Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/632

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1908.

Bibliography :

Swift (Dean), 231, 277

Warner (R.), his ' Antiquitates Culinariae,' 431

Wieland (C. M.) his ' Agathon,' 368, 457

Winchilsea (Lady), her ' Progress of Life,' 401 Bibliopegus, use of the word, 405 Bidaxe, a farm tool, its derivation, 251 Bidding Prayer and King Edward VI., 295 Billingsgate, " Salutation " Tavern, its history, 52 Bill Stumps, his mark, its origin, 95, 252 Bingley (Col. A. U.) on Bingleys of Notts, 68

Gregory : Allen : Hampden, 249

Nonjurors : Rev. Benjamin Way, 229 Bingley family of Notts, 68 Birch (W. de G.), emendations in ' Cartularium

Saxonicum,' 204

Birch's in Cornhill, its redecoration, 216 Bird : umber bird, meaning of the word, 230, 353 Bird (Francis), his statue of Queen Anne, 271 Birmingham and London Railway, unroofed carriages

on, 167, 234, 292, 357, 414, 473 Biron (Charles, Duke of), his birthplace, 49 Birrell (Augustine), his essay on Milton, 22, 376 Birth of children and the B.V.M., 86 Births, miraculous, 208 Bishoprics, their traditional naming, 407 Bishops, French refugee, 87, 149, 171 Bit, American coin-name, 63, 115 Blackburn (Archbishop) of York, 1724-43, 350, 415 Blackburn (C. F.), his father's death, 107 Blackfriars, French ambassador's house, 1623, 69 Blackwell (Barnaby). See Backnell. Bladder, called blather, 55 Bladum, use of the word, 1297, 5, 114 Blake (William) at Felpham, 231, 277 Blakesley, Northants, lost register restored, 45 Blanchard (M.), balloon from Dover to Calais, 311 Blather for bladder, use of the word, 55 Bleackley (Horace) on Robert Stratford Byron, 469

Casanova in England, 443

Common hangman, 244, 376

Dissenting preachers in the Old Jewry, 347

Douglas cause, new light on, 3

Foote (S.), his comedies, 141

George III. and Lady Sarah Lennox, 387

Lightfoot (Hannah), mystery of, 321, 402, 483

Newspapers c. 1817-27, 257

Ordinaries of Newgate, 278

Perreau Brothers and Mrs. Rudd, 361

Quentin (Mrs.), 277

' Sobriquets and Nicknames,' 114 Blind, indigent, school for, its early records, 37, 160,

235, 428

Bloc : Block = political amalgamation, 87 Block and tackle contrivance, and the Greeks, 510 Bloodworth (Sir T.), Lord Mayor, interment, 13, 158 Bloom, use of the term in iron manufacture, 26 Boer War, poem by D. G. Rossetti on, 68 Boigne (Comtesse de), her ' Memoirs,' 101, 173 Bolton (C. K.) on Rev. Edward Fitzgerald, 428 Bombay, domestic life of Europeans in, 508 Bonaparte (Joseph *, his carriage after battle of

Vittoria, 135, 217, 373

Bonaparte (Louis Napoleon), his English writings, 30 Bonaparte (Napoleon), his carriage after Waterloo, 135, 217, 373

Bonaparte family at Morfontaine, 169

Book auctioneers, Hodgson's, 1807-1907, 246, 266, 285

Book for Many Wives, c. 1646, 10

Book prices 1850 and 1900 compared, 286

' Book-Prices Current ' Index, 366

Books, punctuation in, 222 ; genealogical notes in r 381 ; blank leaves in, 405

Books recently published :

Abbaye of the Holy Ghost, 160 Aberdeenshire Epitaphs and Inscriptions, 139 j Archseologia ^Eliana, 38

Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, Ireland : Journals, Vol. VI., 118 Baker's (A.) History in Fiction, 238 Beck's (E. J.) St. Mary, Rotherhithe, 118 Bell's Cathedral Series", 299 Benjamin of Tudela, his Itinerary, 458 Bennett's (F. J.) Ightbam, 238 Beowulf, translated by W. Huyshe, 58 Book-Prices Current, 339 Broadley (A. M.) and Wheeler's (H. F. B.)

Napoleon and the Invasion of England, 519 Brown's (J. D.) The Small Library, 318 Burghley's ( Lord) Map of Lancashire in 1590, 180 Burlington Magazine, 120, 199, 300, 380, 480 Cambridge History of English Literature, Vol. I.,


Cambridge Modern History, Vol. X., 159 Casola's (Canon P.) Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, 179 Chancellor's (C. B.) History of the Squares of

London, 18

Charm of London, compiled by Hyatt, 358 Chaucer's (G.) Prologue and Minor Poems, done

into modern English by Prof. Skeat, 440 Collins's (W.) Poems, ed. by C. Stone, 498 Copinger's ( W. A.) Smith-Carington Family, 259 Cox (J. C.) and Harvey's (A.) English Church

Furniture, 237

Delehaye's (H.) Legends of the Saints, 279 Drayton's Minor Poems, ed. by C. Brett, 479 Dunbar's (W.) Poems, 219 Early English Lyrics, chosen by E. K. Chambers

and F. Sidgwick, 1 17 Edinburgh Review, 378

Elcho's (Lord) Short Account of Scotland, 180 Fanshawe's (Ann, Lady) Memoirs, 439, 465 First Publishers of Truth, ed. by N. Penney, 38 Fitzpatrick's (S. A. O.) Dublin, 198 Forster's (J.) Life of Charles Dickens, 419 Frere and the Boye, 160 Froude's (J. A.) Short Studies, 219 Gipsy Lore Society, Journal, No. I., 179 Hall (B. R.) and King's (L. W.) Egypt and

Western Asia, 479

Hanauer's (J. E.) Folk-lore of Holy Land, 519 Harvey (A.) and Cox's (J. C.) English Church

Furniture, 237

Henderson's (J. A.) Aberdeenshire Epitaphs, 139 Henslowe Papers, ed. by W. W. Greg, 298 Hill (Sir Rowland), 378

Holmes's (W. G.) Justinian and Theodora, 160 Hubbard's (A. J. and G.) Neolithic Dew-Ponds,

457 Hughes's (T.) History of the Society of Jesus i

North America, 520 International Genealogical Directory, 1907, 220