. L. Stevenson, 326 Trout, tickling, 277, 356 Troy ounce in apothecaries' weight, 356 Tulliedeph or Tulliedelph (Principal), 207, 312 Turbary, white, its scientific name, 13 Turnips, as symbols of George I., 288, 349 Tweedle-duin and Tweedle-dee= Handel and Bonon-

cini, 7

Twerton vicars, 88

Twickenham, Tennyson's house at, 324 Tyburn, site of the gallows at, 26 Tynte book-plate, 19 Tyro, its spelling, 186 U, German, its origin, 301 U. (T. F.) on Lady Jean Douglas, 467 Udal (J. S.) on arms of Lincoln, 37

Butcher Hall Street, 28

1 English Dialect Dictionary,' 182

Riding the black ram, 173

Udal or Uvedale (N.), his 'Ralph Roister Doister,' 182 TJhagon (F. de) on Cosas de Espafla, 474

Hell, Heaven, and Paradise, 533 Umpires, cricket, their garb, 126 Underdown (H. W.) on Cambridge family, 144

Cawood family, 205

Excavations at Richborough, 373

Underdown (H. W.) on Holborn, 308

Ludovico, 377

Martyrdom of St. Thomas, 30, 273

North burgh family, 244

Paragraph mark, 449

Pardons, 21

Semi-effigies, 269, 434

Tenth sheaf, 349

Waggoner's Wells, 129, 292

Witham, 289 Underbill (W.) on goose v. geese, 507

House signs, 507

Shakespeare's wife, 429

Upton (W.P.) on Bayly of Hall Place and Bideford, 108' Upton Snodsbury, discoveries at, 268, 312 Urns in modern burials, 286

Usher (Bishop) or Bacon, saying attributed to, 407, 471 Utrecht, Treaty of, Dr. Doesburg on, 527 V. (C. Ma. H.), Dutch artist, c. 1647, 448 V. (Q.) on Cricklewood, 476

Galapine, 447

Italian initial H t 107

St. Patrick at Orvieto, 118

Sarum, 445

' Tracts for the Times,' 452 V. (Q. W.) on font consecration, 269 V. (W. I. R.) on Ashburner family, 519

Cricket, 145, 394

4 Death of Nelson ,'493

Dobbin, children's game, 348

Electric telegraph anticipated, 66, 135

" It's a very good world," 26

" There was a man," 111

Vaccaries or booths, derivation of the word, 167 Vaccination and inoculation, 27, 132, 216, 313, 394,,

456, 513

Vaghnatch or tiger-claw weapon, 55, 95 Valentine (Roberto), English composer, 1707, 27 Valkyrie, pronunciation of the word, 324 Valle Rodol, King John at, 57, 134 Vane (Sir Harry), portrait of, ] 08 Vanishing London. See London. Varden : " Dolly Varden " as a term of reproach, 185 Vaudreuil, King John at, 134 Vectigal, incorrectly made a dactyl, 326, 418 Venice, Averrhoes on, 130

Vere (Ed.), Earl of Oxford, travels on theContinent, 309> Vermeijen or Barbalonga, 275 Verulam, Roman theatre at, 527 Vicar executed for witchcraft, 265 Victoria, first use as woman's name, 468 Vidler (L. A.) on Arthur Shorter, 505 Viking, its pronunciation, 125 Vinery at Hampton Court, 506 Vire, Chateau de, King John at, 134 Visiting cards, armorial, 509 Vizetelly (E. A.) on Zola's 'Rome,' 271 Vogelweide (Walter von der), curious poem by, 47 Volkslied, " Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rath," 327,.

351, 371

Volumes, three v. one, 427 Vossius (Isaac), his library, 361 Voters, women, in counties and boroughs, 494 W, Anglo-Saxon, dropped by Normans, 235 W. (B.) on Battle of Spurs, 517

Font consecration, 336