Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/168

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inscription at, v. 489 Insanity, ancient views and treatment of, ix. 77 Irish superstition : boys in petticoats, viii. 58 James I. and Frederick of Bohemia, ii. 484 Jaundice, touching for, vi. 110 " Jerrold's Weekly News," xi. 86 Joannes Britannus, i. 488 " King of Hungary's peace " in Shakespeare, xii. 98 King of Poland, 1719, xii. 190, 364 King's evil, " touching " for the, ii. 326 ; ix. 506 Knopwood's diary, xii. 154 Konkari MS., viii. 137 ' Kossuth Coppered,' satirical poem, ii. 490 Lamb, Burton, and Francis Spiera, iii. 152, 394 Latin, living, vii. 297 ' Lay of St. Aloys,' ii. 388 Leiningen (Count), his memoirs, iii. 289 Liveries, colour of, ix. 53 Locks on rivers and canals, xi. 257 London to Budapest in 1859, viii. 70 Loseley MSS. and Louvain, x. 230, 377 Loti (Pierre) : Easter Island, v. 469 ; viii, 477 " Lunettes d'approche," ix. 47 " Lutheran," xi. 87 Macaulay on " fen slodgers," v. 348 Magpie's death, ' iii. 276 Map of Ireland, ix. 273 Markle Hill, Hereford, xi. 90" Matinee du Boi de Prusse," xii. 138 Maxai (Petrus) at Canterbury, xi. 249 ' Measure for Measure ' : French parallel, iii. 304 Medal, vii. 312 Medici (Cardinal Ippolito dei), ix. 87, 375 ; xi. 153 Meidinger (H.), xii. 363 Mendiant, French dessert, ii. 333 Mentelli, the Hun- garian Diogenes, viii. 350 Mikszath's (Colo- man) works in English, iv. 310, 394 Mildenhall (John), v. 186 Military machines, ix. 430 ; x. 33 Months : their unequal division, i. 238 " Morall," " Midsummer Night's Dream," x. 377 Mount Krapak, viii. 376 Murder on Gad's Hill in 1661, iii. 208 " Musarum Deliciaj," 1656, viii. 509 Naples, last King of, x. 136 " Nauscopy," xii. 217, 501 Newspapers, earliest English, viii. 327 Novalis's " Heinrich von Ofterdingen," vii. 178 Onocrotalus, a bird, i. 392 Opusculum, ii. 455 " Paddiana," author of, x. 310 Pallavicini : Jaszber^nyi Miklos, ix. 314 Pastrana (Miss), iii. 29 Pawper or pauper bird, iii. 291 Pepita, a pattern, ii. 6 Petrol in 1612, i. 216 Piano, mechanical, before 1868, vii. 7 Pirates : Capt. Woodes Rogers, ix. 31 Poor souls' light : " Totenlaterne," iii. 31 Portland cement : its inventor, i. 377- Przemysl : language of Galicia, x. 457 Pyrothonide, ix. 57 Railway travelling, early, vii. 193 ; x. 215 References wanted, vi. 169 Renodseus (Johannes), x. 256 Roads, tarred, in 1886, viii. 65 Rocks, action of vinegar on, x. 152 Roman Catholics before 1837, Register of deaths of, ix. 330 " Route- march," xi. 207- " Rucksac " or " riicksac," viii. 497 ; ix. 117, 314- Russian ikon, initials on, i. 487 Russian names : their pronunciation, xii. 382 St. Angus, x. 174 St. Clement the Pope and Wyremongers, iv. 196 St. Wilhel- mina, patron saint of nursing mothers, v. 514 Sambucus (Johannes), xii. 301 Sanctuary seats, v. 473 " Sandwich spoils," in 1457, x. 24 Schubert queries, x. 154 Scott (Sir Walter), Danish visitor of, vi. 147 " Sea- trumpet," xii. 260 Semaphore signalling- stations, x. 77 Shakespeare in Hungary, ii. 345 Shakespeariana, iii. 304 ' Sister of Prince Rupert,' i. 264 Skull and iron nail, xii. 389 Snake poison, v. 455 " Static bene fida carinis," v. 369 Steam-engines, early,_x. 450 ;

Abraham Potter : Humphrey Potter, xi. 15

Stevenson (R. L.) as a scientific observer, iv.

205 Submarine boats in 1828, iv. 346 Suecia,

vi. 368 Tekeli, play founded on the exploits

of, vi. 210 Telephones in banks, ii. 297

Temple (Sir William) of Huniades, x. 107 " Though lost to sight, to memory dear," vi.

49 Touch wood, ix. 418 Tramp's marks, ix.

247 Vericour (Prof, de), xii. 280 " Vestis

adriatica," viii. 270 Wall-papers, i. 350

Water-stealing device in ancient Rome, vii. 508

W T eights and coinage, 1338, vi. 455 Went-

worth (Sir Richard), ix. 407 Weston (Eliza- beth Joanna), viii. 306 White flag, xi. 147

Winchester quart : Corbyn : Chopin, iii. 56

Windsor stationmaster, ii. 68, 253 K. (P. M.) on Salisbury family of Westmeath

iv. 249

K. (R.) on army scouts and the fleur-de-lis, x. 51 K. (T.), author of pamphlet, his identity, ix. 306 K. (W. C.) on authors wanted, xii. 465 Kaiser, folk-lore about " seven sons," xi. 469

Thackeray's allusion to, xi. 265, 358 Kakatoes (Abb6) in Thackeray's ' Roundabout

JFaper,' xii. 139 Kaley (A. G.) on " The Dutchman's anchor "

v. 330

Kangaroo, Parliamentary term, its origin, iv. 35 " Kangaroo closure," meaning of the phrase, iii.

345, 468 Kant (I.), Heine on, i. 247, 357 ; his quotations

from English authors, v. 317

Karr (Alphonse) at Saint Raphael, 1885, iv. 106 Kastner (Prof. L. E.) on Cockburne (James), viii.

408 Drummond of Hawthornden, iv. 487

v. 230, 267

Katherine Parr (Queen), her biography, i. 508 Kavanagh (Henry) and the Indian Mutiny, i. 147 Kay (John), his "' Poem,' 1480, v. 466 Kay and Key families, xi. 90, 127, 136, 176, 235 -

xii. 16 Kay-Shuttleworth (Sir J. P.), 1804-77, his

'Scarsdale,' xii. 220, 286 Kaye (C. Lister), on Gordon (Beatrix) = Robert

Arbuthnot, iii. 69, 294 Kaye (Wilkinson

Lister), i. 297 Kaye (Sir J. W.), his ' History of the Sepoy W T ar r

xii. 200, 247

Kaye (Sir John), 1697-1752 i. 297 Kaye (Wilkinson Lister), Westminster scholar,

1787, i. 249, 297 Kealy (A. G.) on heraldic, ix. 430 St. Agatha

and white rabbit, v. 349 Keary (Anne), ' Last Day of Flowers,' poem, iv.

288 Keats (John), and his guardian, Mr. Abbey, vii.

427 Booksellers connected with, vii. 427' His

associations with Hampstead, iii. 145, 176, 196 ;

iv. 51 His ' Ode to a Nightingale,' iv. 507 ;

v. 11, 58, 116, 175 ' Last Links with,' viii.

228, 249' The Eve of St. Agnes,' v. 47, 112,

156, 275

" Keavel," in place-names, x. 327, 377, 413 Keble (John), early graduation, iii. 417 Keene (Charles), articles on, by G. Moore, 1891,

vi. 190, 236 " Keep within Compass," tavern sign, Uxbridgtv

ii. 605 ; iii. 55 Keeston Castle, Pembrokeshire, its history, v.

110, 177 Keighley, place-name, its pronunciation, v. 289, 376