Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/169

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Keith (Peter,) Oxford graduate, 1738, vii. 110 Keith (W. Grant) on Gothic mason-sculptors, x.


Keith (William), Westminster scholar, 1751, i. 50 Kellerman the alchemist, his biography, i. 407 Kelley (Ludomilla), c. 1598, her identity, viii.

306, 490

Kelly, antiquary, c. 1885, his heirs., vi. 410 Kelly (Edward and William) of the Navy, c. 1820,

viii. 231 Kelly (Francis M.) on hose, 1560-1620, xi. 340

Sigismundus. . . .Suecise Haeres, xi. 473 Kelly (Paul V.) on Cardiff newspapers, x. 389 Kelly (B. J.) on Americanisms, some, xii. 218

JBoleyn or Bullen family in Ireland, iv. 6

" By hook and crook," xi. 66 " No great

shakes'," iii. 338 Kelly (William), author of 'Across the Eocky

Mountains,' i. 429, 494 Kelly (William), d. 1894, his genealogical MSS.,

vi. 470

Kelmscott Press type, iv. 345, 435 Kelsey (H. G.) on pronunciation of the word

" gladiolus," xii. 289 Kelsey family of Hants, iii. 348 Kelso on author wanted, vi. 109 Humbug, viii.


Kelso Abbey, prior of, c. 1790, xi. 312, 481 Kelso convoy, meaning of the term, ii. 425 Kelso press, c. 1802, books printed at, iii. 347,

396, 435, 457 Kemble (J. P.) and Daly, duel fought by, c. 1781,

xii. 49 Kemble (Mrs. J. P.), nee Hopkins, her marriage

c. 1778, xii. 30, 78

Kemendyne, origin of house-name, ix. 309, 356 Kemeys-Tynte (St. David) on Gothurst, vii. 128 Kemp (F. H.) on altars, ix. 187 Kemp (George Meikle), d. 1844, and Freemasonry,

vi. 225 Kemp (J. T.) on " balloni," viii. 468 Brown sex,

ii. 505" D.N.B.," error in : Boden, viii. 466

" Gas " as a street name, viii. 356 " Honori-

ficabilitudinity," v. 187 Metal box, ancient,

iv. 208 Pear, prickly, and Monreale Cathedral,

iii. 132 " Bemittance men," ix. 346 Toe

names, ii. 106 Words awaiting explanation,

viii. 478 Kemp (John), " parker " of Havering Manor, i.

329 Kemp (Sarah) = William Biddel, 1666, viii. 231,

254 Kempesfeld, Hampstead field-name, i. 409, 478 ;

ii. 13, 119

Kempling (W. Bailey) on " Crown Prince of Ger- many," iv. 45

Kempster (Christopher), the Journal of, viii. 150 Kempthorne (Bev. John), B.D., 1775-1838,

hymn- writer, x. 401, 422 Ken (Bishop), his birthplace, 1635, vi. 145 ; his

coat of arms, vi. 289, 373 ; his mother, iii.

248, 290, 431 ; iv. 10

Kendall (F.), Cambridge B.A., tried for incendiar- ism, 1813, v. 50 Kendall ( W. Clement) on ancient terms, v. 266

Kendall, v. 489 Bomney marriage licence,

vii. 507 Selkirk family, v. 109 Kendall family, c. 1800, v. 489 Kendrick family of Beading, ix. 309, 371

  • Kenilworth,' variants in the text of, vi. 488 ;

vii. 16

" Kennedie " referred to in Scotch ballad, x. 190 Kennedy (G. L.) on dry weather in the 19th cen- tury, iv. 409 Kennedy (Sir J.), his ' JEneas Britannicus,' xi.

359 ; his wife, viii. 190 Kennedy (J. Stewart) on Clarke : Way : marriage

licences, xii. 47

Kennedy (Stanhope) on Benjamin Jenkins, ii. 169 Kennedy family, vii. 8, 227 ; x. 324 Kennel or cannel coal, toys made of, 1745, xi.

472 Kennels of " Dog Kennel Lane," demolition of,

viii. 9

Kennett (William), M.P. 1403, xii. 481 Kennett and Howe families, ii. 229 ; vi. 148, 314 Kenney (J.), his farce " Baising the Wind,"

1803, vii. 50, 96

Kenny (Courtney) on Epitaphiana, v. 504 Kenny (H. Egan) on history of commerce, xii.

442 Letter-books of Chester, xii. 462 Kenny (S. P.) on author wanted, x. 389 Max- well (William Hamilton), xii. 28 W 7 anstead

Park, xii. 121

Kensington Gardens, Cisterns in, i. 108, 516 Kensington Gravel Pits - Netting Hill, 1830, vi.


Kent (Constance), date of her death, vii. 70 ' Kentish Note-Book,' publisher of, v. 490 ; vi.


Kentish Petition, presented 1701, viii. 129, 193 Kentish tokens of 18th century, x. 449, 514 ;

xi. 18 Keppel (J. C. F.), Westminster scholar, 1775, vii.


Ker (W. D.) on Schaw of Sauchie, x. 488 Kerallain (B. de) on Garibaldi and his flag, ii. 7 Kerby (Hamilton), d. 1767, iv. 230, 279, 339 Kernohan (J. W.) on Solemn League and Cove- nant in Belfast, vi. 417 Kerrie family, their arms, viii. 350 Kersey (John), his English dictionary, 1708, vi.


Kester (Paul), poet, his biography, i. 448 ; ii. 32 Kester in place-names near Sidbury, viii. 447,

517 ; ix. 54, 113, 156 Ketch (Jack), criminal and public hangman, iii.

469 Ketchley (H. E.) on Archbishop Drummond's

visitation, vii. 250 Kettle (Tilly), portrait painter, d. near Aleppo,

1798, xi. 249, 408 " Key," " quay," pronunciation of, c. 1300, xi.

90, 127 Key and Kay families, xi. 90, 127, 136, 176,

235 ; xii. 16 " Key " the door, and " lock " the door, xii. 420,

489 Keyes (Lady Mary), her tablette book, 1577, v.

490 Keyes (Thomas) and the Lady Mary Grey, v.

369, 477

Keynes (G. L.) on Blake's ' Laughing Song,' ii. 241 Khaibar, Grand Khaibar, pseudo-Masonic body,

c. 1725, iv. 290, 339 Khaki, derivation of the word, xii. 341 Uniform

for soldiers, the use of, x. 289 " Kibob," derivation of the word, ix. 328, 396 Kidkok or Kidcote, its meaning, iv. 150, 176, 195 Kidd (John), his biography, v. 389 Kiddell family, vii. 260 Kilbo, meaning in place-names, iv. 290