Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/200

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. vm. AUG. 31, 1907.

93. Win. Dickenson. of King Weston, Somt., ob. 19 Jan., 1837, a. 65. He represented the county for 25 yrs. in Parliament.

94. William Thos. Honyman, Esq,, of Mansfield, Air, N.B., s. of Sir Wm. Honyman, Bart., one of H.M. Lords of Session, who assumed the titular designation of Lord Armadale, ob. at Naples, 25 Aug., 1828, a. 32. Erected by his widow.

95. John Mills, Esq., of co. Wicklow, Ireland, 06. 2 Mar., 1838. a. 65.

96. Mark Skelton, Esq., of the Yews> Yorks, ob. 26 Feb., 1839, a. [65?].

97. Eliz. Mason Daniell, wid. of Ralph Allen Daniell, Esq., of Trelissick, Cornwall, ob. at Villa Cocumella, Sorrento, 1 July, 1828, a. 64.

98. Geo. J. Stiles, b. May, 1837- (Illegible.)

99. Edmund Wm. Morris, only child of Eugene Squire and Laura Mary Francis Morris, b. at Birch- wood, Sydeuham Hill, 31 Jan., 1866; ob. 31 Mar., 1874.

100. Charles Noble, s. of Francis F. & E. Stod- dard, of Glasgow, ob. at Castellamare, 15 Dec., 1874, a. 19.

101. Charlotte, d. of Col. Lovelace, of the Guards, and relict of Gerrard Vanneck, ob. 9 Ap., 1875, a. 93 yrs. 9 days.

102. Henry, s. of Jas. and Maria Hind, b. 28 Ap., 1834; murdered at Naples, 1 Mar., 1875.

103. Caroline Amanda, only d. of Capt. and Mrs. Welch, of Virginia Water, ob. 21 Feb., 1876, a. 22.

104. Crawford Jas. Campbell, 06. 10 Ap., 1876,

a. 43.

105. William Giles, of Posilipo, late of Trull, Taunton, Somt., and his w. Anna Louisa, who was bur. in the p. ch. yard of Clevedon, Somt. He was

b. 17 Jan., 1817 ; ob. 2 Aug., 1904.

106. Charles Stuart Craig, 102nd Fusiliers, b. in Dublin, 7 Sept., 1848, ob. Aug., 1875.

107. Sarah Williamson, ob. 8 Mar., 1875.

108. James Pitkin, ob. 19 Oct., 1877, a. 83. Erected by an English firm in recognition of 63 years' faithful service.

109. Mary Elizabeth, w. of R. Vans Agnew, Esq., b. 7 July, 1830 ; ob. 1 Aug., 1870.

110. James Duff, ob. 24 July, 1876. a. 58.

111. Dr. Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L., F.R.S., ob. 29 Ap., 1859, a. 66.

112. Wm. Henry Barbar, ob. 22 July, 1849, a. 15 months. Lucy Barbar, ob. 1 Feb., 1855, a. [4?J months.

113. John Pitkin, 1805-76.

114. Susan, d. of the late Wm. Collier, of Man- chester, w. of Lewis Marchesi, of Rome, b. in Manchester, July, 1829 ; ob. Sept., 1871.

115. Gates family. (No other inscription.)

116. Edward S. Bartholomew, b. in Colchester, Conn., U.S., 8 July, 1822; ob. 3 May, 1858.

117. Henry de Courcy Pook, b. at Dalcombe, 3 Aug., 1803 ; ob. 14 June, 1875.

118. Harriet Louisa Bradbury, ob. 14 Feb., 1873.

119. Basilia Maud, youngest ch. of Edward J. Knipe, Esq., of Elvaston Place, Queens [tc], ob. 13 Mar., 1874, a. 17.

120. Ric. Whitfield Hewlett. (No date visible.)

121. Thos. Blenkins Hartley, youngest s. of James Hartley, of Ashbrooke Hall. (Almost illegible.)

122. Col. Sir W. West Turner, K.C.S.I., C.B., ob. 9 July, 1871. He served his country for 30 yrs. with H.M. 26th, 15th, 7th Fusiliers, and 97th Regiments, in China, the Crimea, and India.

123. Spencer Chas. Dudley Ryder, Lieut. -Col. Bengal Staff Corps, late of 14th Bengal Native

Infantry, youngest s. of the late Hon. Henry Ryder,. ob. 3 Mar., 1873, a. 47.

124. Sarah Turner, ob. 19 Mar., 1854, a. 59. Wm. Turner, ob. 7 Feb., 1864, a. 66. Sarah Ellen Turner, ob. 24 July, 1864, a. 5. Harriet Turner, ob. 20 July. 1884, a. 50. Frederick E, Turner, ob. 17 Dec., 1891, a. 33.

125. Hen. Walter Gostling, Surgeon to the G.I.P. Railway, Bombay b. 2 Oct., 1843 ; ob. 3 Ap., 1887.

126. Nina Harriet, d. of James Temple Bo wdoin,, Esq., of Boston, U.S., and Mary Dickason his w.,. ob. 28 Ap., 184[?], a. 26.

127. Walter Simiett Smith. (Mostly illegible.)

128. Mary Vienot Quinclet, b. at Walton, Lanes, ob. at Sorrento, 13 Ap., 1841. (In French.)

129. Sir Thos. Gibson Carmichael, Bt., 06. 13 Dec.,.

1847, a. 74. Ann his w., ob. at Leghorn, 7 Dec., 1862,. a. 72.

130. Abraham Furse, b. in Topsham, Devon. 15 Oct., 1791 ; ob. 22 Dec., 1841.

131. Edward Coleman, B.A., of Trinity College,. Cambridge, ob. 24 Ap., 1842, a.J[23?].

132. Miss Sarah Chauncy, of Trevor Sqre., London r d. of the late Wm. Chauncy, Esq., ob. 12 Ap., 1842,. a. 56.

133. William Cracroft, late of the Bengal Civil Service, 06. 3 Ap., 1846, a. 58.

134. Dorothea Carleton Morris, ob. 27 Dec., 1850^ a. 16 yrs. 5 mths. Erected by her mother and uncle.

135. Rev. Wm. Andrew Hammond, M.A., form. Rector of Whitchurch, Oxon., ob. 29 Nov., 1844. a. 50.

136. Dr. John Clark, K.H., Dep. Inspector- General of British Army Hospitals, ob. 18 Dec., 1845, a. 62.

137. David Robertson, engineer in the Royal Italian Navy, b. in Glasgow, 2 Feb., 1809 ; ob. 2 Nov., 1892, a. 84 [sic].

138. Wm. Dorant, ob. 15 July, 1848, a. 63. Flora his w., ob. 25 Jan., 1872. Amelia, their eldest d., ob. 21 May, 1890.

139. Lieut. -Col. John Brooks, 2nd Bombay Light Cavalry, ob. 27 Aug., 1849, a. [49?].

140. Thos. Oliver, Esq., of Baltimore, U.S., ob. 29 Dec., 1848, a. 45.

141. Harriet, w. of W. E. Routh, ob. 16 Jan., 1850, a. 68. Harriet Augusta his d., w. of James-- Morrison, Esq., ob. 27 Jan., 1853, a. 42. Wm.Eppes Routh, Esq., ob. 1 Feb., 1864, a. 85.

142. Rev. Wm. Maule Barnes, M.A., ob. 3 June,

1848, a. 38.

143. Elizabeth, w. of Thos. Bold, Esq., Liverpool 1 merchant, ob. 18 Jan., 1848, a. 43.

144. Charlotte Maxwell, w. of Francis Maxwell,. Esq., merchant of Liverpool, ob. 16 Dec., 1843, a. J35.

145. Constantia Rebecca D'Arley, d. of Col. Sir Wm. D'Arley, ob. 21 Nov., 1876, a. 71.

145a. Mary Louisa, w. of Raulin Robin, Esq., ob. 27 Jan., 1877, a. 50.

146. Juanita, eldest d. of Geo. Cheyne, Esq., M.D.,. and Alice Cheyne, ob. 12 Nov., 1876.

147- Alexander John Robertson, student of the^ Middle Temple, ob. 16 Ap., 1865, a. 24.

148. Wm. Hall, of Seven Springs, Cheltenham,, ob. 25 Nov., 1872, a. 79.

149. Mary Anne Coventry, Baroness Pepe, wid. of. General Wm. Pepe, ob. at Tarantp. 9 Mar., 1865. Geraldine Louisa Charlotte Santasilla, b. 20 Sept., ob. 18 Oct., 1872. (Much of this inscription is illegible.)

150. Emily Adela, w. of Christopher Pattison, b. in Berlin, 11 July, 1845 ob. at Capri, 3 Mar., 1869*,