Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/141

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Harbord (W.) and the battle of Buda, 1686, ix

130 Harcourt (Sir W.), his electioneering squibs, vii

369, 417 Hardcastle (Ephraim)=W. H. Pyne, author, iv


Harding (G. F.) his portrait of B. Hales, vi. 450 Harding (J. Budge) on authors of quotations

wanted, vi. 509 Harding (Newman) on Shepherd's Market, May

fair, v. 228 -Harding (W.) of Barasat, c. 1807, portrait of, xi.

281, 349 Hardingham (F. B.) on Constable's * Gillingham

Bridge,' i. 408 liardisty (Margaret) on Poultney : Pulteney, ii.


fiardman family and Allerton, Lanes, ii. 249 Hard-shells, American political nickname, iii. 229,

314, 335 Hardwicke and Mytton MSS., pedigrees, iv. 327,

417 Hardy (Miss B. C.) on Anne, Countess of Dorset

Pembroke, and Montgomery, viii. 106 Hardy (Elizabeth), novelist, 1794-1854, vi. 269,


Hardy (Herbert) on Mrs. A. J. Penny, vii. 250 Hardy (John), Vicar of Hursley, 1638-44, vi. 270,


Hardy (John), Winchester scholar, 1549, xii. 5 Hardy (Major Le), his portrait by Sir T. Lawrence,

xii. 259 Hardy (Lieut.-Col. T. Carteret), 1757-96, incident

in Flanders, x. 449 ; xi. 10 Hardy (Lieut.-Col. Thomas), 65th Begiment, d.

1794, xii. 259 Hardy (Thomas), a coincidence in his novels, viii.

481 ; and Victor Hugo, xii. 240 : Bibliography

of his work, xi. 228; ' Tess of the D'Urber-

villes,' i. 328 ; ii. 96

Hare (A. and J.), ' Guesses at Truth,' iv. 229, 276 Hare (St. John), barrister, 1647, iv. 169 Hare (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1743, ii.

509 ; iii. 72, 254 Hare family, iv. 389 Hares, folk-lore and Easter, 1620, iii. 285;

Leicestershire custom, xi. 320, 407 ; xii. 124 ;

superstitions concerning, viii. 346 Harford of Plymouth, " traitor," 1538, x. 309, 356 Hargatt (Edmund), Winchester scholar, c. 1530,

ix. 89

Hargreaves (Bichard) on authors wanted, xii. 48 Harington (John) the elder, and Tottel's ' Mis- cellany,' iii. 201, 322, 423 "Harington (Sir John) on Puttenham's ' Arte of

English Poesie,' i. 404

Harland (J. C.) on Christopher Gale, i. 209 Harleian Society's publications, correction in Vol.

XLL, v. 186

' Harlequin,' humorous paper, 1893, x. 169 ' Harlequin Gulliver,' pantomine, 1818, and

Grimaldi, iv. 95 Harleston (Sir John), his imprisonment, c. 1393,

viii. 487

Harlow (George H.), his parents, viii. 168 Harman (Edward), Winchester scholar, 1531, ix.

390 Harman (J.) on authors of quotations wanted, ix.

231 Harmatopegos on apparition at Pirton, Herts, iv.

33 Authors wanted, x. 314 Authors of

quotations wanted, ix. 408 Browne (Sir Thomas) and his books, x. 397 Chideock, ii. 49 Floral emblems of countries, x. 413 Minster : verger v. sacristan, ii. 274 ' Nicholas Nickleby ' : " Popylorum tibi," iii. 313 Periodicals published by religious houses, x. 317 Punctuation : its importance, xi. 177 : xii. 330

Harmer (Samuel), his " Vox Populi," vii. 388, 457 Harmonists, Society of, c. 1813, iv. 188, 239 Harmony on choir balance : St. George's Chapel,

Windsor, viii. 168, 315 Harp (Sophia Marian), an actress, d. 1843, xi.


Harp Alley, City, its traditions, ii. 225 " Harp struck by lightning," meaning of the

phrase, iv. 449, 498

Harper (B. S.) on black-letter Testament, x. 69 Harrington, near Spilsby, epitaph at, vii. 28, 76 Harris (Benjamin) and ' The Protestant Tutor,*

1679, vi. 449, 515 ; vii. 32 Harris (C. S.) on " broad arrow " : the King's

mark, x. 114 Shakespeariana, i. 324

" Thymalos " : " Mouse of the Mountains," iv.

189" Wait and see," iv. 74 Harris (Charles), Etonian, 1757, x. 410 Harris (D. Fraser) on Frith, silhouette artist, viii.

149 Harris (E. B.) on relic of John Britton, vi. 287

Shakespeare First Folio, vii. 8, 94 Shakespeare

Third Folio, i. 244 Strettell-Utterson, ii. 94 Harris (Miss Furlong E. Shipton), her ' From

Oxford to Borne,' vi. 429, 497 Harris (H. A.) on " apsen counter," iv. 217

"Furdall," vii. 417 Motto on a ring, ix.

250 Names, modern, derived from Latinized

forms, i. 494' Suffolk Literary Chronicle ' v.


Harris (John), Etonian, 1765, x. 410 Harris (Leverton) on Sir B. Hotham : Mary H.

Cholmondeley, iii. 267 ; Miss Hickey, Burke,

and Beynolds, iv. 129 Harris (Mary Dormer) on " Ad subsidium Terre

Sancte," vi. 188 Durham, 1649, viii. 90

Elephant and castle in heraldry, iii. 377

Frick Friday, iv. 488 Godiva and horse-toll,

viii. 328 Horses and market tolls, iii. 369

Hyndman (William) of Coventry, his will, vi.

341 Bastells of Coventry, vii. 125 "SS," vii.

350 Seals of Thomas, first Marquis of Dorset,

vi. 330 Shakespeares, Coventry, v. 24, 105, 406

Syvetare, Syvekar, v. 390 Wright (James),

v. 148

Harris (W. M.) on Mount Krapak, viii. 329 Earris family, vi. 89 Harrison (Bev. A.) on Giffard or Gyffard of Bures

(now Bowers Gifford), viii. 169 Sarrison (C. W.) on Harrison family, vi. 208 Harrison (Elizabeth), her ' Miscellanies,' published

1756, iii. 449 Harrison (Gilbert H. W.) on our National Anthem,

xi. 68

Garrison (Gustavus) of the Crimean War, v. 289 Harrison (H.) on Berrysfield, vii. 57 " Torpen-

how," vi. 386 " Yelver " in place-names, vi.


larrison (J.) on " Shakespeare's Head," xii. 247 Harrison (James), c. 1827, painter and architect,

iv. 201 larrison (John) on Lamb's ' Mr. H ,' x. 394

Mourning letter-paper and black-bordered