Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/172

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. in. FEB. is, 1005.

of Eminent and Notorious Scotch Characters,' 1837, "102. 101. ; "Library of Old Authors," 53 vols., 11. 10s. ; Meyrick's ' Antient Armour,' 3 vols. folio, crimson morocco, Bohn, 1842, 121. ; Ritson's works, 31 vols., 211. ; Roy's ' Roman Antiquities,' 41. is. ; Buskin's ' Modern Painters,' 1873, 101. 10s. ; and Pickering's edition of Walton and Cotton, 2 vols. imperial 8vo, 16Z. 10s.

Catalogue No. 9 of Mr. H. H. Peach, of Leicester, contains interesting manuscripts. It is also rich in specimens of early presses. Among Bibles is a sound copy of Cromwell's Bible, 102. 10$. Under Bibliography we find one of the 200 copies of ' Three Hundred Notable Books added to the British Museum, 1890-99' (a letter from Dr. Garnett pasted in), price 11. 12s. 6d. There is a letter of Lord dive's, dated Calcutta, 29 Sept., 1765, which states: "Bengali will at last afford you some agreeable news after the many disastrous accounts of massacres, mutinies, &c. Peace and tranquillity is at last restored to these much distressed pro- vinces." The price is 51. 5s. Under Music is a miscellaneous collection of eighteenth-century songs, 3 vols., 41. 4s. In the general list we find Beaumont and Fletcher, 1679, 81. 8s. ; Dibdin's ' Typographical Antiquities,' 1810, 4 vols., 11. 10s. ; Dugdale's 'St. Paul's,' 1716, 11. 5s. ; and Shelley's ' Masque of Anarchy,' first edition, 1832, 31. 10s.

Mr. A- Russell Smith has a number of books tinder Americana, also Old American Maps, very interesting. Under Bibliography is a catalogue of a curious collection of early plays, price 21s. Among general items are Chalkhill's ' Thealma and Clearchus,' first edition, 1683, 11. 7s. ; a copy of the Form of Prayer used after the Fire of London, black- ktter, 1666, '21. 2s. (a copy of this sold at Sotheby's in 1857 for 41. 12s.) ; an heraldic manuscript from the library of John Ives (circa 1610), 242. ; and Caw- dray's ' Proverbs,' T. Creede, 1600, SI. 3s. There are a number of interesting engravings and auto- graphs. Among the former is a collection of satirical prints relating to the South Sea Bubble, 21. 2s.

Messrs. Henry Sotheran & Co.'s list opens with 'Acts of Parliament,' 1803-1903. 85 vols., 81. 8s. This is from the library of the Duke of Cambridge. Under Biblia Sacra are rare items. An extra- illustrated copy of Burnet's 'History of his own Time,' 1724-34, is priced at 382. ; Camden's ' Bri- tannia,' extra-illustrated, 1806, 502. ; Chaucer, 1561, folio, black-letter, in the original oaken boards, scarce, 152. 15s. : Caxton's ' Golden Legend,' 1520, very rare, 252. ; Payne Collier's 'Old Man's Diary,' privately printed, 51. 5s. ; also his ' Illustrations of 'Old English Literature,' 4?. 4s. Under Dictionaries are ' The English Dialect,' Funk & Wagnalls's, Littre's, and Skeat's. Glasse's 'Art of Cookery,' "printed for the Author, and sold at Mrs. Ash- burn's, a China-Shop, the Corner of Fleet-Ditch," 1747, is 172. 17s. There are a large number of books under India and its Neighbour-lands. Among these we note the very scarce Oriental Translation Fund's Publications, 1832-46, 142. 14s. ; a very fine copy of La Fontaine, 1776, 31?. 10s. ; a scarce set of Lecky, 232. ; a copy of the ' Heptameron,' 1792, '81. 15s. ; and Reynolds's works, 521. 10s. There are a number of valuable editions of Shakespeare, niany in choice bindings ; also a copy, in the original cloth, of Smith s ' Catalogue Raisonne of the Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters,' SGI. A set of Hertslet's ' State Papers,' 1841-93, is priced at 451.

Mr. Albert Button, of Manchester, has a good list of general literature. We find among the items

Bibliographica, 3 vols., 1895-7, 21. 17s. 6(2. ; The Anglo-Saxon Review, 11. 16s.: Stillman's 'Venus and Apollo in Painting and Sculpture' (only 555 copies printed), 21. 2*. ; and a first edition of Jane Austens 'Emma,' 11. 16s. There are many items under Cruikshank and Dickens. A copy of John- stone and Croall's 'Nature-printed Seaweeds' is priced at 11. 16s. (this was published at 82. Ss.) ; and Hamerton's ' Landscapes,' first edition, 31. The special selections include Alpine, America, Derby- shire, Staffordshire, Trials, &c.

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, in their new list have the rare first edition of Lodge's ' Portraits,' 322. The initial cost of this work was 40,0002. A copy of Boccaccio, rare German translation, 1535, is 81. 8s. ; Walton's ' Lives,' original edition, most rare, 152. 15s. ; Stephens's ' Runic Monuments, 1 52. ; Farmer and Henley's ' Slang Dictionary,' 11. 7s. ; The European Magazine, 23 vols., 1792-1803, 51. 5s. ; and Solon's 'Art of the Old English Potter,' 31. 10s. There are handsomely bound sets of Dickens and Thackeray. Bowles's ' Life of Ken,' with 300 extra plates, is 142. 10s., and Tuer's ' History of the Hornbook,' 31. 10s. Under Heraldry we find ' The Order of the Garter, 1800-20,' 402. Under Garrick is a MS. from the library of the late Duke of Cambridge, ' Lethe ; or, ^-Esop in the Shades,' 1777, 11. 7s. Under Cruikshank is the first edition of 'The Omnibus,' 42s. A handsome set of George Meredith is priced at 11. 7s. Gell's ' Pompeii ' is 11. 7s. Arnold's ' Collection of Cathe- dral Music,' 1847, very scarce, is 51. 5s. ; and Max- well's ' Irish Rebellion,' 1845, 32. 10s.

WE notice with regret the death on Sunday last of Henry Holman Drake, in his eighty-fifth year. Mr. Drake, who was proud of his descent from the celebrated mariner of Elizabethan days, was a con- stant correspondent in our columns.


We must call special attention to the following notices :

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to

Eut in parentheses, immediately after the exact eading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication "Duplicate."

R. W. ("Ephis and his Lion"). No reply to your query at 10 th S. ii. 448 has yet been received. Should one come to hand, it will be inserted.

ERRATUM. In the Index to 10 th S. ii. p. 563, col. 2, the article on Richard of Scotland should have been attributed to the Rev. Jerome Pollard- Urquhart, not to Col. F. E. R. Pollard-Urquhart.


Editorial communications should be addressed to " The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lisher" at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C.