Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/300

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Trussel family, v. 50, 333 Trussells and Swyn nertons, vi. 231 Warren (John), Earl of Surrey vi. 211 Waures of cos. Warwick and Staff ore viii. 70

Swynnerton and Trussell families, vi. 231, 312 Sybil, Queen of Scotland, her parentage, iii.

116 Sydenham ( Eleanor ) = Richard Ridley, c. 1592

ix. 390

Sydenham (William), M.D., b. c. 1659, x. 26 Sykes (Godfrey), designer of Cornhitl cover, i. 46

  • 117

Sykes (H. D.) on " castle " in Shakespeare an Webster, vii. 165 Charing Cross, old, x. 35' Deafness, black wool as a cure for, xi. 247 Duelling, ix. 418 French " of Stratford -a tte Bowe," xii. 404, 470 Jonson's ' Poetaster, identification of lines quoted in, x. 26, 266 Massinger's ' Parliament of Love,' x. 101 " Night-cap," vii. 68 Prologue to Jonson Chapman, and Marston's ' Eastward Hoe,' xi. i "To go west," xii. 391 Webster: date o ' The Devil's Law Case,' vii. 106 ; date of ' The White Devil,' 342 ; date of ' Appius and Virginia, 401, 422, 466 ; viii. 63 ; and Sir Thomas Overbury, 221, 244, 263, 282, 304 ; his share in ' A Cure for a Cuckold,' ix. 382, 404, 443 463 ; was he a contributor to ' Overbury 's Characters ' ? xi. 313, 335, 355, 374 W T ebster Massinger play, xii. 134, 155, 175, 196 Wilkins (George) and Shakespeare's ' Pericles,' xii. 377 Syllepsis or zeugma: 'Pickwick,' iv. 366. Sylvester (John), and Conway to Bangor road

" 1770, iii. 448

Sylviola on English chanteys, viii. 78 London remains, iii. 346 Stones of London, x. 138 Thompson (Francis), the poet, ii. 295 Vertical sundials, vii. 290

Symbolism in church architecture, vi. 108 Symmons (John), 1781-1842, his biography, i. 69 Syms (W.) on Roman empresses, v. 148 Synagogue, Bevis Marks, fire at. c. 1805, xii. 100 Synod of Aries, 1620, viii. 387, 493 Syvetare, Syvekar, origin of surname, v. 390 : vi. 96

T. on authors of quotations wanted, x. 69 ; Refer- ence for quotation wanted, x. 89 ; Norman (Martin), viii. 289

T. (A.) on St. Andrew : national colours, xii. 289 T. (A. D.) on ' Anne of Geierstein,' i. 357 T. (A. M. La) on Agnes, daughter of Louis VII.,

xii. 29 T. (A. N.) on " Andrew Halliday," xi. 409

T. (C.) on almshouses near the Strand, vii. 236

" Club Walks," vi. 415" Gas " as a street- name, viii. 472 Heart-burial in niches in church walls, viii. 432 Pitman (Capt.), vii. 12 " Stick-in-the-Mud," iii. 175 T. (C. E.) on early English toymakers, xi. 130 T. (C. W.) on ships torpedoed, vi. 469

T. (D. K.) on Aishe and Gorges family, iv. 169

Bible statistics, i. 127 Boys in petticoats and fairies, ii. 137 Chelvey Church, Somerset, iv. 289 Coleridge's poem ' The Nightingale,' ix. 349 Cuckoo and its call, iv. 96, 195 " O for the life of a soldier ! " iv. 29 Statues and

memorials in the British Isles, i. 283" There are more acres in Yorkshire," &c., i. 53 T. (De) on bishops of Belgium and Northern France, xi. 341 ; Chapters of Denain and Maubeuge, xi. 321

T. (E.) on " Sham Abraham," vi. 269 T. (E. D.) on authors of quotations wanted, v. 327 ; Engraving, reversed, ix. 189 ; Notice over the door of an old English house, v. 329 T. (E. G.) on Allen's (Cardinal) arms, iv. 116 Book inscriptions, iv. 34 Greek newspaper published in London, x. 114 Monthly Cata- logue, x. 106 " Schicksal und eigene Schuld," iv. 57

T. (E. M. C.) on device on encaustic tiles, ix. 509 T. (F.) on Charles I. : John Lambert and Lieut. -

Col. Cobbett, ix. 430. ; Tuck (Friar), x. 170 T. (F. W.) on Ferguson oC Kentucky, viii. 250 T. (G. M.) on Allen's (Cardinal) arms, iv. 30 Authors of quotations wanted, iv. 428 " Me- morable lady " : Meredith, v. 228 Prinknash, ii. 228 Taylor (Jeremy), his descendants, ii. 209 T. (H.) on authors wanted, ix. 328 ; ' Jonn

Gilpin,' in Latin elegiacs, ix. 430 T. (H. A. C.) on Bence, x. 93 ; Order of Areopagus,

x. 49

T. (Hyson) on author of quotation wanted, vii. 496 T. (I. M.) on cat queries, xii. 330 T. (J. ) on Abbott (Sir J.) : ' Constance ' and ' Allaooddeen,' iv. 279 Disraeli (Benjamin) of Dublin, iii. 28, 278 " Don't nail his ears to the pump," vi. 76 Freeny (Capt.) (Freney), v. 234 Swift (Dean), ii. 269 T. (J. E.) on Lord Howard of Effingham's first

wife, ii. 310 ; Nevill, Lord Latimer, ii. 328 T. (J. H.) on news-letters in Public Record Office,

i. 68 Salt-mines, vii. 330

T. (J. T.) on author of hymns wanted, xi. 217 Medal, origin of, xi. 341 Oakley (Edward), vii. 91 St. Andrew, xii. 110

T. (L. E.) on Eyre family, vi. 328 Fielding's Parson Thwackum, vi. 348 Greatheed (Rev. Samuel), iv. 347 Herb-woman to the King, ii. 377 Sharpc's (Dr. Gregory) correspondence, viii. 49 Tanner (Thomas), Bishop of St. Asaph, v. 149 Thatch fires, viii. 75 T. (L. F.) on old City rate-books, ix. 68 ~\ (M. P.) on battledore and shuttlecock : tech- nical terms, ix. 308 "Put up this, 'twill be thine another day," vii. 7 Shakespeare, proverb in, vi. 507 Shakespeare, allusions in Thomas Shad- well, viii. 46 Shakespeariana, i. 164, 324 ; ii. 422

'. (M. S.) on biographical information wanted, viii. 389 Herenclen (Anthony), x. 390 Philips (William), x. 390 Names oil coffins, xi. 92 Red Hand of Ulster : clasped hands as a religious symbol, ix. 238 Wilkinson (Francis) of Lincoln's Inn, vi. 369 . (N.) on airman, ii. 338 . (N. L.) on 'Julian's Vision,' ii. 189 . (O. S.) on ' Edwin Drood ' continued, i. 69 " Eight and fortie men," viii. 49 . (R.) on Court Guides, i. 289 Hyde (Amphillis) and Charles II., i. 128 Kilmington wills, i. 289 -' My Old Letters : a Poem,' by Dr. Horatius Bonar, vi. 411

. (R. E. N. T.) on throwing balls in church on Easter Monday, vi. 196