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10 s. VIIL AUG. 31, 1907.] NOTES AND QUERIES.




!NOTES : Index Nominum et Locorum to the'D.N.B.' Inscriptions at Naples, 161 Shakespeariana, 163 The Thames Embankment : its Originators Rotherhithe Sarawak : its Pronunciation Old Colours in the Navy : their Disposal Clara Reeve, 166 The King's Old Barge- house Unroofed Railway Carriages, 167.

QUERIES : " Entente Cordiale "St. Paul's Church- yard, c. 1500 Lancaster Bridge Lithuanian Folk-lore : Legless Spirits William Prynne's MSS. Mundy Family Novel Wanted Ladies Riding Sideways Meyerbeer's ' La Jeunesse de Goethe," 168 Macaulay on Competitive Examinations De Arcubus Family Authors of Quota- tions Wanted Bonapartes at Morfontaine Madame de Girardin ' Alonzo the Brave ' Hail, or Hayil, in Arabia, 169 Newspapers c. 1817-27 Reindeer: its Spelling Sir Thomas Dallas Blight's 'Travels through Lower Hun- gary 'Gourbillon Hustings Courts Heacock and Davis Families Major Money and his Balloon ' Jack Tench,' by " Blowhard " : " Perch "Samuel Nettleship, 1831, 170.

^REPLIES : French Refugee Bishops in British Territory, 171" Pot-gallery " Bede's Translation of the Fourth Gospel, 172 French-Canadian Literature ' Memoirs of the Comtesse de Boigne 'Sir Thomas Browne's Knight- hood, 173 Zoffany's Indian Portraits Robert Grave, Printseller The Subterraneous Exhibition Virginia and the Eastern Counties, 174 Devil's Island Baffo's Poems Good King Wenceslaus, 175 Highlanders "barba- dosed" after the 1715 and '45 Rebellions Duke of Wel- lington on Uniforms" Honi soit qui inal y pense," 176 Poll-Books, 177 Dr. Johnson: Dr. Swan: Dr. Watts "Piscon-led": Foxglove called "Rapper" Pie: Tart, 178.

NOTES ON BOOKS: ' Canon Pietro Casola's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 'Scotland in 1744, 1745, 1746' 'Lord Burgbley's Map of Lancashire.'

Notices to Correspondents.


IN the course of continued researches into the pages of the 'Dictionary of National Biography,' in connexion with the com- pilation of a local history, I am tempted to wonder whether it has ever occurred to those chiefly concerned in the production of that monumental work how useful a complete index to the names and places mentioned therein would be. As things are at present, the local historian, going through the records of his locality, is almost completely at a loss to know what names should be selected by him for mention in his work. Many districts (more particularly in cities) which once had teeming popula- tions, among whom some old-time worthy frequently flourished, are now "dead " as the proverbial door-nail, and it is with the extremest difficulty that any knowledge of even the names of the bygone notabilities can be arrived at, especially when they were not of the first order of importance .in their day, or possessed names which were

by no means uncommon or remarkable in themselves. An exhaustive index to our greatest biographical work would soon put this right, when it would be possible for something like finality to be attained in a large number of instances. I offer the sug- gestion for what it is worth.

I may remark in conclusion that I am not unaware of the present useful ' Index and Epitome,' which would in no way be superseded by such a compilation as I venture to advocate. Perhaps now that a new edition of the ' Dictionary ' is mooted, some attention can be given to the matter.

W. McM.

INSCRIPTIONS AT NAPLES. (See ante, p. 62.)

THE following inscriptions, like the 78 already given, are on the left of the broad path as one enters the old Protestant Ceme- tery at Naples by the western gate :

79. George Whitla, of Belfast, ob. 24 Feb., 1844, a. 55.

80. Jane, d. of the late Alexr. Taggart, Esq., of Knocknaconey, Down, Ireland, and Mary his w., ob. 31 Jan., 1842, a. 22.

81. Wm. James, s. of Wm. Turner, ob. at Santa Lucia, 26 Aug., 1885, a. 52.

82. In the burial-ground of S. Carlo all' Arena lie the remains of Wm. James Turner, s. of the late John Turner, of Putney, ob. at Naples, 12 June, 1824, a. 51. Mary Taine, a friend of the Turner family, ob. 10 Dee., 1841, a. 83. Emma Randell Turner, a. 6 yrs. 4 mths., and Lydia Cath. Turner, a. [19?] mths, both ds. of Wm. and Emma Turner, of Santa Lucia, ob. 1846; and their s. Arthur Samuel, a. 9, ob. 14 Sept., 1853.

83. Richard Bermingham, Rector of Moira, Water- ford, ob. at Sorrento, 1 Oct., 1841. Placed by Letitia Jane his widow.

84. Jonathan Hatfield, a native of England, ob. 3 Feb., 1840.

85. John A. McDouall, Esq., b. at Penrith. 10 Oct., 1805 ; 06., 1 May, 1839, in consequence of a fall from his horse. Placed by his wid. Gertrude McDouall.

86. Margaret, 4th d. of the late Wm. Wilson, Esq., of Dundee, oft. 23 Dec., 1829, a. 50.

87. Mary, w. of Rev. Wm. Smyth, of South Elkington, Lines, late of Lathbury, Bucks, ob. at Sorrento, 3 Sept., 1839, a. 45.

88. Frances, relict of Peter Esdaile, Esq., of London, ob. 24 Aug., 1838, a. 66.

89. Henry, s. of John and Isabella Rogers, ob. Oct., 1836, a. 27.

90. John Close, jun., Esq., of Manchester and Naples, ob. 10 May, 1842, a. 44. Mary, relict of the late John Close, oft. 31 Mar., 1849, a. 78. Vittorio Tommaso Romano, b. 30 Aug., 1852; oft. 13 Oct., 1883. Henrietta Hannah, w. of James Close, Esq., of Manchester, oft. 2 July, 1836, a. 26.

91. Edward Ash week Valentine, oft. 6 June, 1832, a. 59. Mary his wid., oft. 10 Ap., 1856, a. 85.

92. Illegible.