Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/140

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Halter =harte, in " Pein of the harte," i. 185 " Halydaye," meaning of the word, viii. 426, 478 Hamill (A. Ernest) on arms of the Ghibellines, v. 349 ; Le Vasseur (N.) : 'Richelieu, v. 70 ; St. Armand, ii. 367

Hamilton (Lady), colour of her hair, iv. 447 ;

her grave at Calais, viii. 188, 276, 356, 450 ;

and Hayley's ' Triumphs of Temper,' i. 263

Hamilton (Archibald), Etonian, 1761, x. 388

Hamilton ( Vice- Admiral Sir C.), Governor of

Newfoundland, 1818, ix. 49, 211 Hamilton (Gavin), painter, d. c. 1737, vii. 168 Hamilton (Hertha), on Voltaire on the Jewish

people, ix. 298

Hamilton ( J. D.) on Sir John Gilbert, J. F. Smith, and ' The London Journal,' x. 292 Libbel, author of ballade, xii. 401 Hamilton (James), traveller, c. 1856, viii. 88 Hamilton (John), artist, d. 1808, his epitaph, v.

184 Hamilton (Lieut.-General Richard), his portrait,

iii. 189 Hamilton (" Single-Speech ") in Dublin, 1763-4,

vii. 25

Hamilton and Beaumont families, v. 247 Hamilton family, v. 328 Hamilton family of Blackhole, Scotland, viii.

90, 310

Hamilton Hill, Lines, its location, v. 468 'Hamlet' acted at Cambridge, 1585, iii. 267, 311,

398, 416, 474

Hamlet as Christian name, 1590, iv. 305, 395, 538 Hamlett (Katharine), drowned, 1580, vii. 306 Hamlett, profile artist, Bath, c. 1790, viii. 350 ; ix.

56 Hamlin (Hannibal), 1860, " Black Republican,"

vi. 270

Hammer, first use of auctioneer's, vii. 469 Hammersmith, Andrew Arter's memorial at, iii. 75 Origin of the place-name, xi. 128, 194, 236 Rate-books before 1795, x. 189 Hammersmith Church, arms on Sir Nicholas

Crispe's tombstone, i. 348, 397 Hammersmith Terrace, its associations, i. 169, 250 Hammett (Anthony), Vicar of Wombourne, 1603,

xi. 49 Hammond (J. J.) on General Sir Eyre Coote, viii.

130 Hammond (James), 1710-42, his ' Love Elegies,

x. 309, 356 Hammond (John J.) on custody of ecclesiastical

archives, xi. 436 Hamon, Rochefoucauld and Champagn^ families

i. 289 Hampden, pronunciation of surname, vi. 489 ; vii

58 Hampden (John) and Ship Money, i. 426, 492 ; ii


Hampden family, xi. 400 Hampshire, formation of the county, iv. 482

References to, from MS. sources, ix. 349 Hampshire forests, perambulations of the, xi. 281 Hampshire map with engravings, c. 1800, iii.


Hampshire men abroad, monuments to, ix. 269

Hampstead : Keats and Sir C. W. Dilke, iii. 145

176, 196 ; iv. 51 Playhouse erected, c. 1709

xii. 377 Vestments, discovery of ancient, ix


Hampstead Manor Court, held 1911, iv. 526 ; v 78 ; held 1914, x. 7

Hampstead Marshall and Sir Balthazar Gerbier,

c. 1662, vii. 406 lampstead Road, No. 225=25, Mornington

Place, x. 328 Hampsthwaite Church, Nidderdale, sepulchral

slabs in, x. 169 Hampton Court, unknown picture at, iv. 403, 496 ;

portrait of a lady at, iv. 505 lanbury (Charles), Etonian, 1760, x. 388 lanbury (John), Etonian, 1758, x. 388 Hanbury (William), Etonian, 1758, x. 388, 432 Hancock (Cyril) on Thomas Nabbes, xii. 115 Hancock (Laurence) on Hurley Manor crypt, v.


lancock as a place-name, v. 428, 513 ; vi. 213 land (T. W.) on Mechanics' Institutes, xii. 49 ECandbombs, a sketch of, 1669, xii. 238 Handel, George III.'s love of his music, v. 466 ;

his works at the Crystal Palace Festivals, vi.

61, 235 ; his Hallelujah Chorus, vii. 48 ; his

' Messiah,' earliest copy of words printed, vii.

249 ; the ' Harmonious Blacksmith,' x. 230,

294 ; performance of his oratorios, 1733, xi.


ECandfasting engagements, i. 66, 176 EEandford on broken on the wheel, i. 255 Elandkerchiefs, knots in, as reminder, ii. 506 ; iii.

35, 97, 192 Handley Cross, its locality, i. 208, 254

Handley Cross,' by Surtees., 1843, and 1854, x i. 30 Hands, clasped, on Jewish tombstones, viii. 14, 95,

154, 217, 273 ; ix. 195, 238, 257 ; x. 178 Handwriting of legal documents, c. 1864, iv. 486 ' Handy-dandy," game mentioned 1589, x. 188 Handyman = sailor, earliest use of term, i. 448,

498"; ii. 113 ' Hanged-hog " of Sir Philip Sidney's arms, ix.

73, 172, 217, 294 Hanging alive in chains, abolished before 1609, ii.


Hanging-Sword Alley, its name, ii. 269, 337 Hangleton Church, Brighton, Sir Philip Sidney

and, xi. 318, 435, 477

Hangman : Thomas Tallis or Turlis, ii. 325, 477 Hangman, common, holders of the office, i. 265 Hanna (Col. W.) on hexagram as a symbol of the

Trinity, ix. 109

Hanover and Brunswick, the succession to, v. 507 Hanover Chapel, Peckham, its demolition, ii. 46,

455 Hanover Square, Club Etranger in, ii. 407, 477 ;

iii. 96 ; iv. 179, 216, 258 Hanoverian regiment with Sebastopol on shakos,

iii. 327, 378, 415, 457 Hansard (H. L.) on Montpellier as street-name.

i. 9

Hanson (John), Etonian, 1755, x. 388, 432 Han way = umbrella, use of the word, vi. 97 Han well, origin of the place-name, xii. 377, 466 Han well, Oxfordshire, lords of the manor of, vi.

110, 177,235,311

Hanwell, " Mr. Hanwell," artist, c. 1676, xii. 102 " Happen," use of the word, iv. 346, 437, 497 ' Happy Warrior ' and Nelson, xi. 162 Hapsburg dynasty, Bolingbroke on the, xii. 481 Harald (King) the Gold Beard ii. 389, 458 Harben (D. A.) on Milton and Cheadle's journey

across America, i. 514 Harben (H. A.) on King's Place, i. 92 ; Montpellier

1 as a street-name, i. 72 ; St. Austin's Gate, i, 451 ; Three CCC Court, i. 92