Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/659

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1606.



Smith (H. T.) on suicides buried in the open fields, 76

Smith (Hubert) on The King's Seal,' 149

Smith ( J. and H.), their ' Horace in London,' 369

Smith (Stephen Catterton), artist, 287, 517

Smith (Dr. T.), his ' Hymnus Eucharisticus,' 369, 413

Smugglers' caves, 282

Smyth (E. C.) on Reginald Fitz Urse, 112

g_ n (A.) on black ewe in the ' Iliad,' 328

S n (G. A.) on Canova's works in England, 89

Snakes in South Africa, 428, 473

Snuff boxes, leather, 296

Society ladies, magazine articles on, 469, 514

Somerill (T.) on Saxon kings : living descendants, 189

Somerset, North- West, sketches of, 250

ongs and Ballads:

Attend, ye gay dames, to the tale T am telling, 184

Charlie, he's my Darling, 45

Cherry Ripe, 214, 254, 297, 352, 392

Chin-a-chin-a-chop-sticks, 120

Ching-a-ring-a-ching-ching, Feast of Lanterns, 6i, 113, 239

Come, all you jolly blades, 289

Home, Sweet Home, additional verses, 367, 476

May Song, 403, 474

Medley Finale to theGreat Exhibition, 64, 113, 239

My lodging is on the cold ground, 352

Sussex Drinking Song, 508 Soper (Thomas) and Capt. Hardy, 287, 349 Sophy =Shah of Persia, anachronistic use, 308, 354, 378 Sotheran (H. C.) on provincial booksellers, 297 Soubise, black page of Duchess of Queensberry, 73 Souletin " pastorales," list of, 387 Southam ( Herbert) on Capt. Curry, 271

Mozart, 11

Party colours, 194

West's picture of the death of Wolfe, 518 Spain, Mozarabic Mass in, 250, 339 ; marriage of

King Alphonso and Princess Victoria, 447 Spain and England, old saying, 430 Sparke (A.) on boar's head, 35 Sparth, derivation of the word, 288 Speeches, long, an infliction, 86 Spelling, history of English, 148, 198, 232 .Spence (Joseph), his biography, 1699-1768, 63 Spence (R.) on black ewe in ' Iliad,' 373 Spermologus on Lewes Grammar School, 268 Spinola's whale, mentioned in 1654, 109, 173, 394 Spoons, church, 13, 56, 77 Stacey (John), bogus Waterloo veteran, 391 Btaines Bridge, its dimensions, 52, 112 Stapleton (A.) on abbey or priory, 417

American Gotham, 288

Nottingham Psalter, 430

Pedigree difficulties, 87

Stapletonor Stoughton (1C.), variation of name, 87, 155

Statues in Southern Russia, 349 Steam communication, early, with America, 467 Steamboats, halfpenny, 82, 136 Steamer: the Henry Brougham, c. 1838, 269, 337,511 Steele (R. L.) on Tarot cards, 452 Steemson and Cliffe families, 169, 217 Steggall (Caroline) on Lewes Grammar School, 337 Stephen (G. A.) on bookseller's motto, 255 Cox's ' History of Warwickshire,' 372 Stephenson (Ernest Augustus), c. 1822, 109

Sterne (C.) and Johnson at " The Cheshire Cheese,"

108 ; his letters to Rev. John Blake, 247 Stevens (E.) on Darrel or Dorrell'g deed, 285 Stevenson (George J.), his ' City Road Chapel,' 328 Stevenson (R. L.), use of " hebdomadary," 44, 91; lines by, 76; first ed. of < New Arabian Nights,' 107 Steward of the Household, 348, 396 Stewart (Alan) on Lord Camelford's duel, 162

Lettsom (Dr.), 191 Stewart of Lome effigy discovered, 326 Stewart- Brown ( R.) on ballad by Heber : W. Crane, 413 Stocktaking and inventories in antiquity, 168 Stone (C. R.) on Reginald Fitz Urse, 47 Stone (J. H.) on Ramsgate Christmas procession, 208 Storm of 1703, 'The Tempest ' and ' Macbeth,' 161 Story (A. T.) on Cheyne Walk: China Walk, 312 Stow's ' Survey,' cheap reissue, 304 Strachan(L. R. M.) on Byron and Greek grammar, 9$

Heidelberg matriculations, 368

Johnson's 'Vanity of Human Wishes,' 29

Laconic letters, 171

Pig : swine : hog, 73 Street (E. E.) on church spoons, 13

Havel and slaie makers, 256

Johnson's 'Vanity of Human Wishes,' 78

Michell family, 495

Moon, new : fortunate or unfortunate, 252

Pour, 329

Tarot cards, 452 Streets, vanished and vanishing, 81, 136, 175, 221 Strong (Prof. H. A) on bacteria : early notice, 45 Stubbs (J.), o. 1785, his marriages and descendants, 329 Student on final e in Chaucer, 36 Style, Townsend, and Rokewood families, 488 Suckling (Florence H.) on Pightle : pikle, 470 Suffolk, Glanville, East of, 213 Suicides buried in the open fields, 76, 173 Sun putting out fire, 300 Sunday, Button, 247, 376 ; Cock Hat, 413 Sundials inside churches, 206, 271 Sunken Land of Bus, a 'Doubtful Shoal,' 509 Superman, use of the term, 88, 1 73 Surnames : Sm ith in Latin. 13, 73, 152, 193 ; Rocke- feller, 111 ; Holyoake, 126, 173 ; Walker, 1H9, 212, 227, 293 ; Gallic, 309, 394, 454 ; Delmer, 348, 433; Hawtrey, 348,417; Portman, 351; number in England, 370 ; Anglo-Saxon, 442

  • Sussex Drinking Song,' 508

Sussex inscription, 75 Sutton (C. W.) on ' The National Instructor,' 229

Provincial booksellers, 342

Rebus in churches, 250

Swaen(A. E. H.)on Decuyper's 'College Alphabet,' 451 Swann ( Emma) on seven-sacrament fonts, 35 Sweden (Christina, Queen of), her works, 489 Swerve in cricket, use of the word, 426 Swimming in the Polynesian islands, 329 Swine, singular and plural, 73

Sword-bearer, municipal, history of the office, 90, 151 Swynnerton (C.) on Henry Angelo, 287, 432 Sycamore = plane in quotation, 407, 452 Symonds (William), hi* ' Pisgah Evangelica,' 1605, 384

T. (A. C.) on Dr. Lettsom, 148 T. (B. W.) on King of Bath, 215