Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/531

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io» s. iv. NOV. 25, iocs.] NOTES AND QUERIES. THE ATHENJEUM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, SCIENCE, THE FINE ARTS, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA. LAST WEEK'S ATHENJEUM contains Articles on GERMAN LITERATURE. MRS. BROOKFIELD and HER CIRCLE. EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS of the DAY. A MAKER of CANADA. NEW NOVELS :—French Nan ; Kipps ; Jacob and John ; Fortune's Cap ; The Quakeress ; The Idlers ; The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight; The Benefactor ; The Claim Jumpers; Lieut. Gullivar Jones ; Lady Jim of Curzon Street. SPORTS and PASTIMES. OUR LIBRARY TABLE:—Autobiography of Smiles; On Two Continents; Colonial Administration; Napoleon's Notes on English History; Studies in Modern German Literature; The fcj. ,it. of Rome; Some Early Cambridge Records; A Day Book of Montaigne; Heimweh ; The Four Gardens ; Peterkins ; Interludes ; Reprints and New Editions ; Prayers by R L. Stevenson. LIST of NEW BOOKS. LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE :—Research Notes: Societies; Meetings Next Week ; Gossip. FINE ARTS:—Our Library Table (Raphael; Claude: Bethlehem to Olivet; Puvis de Chavannes ; Canterbury; The Magazine of Fine Arts) ; The Society of Twelve at Obach's Gallery; The Portrait Painters at the New Gallery ; The Rembrandt Gallery ; Gossip. MUSIC :—Andrea Chenier ; Rigoletto ; Mr. Buhlig's and Mr. York Bowen's .Pianoforte Recitals ; Gossip Performarfces Next Week. DRAMA:—Lucky Miss Dean ; German Theatre ; The Temptation of Samuel Burge ; Gossip. THIS WEEK'S ATHENJEUM contains Articles on The EMPIRE and the CENTURY. Mrs. FIT2HERBERT and GEORGE IV. HARVAKD LECTDRES on GREKK SUBJECTS. LONDON FILMS. The HOUSE of MIRTH. WILD WHEAT. The MISSOURIAN. IN the HANDS of the CZAR. The TOWEK of 81 LOAM. The SPIDER'S EYE. RICHARD HARTLEY, PROSPECTOR. POLITICS and SOCIAL PROBLEMS. JUVENILE BOOKS. WITH JOHN BULL and JONATHAN. VILLAGE, TOWN, and JtJNGLE LIFE in INDIA. UNDERGROUND MAN. HORACE. The GARDEN of NUTS. The AGE of TRANSITION, 1400-1580. The LITTLE FARM. The OPEN ROiD and The FRIENDLY TOWN. The LITTLE QUARTO SHAKESPEARE. The WAY. BAUSTEINE. CALENDARS, DIARIES, ic. HENRY FIELDING'S FAMILY. The SWINTON CHARTERS. SWIFT and LEMUEL GULLIVER. COVERDALE'S BIBLE of 1535. The SECRET of the TOTKM. The ROYAL SOCIETY of PAINTERS in WATER COLOURS. The SULLEY GALLERIES. MRS. GRUNDY. The LITTLB FATHER of the WILDERNESS. The MOUNTAIN CLIMBER. NEXT WEEK'S ATHEKEUM will contain Notices of SIR IAN HAMILTON'S A STAFF OFFICER'S SCRAP-BOOK DURING the RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. THREE BOOKS ON LAMB. The ATIIEN^EUM, every SATURDAY, price THREEPENCE, of JOHN C. FRANCIS, Atheneewn Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C. And of all Newsagents.