Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/171

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in. FEB. is, 1905.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


In the collectanea occur some Irish beliefs, among which we read that " the poor here [Tip- perary] have wonderful faith in the priest, who they believe 'can turn them into turkey-cocks, or fasten them to the ground.' " Into what, one may ask, did these Christian shamans transform recal- citrant parishioners before the turkey was intro- duced from its native country, America ?


MR. BLACK WELL, of Oxford, has a clearance catalogue, which contains much of interest under Antiquarian, Bibliography, Heraldry, and Topo- graphy. Previous catalogues can still be had, including a selection from the library of the late Canon Ainger.

Mr. Dobell's Catalogue 128 contains much to interest us. Under Goldsmith we find a copy of the first edition of ' The Vicar of Wakefield,' 2 vols. 12mo, 1766, handsomely bound in crimson morocco,

\ri -W alen a first, fiHitirm of ' Shft StooDS tc

1709-10, 6?. 6-1. Under Swift is a first edition of 'Gulliver,' including the very rare spurious vol. iii., 57. 5". There is a Shakespeare Folio, second impression, 1632, 1257. : another copy, 45?. : and a third copy, 467. A copy of Shirley's plays, 1653, is priced at 121. 12*. : a first edition of 'Paradise Lost' is to be had for 30?. : a first edition of ' Rasselas,' original binding, uncut, 51. 5s. ; Beaumont and Fletcher, first edition, 36?. The excessively rare original edition of Herrick is marked 18?. 18s. Under America are many rare works. There are also interesting collections of historical pamphlets. Among Dryden items is the first edition of all the volumes of the 'Miscellany,' 1684-1709, price 12?.

Mr. Dobell sends us also Catalogue 129. In this are books from the library of the late Duke of Cambridge. Among these are a large-paper copy of Bell's 'British Theatre,' with brilliant impres- sions of the numerous fine portraits, 1791-G, 31 vols., 6? 6s. ; ' Protests of the House of Lords,' 1641-1735, 12*. (?. ; Nichols's ' Literary Anecdotes,' 14 vols., 1?. 10s. ; and Wilkes's Xorth Briton, complete set, 3 vols. folio, 1769-70. 12s. Qd. The miscellaneous portion includes a first edition of ' Northanger Abbey,' 1818, 3?. 3s. Under Cruikshank is a set of the original editions of 'The Comic Almanack,' 1835-53. 37. 10s. Under Dickensiana is the very rare 'Posthumous Papers of the Cadgers' Club,' 1838, 2?. 18s. ' Real Life in London,' 1822-3, is 67.6s.

Mr. Downing, of the Chaucer's Head Library, Birmingham, has an interesting little catalogue. The items include the rare Collier Shakespeare, 8 vols., 1878, IS?. 18s. (there were only 58 copies of this privately printed) : the Vale Press Shakespeare, 38 vols., in the original green cloth, 227. 15s. : Reid's 'Cruikshank Catalogue,' 3 vols. 4to, 1871, 16?. 16s. (this contains 313 etchings, and is very scarce) ; a tine copy of Constable's 'Landscape Scenery,' 1855, very scarce, 4?. 4-s. ; Hogarth, Baldwin, 1822, 5?. 5s. : Lodge's ' Portraits,' 1821-34, 22?. 10s. ; a cheap set of the ' Musee Francais,'6 vols. atlas folio, 10?. 10-s. ; Roscoe's 'Novelists' Library,' 1813-33, scarce, 10?. 10s.

Mr. Francis Edwards has a clearance cata- logue of books, ancient and modern. There are a number of works on Afghanistan and Australia, many of them from the library of the explorer

James Bonwick. Under China is a copy of Leech's ' Butterflies of China and Japan,' price 7?. 10s- Under India occur 'Fort St. George Records,' 38 vols., 6?., and 'Bombay Government Records, 1885-1903, 4?. : also Hampson's ' Moths,' 2/. 10*. Under Egypt is the first series, complete in 12 vols., of English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian inscriptions, 2?. '2s. In the general portion of the catalogue are a copy of Le Monitenr, 1 Jan., 1790, to 30 June, 1814, 15?. ; the Standard Library Editioa of Thackeray, 8?. ; Stephens's ' British Entomology,. 7?. 7s. ; Scott, 1842, 17. vols., 8?. 8s. ; the Gadshill Dickens, 6?. ; and Wheatley and Cunningham's* ' London,' 35s. There are works on costumes- and interesting coloured stipple and other engrav- ings. Many noteworthy items will be found under Architecture, Anatomy, Birds, and Folk - lore. There are publications of scientific and learned! societies, among them being the Camden, a com- plete set of Archceolorjia, 30?., also Archcvoloyia- Oambrensit, 40?.

List 277 of Messrs. William George's Sons, Bristol, contains works on Heraldry and Antiquities local to the British Isles. The catalogue is well, arranged and easy of reference. Under Somerset* may be noticed Collinson's ' County History, '7?. Is. ;-. ' Illustrations of the County,' from old drawings in the British Museum, 6?. 16s. 6f?. ; and Green's. 'Bibliotheca,' 1902, which The Athenaeum described as being the best and most thorough county biblio- graphy that has yet been issued.

Mr. Henry Gray, of East Acton, issues what he

calls "International Bulletins." We have received

the last two. No. 242 is devoted to Family Histories,

many privately printed and mostly scarce. Dr..

Howard's ' Arundell Family,' 6 vols. folio, is priced,

at 12?. 12s. : Canon Jackson's work on the ' Ayliffe

Family,' 4?. 4s. ; a 'Collection relating to the

Howorth Family,' 15?. 15s. Among other records

j are those of the Borthwicks, Cranmers, Colbys,

i Carnegies, Carlisles, Prideaux, Penningtons, &c.

| No. 243 contains fine books, rare tracts and

MSS., and many choice engravings.

Mr. Charles Higham has a big list of theological books at low prices. Among the items are a set of Calvin, 52 vols., SI. 3s. ; The, Clergyman's Magazine, 47. ; a number of Cardinal Newman's works, in- cluding the original edition of his 'Apologia': Pusey's 'Minor Prophets,' 1?. 4-s.; Dr. Parker's 'People's Bible,' 31. 7-s. Qd. ; and Tregelles's Greek Testament, 17. 8s. There are some new books at reduced prices, including the works of Jeremy Taylor, 10 vols., 18s., published at 57. 5-s.

Mr. Hugh Hopkins, of Glasgow, has in his list a

number of family histories. These include Fraser's

' Scotts of Buccleuch,' 17?. 10s. ; also ' The Frasers

of Philorth, 107. There are many works relating to

! Glasgow. A complete set of the Bannatyne Club

i Publications, Edinburgh, 1823-67, is priced at 1757.

Among general items are ' The Arabian Nights.'

| Villon Society, 15?., and Burton's ' Scotland,' 87. 10<.

Under Burns are Allan Cunningham's edition, 27.,

and the Memorial Catalogue of the Exhibition in

! Glasgow, 1896, 4?. 10s. Only fifty copies of this special

i edition were printed. Pickering and Moxon's edi-

tion of Coleridge is 147. 10s.
Crowe and Caval-

i caselle's ' Painting in Italy,' 187. ; Dibdin's ' Deca-

' meron,' 1817. 157. ; Dibdin's ' Tour in France,' 1821,

j 317. 10'. (both of these are full bound in morocco) ;

I Douglas's ' Peerage of Scotland,' 107. 10s. ; Hun-

i terian Club Publications, 10?. 10s ; Kay's ' Portraits