Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/652

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542 Notes and Queries. Jan. 87.1»0«. INDEX. Anonymous Works: — Pictures of the Old and New Testaments, 57 Poetic Works by a Weird, 489 Primum Mobile, 67, 187 Rhyming Reminiscences, 428 Ring, The, 44S ' Steer to the Nor'-Nor'-West,' 132 Whitefriars, 447, 586 Zapata's Questions, 449, 512 Anscombe (A.) on England : English, 73 Anstice (Joseph), parentage and marriage, 88, 151, 172 Appenon (G. L.) on Tholsels, 458 Appleby Magna Grammar School, 288, 392 ' Arabian Nights,' edition with vowel points, 409, 513 Archaeology, Institute of, at Liverpool University, 308 Arcbiepiscopal cross in Tennyson's ' Becket,' 106, 157 Arctic circle, ball-games played on festivals in the, 347 Argument, Darwinian chain of, 169, 237 Arkle (A. H.) on Brougham Castle, 373 Ceremony at Kipou, 857 Dover pier, 451 Incledon : Cooke, 92 Looping the loop: centrifugal railway, 176, 416 Pig : swine: hog, 449 Armada and English poets, 346, 414 Arms, right to, and the College of, 188 Armstrong (Sir Tliomas), two of the name, 281 Army, English, in Ireland, 1630-40, 489 Ame (Dr.), bis ' Poculum Elevatum,' 409 Ascham (Roger), pronunciation of his name, 169, 216 Ashburner and Teed families, 90 Ashcroft (T. C.) on cry of Maoaria, 28 Assheton (R. O.) on Toby's dog, 508 Astarte on Irish weather rime, 406 Love alee, 35 Vulgate, 17 Astronomy in ' Gulliver's Travels,' 86 'AffT-poircXicvc, its use by Gibbon, 167, 272, 370 Athill-Cruttwell (H.) on Melohior Guydickens, 469, 537 Atkinson (S. B.) on Pilgrim of Eternity, 213 Auden (G. A.) on Civil War earthworks, 394 Axon (W. E. A.) on Beckford and Rabelais, 264 Book, nameless, 376 Foxe the Martyrologiat, preface by, 44 Kingsley (C.), poem by, 125 Mezzofanti (Cardinal), 168 Peignot (Gabriel), 521 'Zapata's Questions,' 512 Ayeahr on ceremony at Ripon, 249 B. (A.) on quotations wanted, 249 ' Siege of Belgrade,' 146 B. (B.) on " Black " Bourbons, 206 B. (C.) on Oscar Wilde's 'De Profundig,' 168 B. ( K G.) on birthday of George III., 173 B. (G. W.) on Bathilda, 98 Gibbets, 251 B. (G.) on escutcheon of pretence, 429 B. (G. F. R.) on Joseph Anstice, 88 Buck (Timothy), 509 Clerke (Sir P. Jennings), 429 Concerts of Antient Music, 49 Cumberland (Mr.), 489 Dundas (Sir Lawrence), 516 Dyer (John), poet, 530 Gery (Thomas), 469 Giffard, 2S9 B. (G. F. R.) on Charles Gough, 449 levers (Robert Henry), 107 Impey (Edward Harrington), 127 Izard, 47 Whitcburch (Samuel), poet, 516 B. (G. O.) on Lawrence, 497 B. (H. H.) on ' Les Miserable*,' 309 B. (.). A.) on quotations wanted, 529 B. (J. H.) on amateur dramatic clubs, 388 B: (J. T.) on Ulm and Trafalgar, 450 B. (J. W.) on Caldwell family, 73 Grosvenor or Gravenor (Joane), 308 Monck : Monke : Monk, 449 Parker family, 15, 94 B. (O.) on Burns and Palace of Traquair, 387 B. (R.) on detached belfries, 290 B. (R. S.) on Boddington family, 89 B. (W.) on George Buchanan, 147 Catalogues, printed, of public libraries, 454 ' Cloister and the Hearth,' 249 Correct, 294 Lamb (C.), 306 " Sacne Paginae Professor," 278 Welsh poems, 516 Wyatt (Sir T.), poem by, 70 B. (W. C.) on bibliography of Christmas, 503 Book, nameless, 176 Christie (J. H.), 252 Christmas notes, $01 Clapham (Henoch), 862 Facts are stubborn things, 204 Johnson (Isaac), of Massachusetts, 227 Literature, popular in sixteenth century, 486 Lopez (Kodwigo), 306 ' Missal, The,' 75 Monro (Major), 72 Morgan and Polton, Bishops of Worcester, 847 Mulberry and quince, 438 Nelson poems, 186 Pentens or Punteus, 189 Rain caught on Holy Thursday, 497 Robinson Crusoe, 1619, 287 St. Luke's Day, 305 Scallions, 875 Stuart (Daniel and Peter), 125 Vulgate, 93 Waits, 505 B. (W. G.) on Thomas a Becket, 214 Quotations wanted, 488 Slipper a surname, 212 Bacon (Sir Francis), his cipher, 188 Badges, difficult words connected with, 55 Bagnios, London, 24, 115, 217, 277, 376 Baildon (W. Paley) on Kingsway and Aldwycb, 433 Baines (A. A.) on Baines family, 68 Baines family of Layham, Suffolk, 69, 330, 537 Baldock (G. Yarrow) on coop, to trap, 296 Wheel as symbol of religion, 250 Ball (F. Elrington) on Curtis: Hughes: Worth, 331 Tholsels, 453 Ball (H. H.) on Sophony, 148 Ball-games played in Arctic Circle on festivals, 347 Banquet, fifteenth century, bill of (are, 446 Barclay-Allardice (R.) on Scotch burial custom, 78 Barclay (Capt. Robert Heriott), his portrait, 23 Barker (H. J.) on fame, 249