Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/633

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1908.



Books recently published:

King (L. W.) and Hall's (H. R.) Egypt and

Western Asia, 479

Layard's (G. S.) Suppressed Plates, 497 Leland's (J.) Itinerary, ed. by L. T. Smith, 78 ' Lost ' Tudor Plays, ed. by J. S. Farmer, 278 Macaulay's History of England, ed. Henderson, 198 ; Marginal Notes, selected byTrevelyan,479 Madden's Diary of Master William Silence, 440 Marriott's (J. A. R.) Life of Lucius Gary,

Viscount Falkland, 259 Neale's (J. A.) Charters of Neales, 340 New English Dictionary, 97, 228, 260, 397 Nivedita's (Sister) Cradle Tales of Hinduism, 419 Pedigree Register, ed. by Sherwood, 340, 366 Phillimore's ( W. P. W.) Pedigree Work. 220 Poems of Patriotism, ed. by G. K. A. Bell, 119 Potter's (G. W.) Recollections of Hampstead,339 Prior's (M.) Writings, ed. by A. R. Waller, 98 Proverbs of Alfred, re-edited by Prof. Skeat, 139 Quarterly Review, 419 Rogers's (J. D.) Historical Geography of the

British Colonies, 79 Scots Peerage, Vol. IV., 159 Shakespeare's Sonnets, and A Lover's Complaint,

Introduction by W. H. Hadow, 497 Shelley's Poems, Introduction by Churton

Collins, 318

Te Tohunga, collected by W. Dittmer, 419 Trench's (Abp.) Parables of Our Lord, 498 Walpole's (H.) Castle of Otranto, 318 Watson's (G.) The Black Rood of Scotland, 340 Wheeler (H. F. B.) and Broadley's (A. M.)

Napoleon and the Invasion of England, 519 Who's Who, 1903, 498

Wine, Woman, and Song, trans. Symonds, 119 Booksellers and printers of St. Ives, Hunts., 201 Booksellers' catalogues, 19, 58, 98, 140, 199, 239,

279, 319, 359, 398, 458, 498 Book-stealing, degrees of blackness, 475 Book titles, curious, 251 Boothby (Prince), d. 1800, his biography, 14 Borrow (George), his ' Wild Wales,' 145 Boss on Victor Hugo : reference wanted, 90 Bostock (R. 0.) on ' Childe Harold,' 495 Boswell (J.), his lodgings in Piccadilly, 427 Bosworth (G. F.) on Sir George Monoux, 214 Botha surname, its pronunciation, 298 Botting (James), public executioner, d. 1837, 245 Boucher (Jonathan) and Washington, 188 Boulton and Watt in America, 1786, 326 Bouvear, Bouviere.or Beauvais family, 251, 315, 414 Bowditch (A.) on ' Sobriquets and Nicknames,' 290 Bowen ( H. P.) on Beth Reynolds, 209 Braddon (Paul), water-colour artist, c. 1825, 489 Bradford (J. G.) on Tottenham Churchyard, 356 Bradley (tf.) on moral courage, 229 Morellianism, 268 Moucharaby, 390

' Bradshaw's Railway Time-Tables,' pub. 1839, 441 Braham (Charles), his children, 33 Brampton Bridge, Northants, and Charles I., 209 Brass, surname, its origin, 350 Bream's Buildings, demolition of St. Thomas's Church,

26 ; origin of the name, 206 Breda (C. F. de), portrait painter, 309, 416

Breese, in ' Hudibras,' its etymology, 77, 113 Breslar (M. L. R.) on bell inscriptions at Siresa, 17 Hackney celebrities, 86 Hampstead omnibus, 157 Houses of historical interest, 12 "In essentials, unity," 347 Monoux (Sir George), 10 " Mors janua vitae," 456 "Nit Behamey," Yiddish phrase, 135 Pot-gallery, 254 Slink : slinking, 478

Spring Hill Park : diversion of path, 447 Treloar (Sir William) and B. L. Farjeon, 287 Brickmaking and beerbrewing, early, 465 Bridge, Lancaster, drawing of, c. 1780, 168 Brierley (H.) on Gowdike, 131

Langbaine (Gerald), 1645-57, 229 Bright (Richard), M.D., his 'Travels through Lower

Hungary,' 170

British Isles, mirages observed in, 155 Britons dying abroad, memorial inscriptions of, 63,

161, 242, 362, 423 Brittany, idolatrous folk-lore in, 409 Bromby (E. H.) on Westralia, 327 Bronte = Prunty, origin of the surname, 270 Brooke (J. T.) on novel wanted, 235 Brough (B. H.) on Tinners in military musters, 55 Brougham (Lord), errors in his life of Gibbon, 386 Browker, surname, its origin, 167 Brown (Hamilton), companion of Byron, 27 Brown (J.) on Ebbin, a Christian name, 397

Piscon-led, 178

Browne (Sir Thomas), his knighthood, 130, 173 Browning (Robert) : Portrait by Leighton, 67 ; and

Wordsworth, literary parallel, 466 Bruce (Robert) : his sword, 261, 370 ; and the slaying

of Red Comyn, 310, 456

Brunskill (William), public executioner, 1794, 245 Brushfield (T. N. ) on packhorse crooks, 27 Bruton Church, Williamsburg, Virginia, Bible pre- sented by King Edward VII., 406 Brutus on St. Anthony's bread, 230 Buchanan (George) on tobacco, 86 Buck (Adam), his portraits, 400 Bucke (Robert) and Croppenbergh family, 67, 112 Buckworth tomb at Tottenham, 247, 355, 437 Budgen (Rev. W.) on Rood-loft piscina, 506 Bullen (R. F.) on Macaulay on examinations, 237 Bulloch (J. M.) on Barnaby Blackwell, banker, 30 Cocks (Kitty), Countess of Stamford, 328 Gordon (Archer), 8

"Gordon Case" and Pope Clement XL, 450 Gordon (James) of the Surtees Society, 290 Gordon (Rev. John) and 'New Statistical Account

of Scotland,* 190 Jamaica records, 478 Highlanders barbadosed, 176 'Sketches and Recollections of West Indies," 231 Bumble-puppy, the game, 72, 293 Bungay and Bacon, the name combination, 69 Bunyan and Milton genealogies, 15 Bunyan (John), his will, 468 Burglars, charm for, 75 Burial and funeral, c. 1413, distinction between,

9, 78 Burial with the face uncovered, 90, 137, 215, 254