Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/298

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. vm. SEPT. 29, 1907.

214. George, s. of the late John Fulton, Esq., of 243. Harriet, d. of Capt. Sir Andrew Snape <Glasgow, ob. 8 Ap., 1847, a. 21. Douglas, R.N., and wid. of Chevalier Maurice

215. Edward, only s. of George and Susannah Dupont, ob. 30 Sept., 1860, a. 74.

244. Ivy, 2nd d. of Eustace Neville Rolfe, b. at Heacham, 10 Dec., 1869 ; ob. 8 Ap., 1892.

245. Charles Kerr, Esq., ob. 9 May, 1861, a. (?).

246. Catherine Eliz. Turner, b. 16 July, 1845 ; ob. 5 Oct., 1869.

247. Charles Turner, British merchant during nearly half a century in Naples, ob. 1 Feb., 1862.

248. *Sophia (Igoulden ?), ob. 13 Dec., 185(?), a. 37. Lawrence (Igoulden?), ob. 23 Mar., 1862. William Igoulden, a. 70, ob. Ap., 186(4?).

249. Charles Maingay, of Naples, ob. atTonbridge, Kent, 26 July. 1871, a. 73. His w. Mary, ob. at Naples, 30 July, 1877, a. 79.

250. Elizabeth Rawson, of Wincobank Hall, i *r -TV -K , Sheffield, only ch. of the late Wm. and Mary Anne

conmgis suayissimi obitu I exsternata | M D. P.C. | Rawson, ob. at Capri, 15 May, 1862, a. 33. | A.R.S.M.CIQ.LCC.XXXIV^ | Amans_et amata j 251. John Joseph Burnett, of Gadgirth, Ayrshire,

Purland, of Norwich, ob. 6 Ap., 1847, a. 20.

216. R. B., ob. 13 Dec., 1846, a. 53. R.I. P.

217. Elizabeth, w of Robert Strange, M.D., ob. 2 June, 1847. Robert Strange, ob. in London, 4 June, 1872, a. 75.

218. Harriet Charlotte Beaujolois, Countess of Charleville, ob. Feb., 1848, a. 45. Dominique Lori- dan, b. 23 Ap., 1780 ; ob. 16 Ap., 1853. In memory of 55 years' faithful service. Alexander, s. of James Baillie, of the Baillies of Dochfour, Inverness, b. 13 Nov., 1777 ; ob. 24 Jan., 1855.

219. Edward, 5th Lord Rokeby of Armagh, Ire-

land, b. 6 July, 1787 ; ob. 7 Ap., 1847. 220. Fr. Joh. Bateman Dashwood


conjux Georgia | univit mors, Sept., 14, 1861.

221. The Lady Mary Beauclerk, Countess of Coventry, b. 30 Mar., 1791; ob. 11 Sept., 1845. R.I.P.

222. Thos. Richardson Auldjo, Esq., ob. at San Jorio, near Naples, 7 July, 1837, a. 30.

223. Henry Wm., inf. s. of Anne Maria and Thos. Richardson Auldjo, ob. 10 Mar., 1833.

224. Helen Ruthven Waterston, only d. of Robt- and Anna Waterston, b. in Boston, U.S.A., 6 Jan., 1841 ; ob. 25 July, 1858, a. 17.

225. Lieut. -General Douglas Mercer Henderson, of Fordell, Fife, Colonel 68th Regt., ob. 21 Mar., 1852, a. 69.

226. Harriet Ground, oft. 12 Aug., 1876, a. 73, Edmund, s. of E. C. H. Ground, ob. 4 Jan, 1879. a. 43. Edmund C. H. Ground, ob. 11 Ap., 1875, a. 72. Emily

1882, a. 16.

'72. Emily, d. of E. and A. Ground, ob. 8 June,

,0ft 1 :

227. Isabella, w. of John Henry Rogers, oft. at Castellamare, 23 Aug., 1854, a. 66.

228. *Henry Dubochet.

229. Francis Koe, Captain Royal Engineers, b. 18 May, 1825 ; oft. 25 Ap., 1859.

230. The Rev. Edgar Barnes, Chaplain of H.M.S. Malacca, 06. on board 17 Nov., 1856, a. 38.

231. Capt. Thos. Gallwey, R.N., for 24 years British Consul at Naples, oft. 21 Dec., 1858, a. 68.

ob. 16 Mar., 1862, a. 53.

232. Emma, w. of Wm. Turner, ob. at 64, Santa Lucia, 27 Oct., 1868, a. 57. Wm. Turner, ob. at Naples, 18 July, 1884, a. 81.

253. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, ob. 17 Mar., 1868, a. 29.

254. Louisa Dillon Strachan, Marquise de Salza, oft. 5 Jan., 1867.

255. Mary, w. of J. 0. Head, Esq., of Hackwood, Hexham, Northumb., oft. 12 May, 1872, a. 40, at Castellamare.

G. S. PARRY, Lieut. -Col. 18, Hyde Gardens, Eastbourne*

(To be continued.)


(See 1 S. xi. 13, 95, 252 ; xii. 293 ; 2 S. xi. 151, 256, 314, 445 ; 4 S. ix. 136 ; 5 S. vi. 26.) '

THAT portion of bibliography which deals with the Keepers and the Ordinaries of Newgate will not be complete without a

list of the Public Executioners. Although

TAT? ?ocn Bur o SS ' ^ ' ^ the subject is gruesome, it is not without eb, I860, a. 33. (interest to the expert in criminology, and

Jan, 1857, , a. 63. | Emily Magra, oft. 24 Dec , 1857, a. 85. the following notes, jotted down from time

234. Mary Anne, w. of Gustave Peterson, d. of Maximilian and Elizabeth Fischer, b. in Leeds, Yorks, 7 Ap., 1805 ; oft. 13 Feb,, 1857.

235. St. Clair Kelburn, only s. of S. K. Mul- holland, of Eglantine, Hillsborough, co. Down, Ireland, oft. at Sorrento, 11 Ap., 1861, a. 20.

236. Richard Smith Kay, Esq., eldest s. of the late Wm. Kay, Esq., of Tring Park, Herts, oft. 21 Feb., 1857.

237. *John Ritchie, Esq.

238. *Richard Tappin.

239. Miles O'Reilly, antiquse suse gentis Hiber-

to time during a study of the annals of Newgate, will form a supplement to previous articles that have appeared in these columns. From 1593 until 1686 the office of executioner appears to have been held in succession by the following in- dividuals : Bull, Derrick, Gregory Brandon, Richard Brandon, " Squire " Dun, and Jack Ketch, about whom the pages of ' N. & Q.' have already contained much information.

iiorum princeps, oft. 24 Oct., 1857, a. 76. | The immortal Ketch is the subject also of

240. John Calvert, Esq., H.B.M. Consul at Naples, a learned monograph in the ' Dictionary of

b -^ ly TJ 8(2 ^ ? li 6 ' 10Jl } n %- 18 J 7 ^ AC TT i , National Biography,' written by Mr. Thomas

241. Henrietta, w. of Rich. 0. M. Holme, oft. o -_-->_ ^ J f

31 Dec., 1890. Edie, 1874-9.

., . , -.

242. Jane, wid. of the late John Harding, Esq., of Clifton, Glouc., oft. at Sorrento, 31 Mar., 1860.


John Price, who held the office in 1718, is the first of these functionaries after Ketch