Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/297

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10 s. vin. SKPT. 28, 1907.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Anne Fletcher, wid. of Wm. Carrington, ob. 1 Feb., 1861, a. 56.

153. Melita, 2nd d. of Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. Lane, oh. 20 July, 1839, a. 8 months.

154. Emily Armit, youngest d. of John Armit, late of Dublin, Esq., ob. at La Cava, 28 June, 1839. Mary, wid. of J. Armit, mother of the above, ob. 16 Dec., 1843, a. 81.

155. *Mary Ann Eliza, w. of the Rev. Stephen Olin, D.D., of the United States, d. 7 May, 1830.

156. Isabella Keir, ob. at Sorrento, 9 Aug., 1839.

157. Charles Freeborn, ob. 17 June, 1839, a. 40.

158. Mary, d. of James Stuart and Madeleine E. Robinson, d. 1 Mar., 1845, a. 20 months.

159. Elizabeth, w. of Wm. Flewker, of Notting- ham. (No date.)

160. Rosina Augusta, only ch. of Guildford and Rosa Onslow, ob. 2 July, 1840, a. 1 yr. 1 month.

161. Ellen Jane Berthon Preston, d. of Robert and Ellen Sarah Preston, b. 5 Mar., 1829, ob. at Sorrento, 7 Sept., 1838. I red Berthon Preston, her bro., b. 27 July, 1838 ; d. at Sorrento, 25 Oct., 1838. Emily, their sister, ob. 2 Dec., 1841, a. (12?) yrs.

162. May Mitchell, inf. d. of Wm. Hargreaves and Martha Maria Molyneux, b. 9 Ap., ob. 28 Oct., 1838.

163. Edward Arthur, a. of Col. the Hon. Henry Edward Butler and Frances Manleverer [sic.'], his w., ob. (7?) Nov., 1&39.

164. John Parkes, Esq., ob. at Sorrento, 10 Sept., 1836, a. 44.

165. Wm. John Johnston, of Magheramena, Fer- managh, ob. 25 Feb., 1837, a. 26.

166. Alexander Munro, Esq., b. at Edinburgh, 14 Sept., 1813 ; d. 23 Aug., 1836.

167. Charles Turner, of Newcastle - upon - Tyne, solicitor, who, having been sent hither under the hope of recovering his health, arrived 25 Nov., 1835, ana died the 14 Dec. following, a. 25.

168. Louise Brisbane, b. in America, ob. 17 May, 1837.

169. *Henry Laurence.

170. Mr. Geo. Russell, a. 35. (Apparently no date.)

171. *William Scoffield, seaman, of H.B.M.S. Rodney.

172. The Rev. Angelo Power, a native of Ireland and a R.C. priest, who on his way from Naples to Rome, 9 May, 1843, burst a blood-vessel from violent sea-sickness. The Rev. J. N. Palmer, of St. John's College, Oxford, to whose lot it fell to bury him, erects this memorial.

173. * James Forster, seaman, of H.M.S. Queen, 116 guns, ob. Sept. 8, 1848, a. 24. Also Thos. Smith, seaman of the same.

174. Alfred, inf. s. of Peter and Anne Kennedy, of Feldkirch, Austria, ob. 5 Dec., 1846, a. 20 months.

175. Frederick Buckton, of London, ob. 13 June, 1844, a. 40. Erected by his w., who received in- creasing love from him for nearly 14 years.

176. Geo. F. A. Griffiths, ob. 27 Aug., 1844. Erected by Marv, his wife.

177. Wm. Lakelin, d. 19 Sept., 1844, a. 33.

178. *Elizabeth, wife of

179. *William, s. of Alexander Brice.

180. Elizabeth, w. of Peter Booth, both of Aber- deen, ob. 6 June, 1845, a. 24.

181. Geo. Tumour, Esq., Ceylon Civil Service, s. of the Hon. Geo. Tumour, ob. 10 Ap., 1843, a. 44.

182. Louisa Masters, d. of the late Sir Alex. Grant of Dalvey, Bart., w. of the Rev. Dr. Masters, ob. 15 July, 1845, a. 56. Erected by her d.

183. Maria Evenden, of London, ob. 15 July, 1845

Bit tX>.

184. Thos. Fauquier, ob. 23 Sept., 1852 a 1Q i^' Am* 6 BoxaH, o&- at Castellamare,' 9~0ct . 184b, a. J9. Erected in memory of 11 years' faithful service.

186. John Davis, Music's Prodigy, b. 2 Aug 18^ and after ^years of most awful hypochondriacs, ob.'

187. Baby Rudd, b. and d. 11 Aug., 1878 US' ^J 1 ??' C ^ lly ' S , er 8 e ant Royal Marines.

189. Adelma May, b. 20 Sept., 1884 : ob 'W Aii" 1886. Emma May, b. 27 May/ 1883 / ol 111 Aug.', loo/.

190. Stanley Rae, ob. 19 Feb., 1892, a. 20 months Eric Rae, ob. 4 Mar., 1889, a. (?) months.

191. Wm. Chamberlain, ob. on board the S S Potosi, 16 Oct., 1882, a. 39.

192. Clara Jahier, ne'e Conkey, b. in Oxford Miss U.S.A., ob. 4 Feb., 1882, a. 38. ' *

193. Marie Rinck, ob. 15 July, 1881, a. 69.

194. Martha Martin, ob. 20 May, 1881 a 39 Erected by her friends, A. N. and J. G R '

195. Robt. Laing, b. 14 Ap., 1855 ; d. 20 Ap., 1881 a. 26.

196. Wm. Parker, ob. 14 Ap., 1881, a. 55. Erected by a few friends, who represented the firm of Messrs. J. Penn & Son, engineers, Greenwich, on board the Royal Italian frigate Italia

197. Col. H T. Campbell, late of the Madras. Army, ob. 26 Oct., 1880.

198. Arthur Wm. Corner, of Amoy, China, 2nd s. of the late Geo. R. Corner, ob. on his wav to En<r- land, 12 May, 1880, a. 41.

199. John Robt. Sawyer, ob. 21 Jan., 1889

200. Matthew Bligh Forde, Major-General, Royal Artillery, ob. 2 Ap., 1879.

Row next the path, beginning at the west end.

201. *Mary Anne Boreham, d. of John Boreham Esq., of Thunderbley, Oxon, ob. at Sorrento

202. Wm. Jennings, ob. 2 Feb., 1840, a. 39.

203. John Julius Birch, of Manchester, ob. 14 Feb

1840, a. 22.

204. Wm. Robertson, Esq., ob. 8 May, 1850.

205. Mehetebel [me] Mary, d. of John Gardiner, Esq., late Capt. 5th Dragoon Guards, and of Frances Alicia his w., ob. 17 July, 1840, a. 3 yrs. 3 months

206. Fanny Maria Foster, d. of Dr. J. C. Cox j M.D., Naples, ob. 30 Sept., 1840, a. 7.

207. Frederick, a. 11, and Emily Mary, a. 9,. ! children of Lieut. Geo. Robinson, R.N., and Sarah

Sophia his w., ob. Nov., 1840.

208. Col. Benjamin Ansley, Scots Fusilier Guards, K.H., ob. 26 Aug., 1846. Mary Ann his w. ob. at Naples, 4 Nov., 1840.

209. John Middleton Baines, Esq., of Ludlow, ob 30 Dec., 1840, a. 36.

210. Robert, eldest s. of Alfred and Frances - Batson, b. in London, 25 Oct., 1815; ob. 21 Feb,

1841, a. 26.

211. Mary Ramsay, ob. 29 Nov., 1819, a. 72. Rosina Agnes, wid. of the late John Bell, surgeon, of Edinburgh, ob. 19 Sept., 1838, a. (?).

212. Harriet, w. of Donald Maclean, ob. at Cas- tellamare, 20 Sept., 18(5 ?)0. Elinor Jane Susan Maitland, niece of the above, ob. at Villa Ancri, Posilipo, 4 June, 1870, a. 47.

213. Stephana Fussell Bayly, eldest d. of Chas. Bayly, Esq., of Frome Selwood, Somt., ob. 28 Jan., 1850, a. 18.