Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/651

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Rotes and Queries, Jan. 1)7. 1906. INDEX. TENTH SERIES.—VOL. IV. [For classified articles, see ANONYMOUS WORKS, BIBLIOGRAPHY, BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED, EDITORIAL, EPIGRAMS, EPITAPHS, FOLK-LOKE, HERALDRY, OBITUARIES, PROVERBS AND PHRASES, QUOTATIONS, SHAKESPEARIANA, SONGS AND BALLADS, and TAVERN SIGNS.] A. on Swedish royal family, 91 A. (E. H.) on quotations wanted, 168 A. (I. W.) on quotations wanted, 334 A. (J. S.) on ' Military Discipline,' 489 A. (P. S.) on " Parva sed apta," 3»7 A. (P. W.) on prisoner suckled by bis daughter, 353 A. (S.) on Lincoln Imp, 530 Spanish lady's love for an Englishman, 107 Abbeys, Premonstratensian, 169, 231, 298 Abbott (T. K.) on Latin-Rag.-basque dictionary, 143 Abrahams (A.) on Academy of Muses, 293 ' Adventures in Borneo,' 7 Concerts of Antient Music, 393 Copenhagen House, 205, 351 Crown Street, S"ho, 326 Dramatic clubs, amateur, 493 Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 37 Evans: Symonds : Hering: Garden, 397 " Fountain " tavern, 336 Greyfriars burial-ground, 205 Eingsway and Aldwych, 433 Looping the loop : centrifugal railway, 176 Moore (Tom), of Fleet Street, 230 'Morning Star,' 536 Moxhay, Leicester Square showman, 135 Nelson Column, 175 Nelson panoramas, 365 Newlands, Chalfont St. Peter, 148, 457 Pinks's ' History of Clerkenwell,' 427 Strand Theatre, 385 Tufnel family, 389 Abstemius in ,K-.>;•'.- Fables, 149. 234 Academy of Ancient Music, foundation, 49, 335, 393 Academy of the Muses, 54, 177, 233 Adam, his commemorative pillars, 69, 136 Adams (Frederick), his death, 499 Adams (Jean), her ' There 'B nae Luck,' 161 Add and Adder, ecclesiaxtical use, 406, 456 Addleehaw (P.) on Chaloner : Fortunate Boy, 609 Addy (S. 0.) on Cheshire words, 303 "Famous"Chelsea, 517 High Peak words, 427 Soallions, 376 jEaop's Fables, Abstemius in, 149, 231 Afghanistan, title of the Amir, 66 Alabaster, gallows of, 189, 276 Aladdin and Saladin, their pronunciation, 534 Albigna, place-name, its Arabic equivalent 489 Alchemy, modern, 167 Aldenham (Lord) on quotations wanted, 237 Tinterero, 396 Aldworth (A. E.) on preaching in New England, 829 Aldwych and Kingsway inaugurated, 361,410,433, 451 Ales, love, use of the term, 35 Allanbank on Henry Palmer, 288 Alleyn (John), law reporter, c. } 681, 416 Alliteration : ' Siegn of Belgrade,' 146 Almanac, c. 1744, 486 Almansa in ' Toledo and Madrid,' 248, 315 Almshouses, interesting old, 87 Almsmen, Westminster Abbey, 168, 236, 314 Alvarez (Henry), M.J., and Henry Alway, 126, 374 Alway (Henry) and Henry Alvarez, S.J., 126, 374 America, Jacobite rebels transported to, 66 ; early editions of Gibbon's ' Decline and Fall' in, 405 American Civil War, "fficiil history, 527 American Civil War, 229, 296, 354 American place-name*, 155 Americus on " Bush and grease." 207 Ancient Concert Society, established 1776, 49, 335,393 Anders (H. R. D.) on John poisoned by a toad, 256 Anderson (P. J.) on George Colman's 'Man of the People,' 2fi6 Gray (Principal Gilbert), 307 Swedish royal family, 352 Vaus (John), grammarian, 248 Andrews (H. C.) <>n Premonstratensian Abbeys, 298 Wenham (Jane), witch of VValkern, 318 Andrews (W.) on custom of Thraves, 350 Anerley on Locke: Lockie, 90 Angerstein (John Julius), his biography, 66 Anonymous Works:— Adventures in Borneo, 7 Battel of the ('..IK, 228 Complete Drill >«rgeant, 530 Creation : a Po«m, 67, 137 Doomes Day, tract, of 1647, 10, 77 Edward and Ellen, 47 Hugh Trevor. 4S!», 5 3 Les Jumelles, 9 Lovers, The. 16*3, 47 Military Discipline; or, the Young Artillery Man. 489 Our Native England, 510