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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* 8. iv. NOV. 25, is*. SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO., LTD. NEW AND REVISED EDITION OF The LITTLE CYCLOPEDIA of COMMON THINGS. By Sir GKO. W. CCX, Bart. Demy 8vo, 2t. 6d. net. The SCHOOLMASTERS TEAR-BOOE. Fourth Tear of Issue. Cs. net. [December. The PUBLIC SCHOOLS TEAR-BOOE. Seventeenth Tear of Issue. 2». 6d. [December. SONNENSCHEIN'S QUOTATION SERIES. Small crown Svo, 7.1. 6d. each. DICTIONARY of QUOTATIONS. English. Third Edition. P. H. Dalbiac. DICTIONARY of QUOTATIONS. Classical. Second Edition. T. B. HARBOTTLE. DICTIONARY of QUOTATIONS. French and Italian. Second Edition. HARBOTTLE and DALBIAC. DICTIONARY of QUOTATIONS. German. Lilian Dalbiac. « [Mora* DICTIONARY of CONTEMPORARY QUOTATIONS. English. H. Swan. DICTIONARY of HISTORICAL ALLUSIONS. Second Edition. T. B. HARBOTTLE. DICTIONARY of BATTLES. T. B. Harbottle. FAMOUS SAYINGS of GREAT MEN. E. Latham. DICTIONARY of QUOTATIONS. Spanish. T. B. Harbottle. [in A NEW EDITION OF THE PRIVATE LIFE of WARREN HASTINGS. By Sir Charles LAWSON. Demy 8vo, 10». 6d. net. MEMORIES of MADRAS. By Sir Charles Lawson, Author of ' The Private Life of Warren Hastings.' With 4 Photogravure Portraits and 29 other Illustrations. Demy 8vo, 10*. 6d. net. " The whole book is bright and readable, and its interest is much enhanced by a large number of portraits and other illustrations."—6tlatgoni Herald. " A book of great charm and very exceptional interest."—Bookman. "The book is attractive in appearance, and will well repay perusal."—World. " A monument of accuracy aod painstaking research."—Academy. CTCLOP-ffiDIA of EDUCATION. A Handbook of Reference on all subjects connected with Education (its History and Practice), comprising Articles by Kininer' Specialists. A New Edition, thoroughly Revised and brought up to date. By M. B. JOHN. 2s. 6d. net. [Ready ,hortly. SWAN SONNENSCHEIN k CO., LTD., 25, High Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. eeklr br 'OHM O. ytHNOIS. Rnun'i BuUdlnri. C&mnrarr Lmne. BO.: ud Printed 117 JOHN BDWA11I) FJliKCtt Atheoieuiu PFMI, Bremm'l BtUdkBcs. Caancery Lane, I.e.—Saturday, Ifottmber i'fi, 1906.