Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 5.djvu/660

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1906.

T, (B. W. ) on Capt. William Wade, 395 T. (D. K.) on Bury family, 349

Holyoake and special constables, 274

Latton (John), 149 T. (G.) on piper at Castle Bytham, 9 T. (J. A.) on Thomas Gloucester, 170 T. (K.) on Portman family, 48, 217, 351 T. (R.) on direction post r. signpost, 496

Rime r. rhyme, 514 T. (V. K.) on Catterton Smith, 287 T. (W.) on Blandina, 450

Holly, oaths, and lightning, 167

King of Bath, 75

" Quain nihil ad genium, Papiniane, tuum," 27

Quotations wanted, 496 Tablets, Greek and Boman, for wiiting, 228, 350, 473,


Tallies, Exchequer, three described, 305 Taormina, Rus-kin and, 450 Tarot pack of playing cards, 407, 452 Tatham (C.), his life of William Blake, 108

Tavern Signs:

Black Bull, Holborn, 367

Coal Hole, Strand, 306, 353, 394

Two Friends, Princes Street, 94 Taylor (H.) on Holyoake and special constables, 126, 212, 274

"Pale Ale," as nieknaire for Englishmen, 447

St. Paul's Cathedral : its foundation stone, 272 Teening time, dialect teim, 186 Teeth, perrons born with, 8, 78, 115 Tekelitep="Whigs, use of the teim by Dryden, 87 Tenison's 'Baconian*,' 31, 133

Tte-a-Tete portraits in Town and Country Maga- zine,' 54

Tillesley (Edmund), of St. John's College, Oxon., 249 Titles, Jacobite and French Canadian, recognition of, 87 Thackeray (W. M.), his use of " anon," 274, 454, 496 Thakor (D. K.) on Kipling's ' Tomlinson,' 307 Thames, the, Lord Macaulay on, 489 Theatre, head-dresses of ladies in, 389, 433, 477 Theatre prints, Juvenile, 25 " There ! " its use as an ejaculation, 246 Thermometer scales, early examples of, 128, 174 Thickneese (Philip), his New Bath Guide,' 75, 132 Thiers and the Dosne family, 447 Thifibe and Pyramus, their death songs, 341, 401 Thomas (Ralph) on William Blake, 86

Bibliography of publishing and bookselling, 476

Brougham (Henry), steamer, 269, 511

Brown Bess, applied to musket, 91

Copyiight in letters, 176

Holyoake bibliography, 441

Juvenile Theatre, 25

London newspapers, 70

MacDonogh (Felix Bryan), 165

Meteyard (Miss), 496

Nollekens (J.), his library, 153

Penhallow (John), 336

Philippines, 287

Rampini (J.), 410, 497

Rich (Anthony), 15

'Bing, The,' 57

Romilly (Sir S.), 386

Swerve, 426

Thomas (Ralph) on Waterloo campaign, 373 Williams (Samuel), draughtsman, 312 Zouave uniform, 5

Thompson (C. H.) on Edward IV., 426 Fitzmaurice family, 67 Laconic letters, 234 Smith (Catterton), 517 Thompson (Mr.) of the 6th Dragoons, 269, 316, 354,.


Thony (Lady Margaret de), r. 12004300, 269 Thome Quay, its locality, 169, 217 Thumb (Tom), his biography, 385, 454 Thurnam (R.) on hare and Easter, 375 Thursday : Bloody Thursday, 247 Toby's dog, fine for preaching on, 32 Topinnmbou, use and derivation of the word, 66, 1 31 Toulouse, supposed facetious legal judgment at, 286 Tower of London, memoirs by Britton and Bravleyv

47, 114 1 Town and Country Magazine,' Tete-a-Tete portrait*

in, 54 Townley House, Ramsgate, its historical associations,.

106 Townsend (Richard), c. 1684, his will and epitaph^


Townsend, Rokewood, and Style families, 488 Trafalgar, pronunciation of the name, 57, 114 ; Hardy

pedigree in Three Dorset Captains, 241 ; Kelson's-

"instructions," 244, 311 Trappes-Lomax (R.) on Sparth, 288 Traquair House, Peebles, its closed gates, 249 Travelling in England, 1600-1700, 348, 414, 433, 455^


Trevor (John, Lord), d. 1764, his biography, 508 Trisanku, Tndian legend, 244 Trump as a card teim, 148, 239 Trunk-maker, " celebrated critical," 389, 433, 477 Tuileiies garden in 1796, 429, 493 Tun, its etymology, 422 Tupman (C.) on quotations wanted, 48 Turner (F.) on Staines Bridge, 52 Turner (J. M. W.) and Sandgate, 127 Tuvill or Tutevil (Daniel), c. 1609, 461, 517 Twizzle-twigs, UPC of the word, 53, 91, 194 "Two Friends," Princes Street, London, 1794, it*

history, 90, 153

"Two Sneezing Cats,' 1 Houndsditch sign, 328, 397 Twyford Abbey, literary references to, 430, 476 Tyrone, history of the county, 89, 172


Udal (J. S.) on escutcheon of pretence, 392

West Indian military burial-ground, 61, 104 Underdown (H. W. ) on Barnes Pikle, 409

Hackney, Middlesex, 309

London nouses, famous, 165

" Walking " cloth, 293 Uniform of Zouaves in French army, 5 United States, oldest Protestant church in, 244 United States v. America, use of the words, 510 University, "James," 1652, the designation, 47, 92 r


Unwin (T. Fisher) on dumping, 127 Up, misuse of the word, 245

Usher, Hereditary, of the Court of Exchequer, abolished, 89