Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/301

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T. (S.) on Combe (Edmond) \ Christine Jarman

v. 88 Gentlemen pensioners in His Majesty's

Household, viii. 310 Harveys of Whittington

Staffs, vi. 449 Jarman family, vii. 309 Locke

family, ix. 48 Lord Mayor, arms of, vi. 210

Pretty (Thomas), vicar of Hursley, vii. 14

T. (T.) on " Prince Fred " satire, i. 292

T. (T. W.) on ancient trusts, xi. 151; Second

English Pope, ix. 469

T. (W.) on Austen (Jane) : Godmersham House vi. 510 Bothwell, ix. 373 Capello (Deminus Roger), vii. 238 Danes' -blood, a flower, iii. 16 " Goulands " in Ben Jonson, ii. 429 Howard (Miss) and Napoleon TIL, iv. 433 Rosamonda's lake, i. 230 Virgil, " Narcissi lacrymam," ii. 27 Wetheral, inscription at, vii. 235 T. (W. E.) on Bunkins, v. 251 T. (W. L.) on starlings taught to speak, xi. 270 T. (W. M.) on " Pecca fortiter," xi. 148 T. (Y.) on alphabetical nonsense, xi. 57 Badajos, forlorn hope at, v. 288 Bombay, gentlemen of, 1792 ; Sampler verses, xii. 250 Bonar, x. 277 Bruxelles (De) and D'Anvers, x. 370 Cameo of Nelson : Burnett, viii. 210 Children with same Christian name, i. 79 Cowes, origin of the name, vi. 285 Cowes, Isle of Wight, i. 88 Cowes family, i. 508 ; ii. 97 Damant, ix. Ill Death, 'apparent, vi. 134 Death folk- lore, ix. 236 Divination by twitching, viii. 237 " Do not play Agnes," i. 290 Fairy thief, ix. 476 Families : duration in male line, vi. 273 Fitzwilliam and Grimaldi arms, vi. 353 Folk-speech (Worcestershire) : " plain," xii. 187 Galfrid, i. 436 German proverb : Silks in the Kitchen, vi. 255 James (Dr.), Master of St. Bees School, v. 269' Lily White Boys' :

  • The Ten O's,' i. 452 Loch Chesney, ix. 389,

495 MacBride, xi. 345 ; xii. 91' Marquis of Antwerp,' viii. 230 May baskets and June boxes, i. 394 Names, modern, in Latinized forms, ii. 33 Nelson's birthplace, i. 483 Onions, virtues of, xii. 209 " Ow," pronuncia- tion of, xi. 36 Place-names : Shrape, Thrunge, x . 348 Planche (White), v. 310" Pomander," vi. 316 Rumbelow, i. 475 Seventh child of a seventh child, x. 135" Sough," ix. 253 Tying legs after death, ix. 236 War and the poets, xii. 228 Woman surgeon, 17th century, i. 234

T. (Y. O.) on diseases from plants, v. 56 T and c interchanged in words and place-names,

iii. 229, 351, 398

4 ' Taberdes," meaning of the word, viii. 426 " Table " = picture, 1700, ix. 114, 294, 353

  • ' Table of Peace," term used in inventory, 1469,

x. 410, 454

Tablecloth, of Louis XIV. to commemorate vic- tories, x. 306 ; used at Crimean War banquet, x. 109

Tablecloths, old, figured linen, i. 426 Table-napkin, earliest use of, vii. 389 Tables, standing on, in courts of law, v. 40S Tablette book of Lady Mary Keyes, 1577, v.

490 " Taborer's Inn," St. Mar tin' s-le- Grand, temp.

Edw. II., i. 170 ; iv. 34 Tacitus, Montaigne on the suppression of, V..127,


Tackle house : tackle porter, earliest instances, i. 74

Tadema (Alma), his picture ' The Women of

Amphissa,' vii. 229 Taffare or Tavarez, record of baptism, 1771, v.

409 Tagore (Dwarkanauth), Indian in England, c.

1840, x. 70 Tahiti (Queen of), her robe of feathers, vi. 210,

315, 417

Tailed Englishmen, from a mediaeval MS., iv. 46 Tailer (Col. William), 1677-1732, viii. 385 Tailor and poet, recruit's legal description, iv.

206, 495

Tailor-artist in cloth figures, vi. 267, 353 Tailor on a goat, Dresen China ornament, vii. 130 Tailors, itinerant, obsolete practices, ii. 505 ; iii.


Tailor's hell, meaning of the term, xi. 116 Tailors' riot at the Haymarket Theatre, 1805, vii.

464 ; viii. 65, 172

Tait (Artlmr) on Mechanics' Institutes, xii. 103 " Take his haste " = to be quick, v .126 "Take your hurry " = not so fas vii. 126 Talbot (John), c. 1393, his identity, i. 508 Talbot family, vi. 148 Tale : ' The New Talys,' printed 1534, identified,

iii. 66

' Tale of a Tub,' child's book, c. 1860, xi. 251, 305 ' Tales of Devon and Cornwall,' whereabouts of

copies of, ix. 10 Tallard (Marshal), prisoner in England, 1704, his

letters and portraits, iii. 289, 396 Talleyrand (Prince de), and La Reveliere-Le"peaux,

vi. 109 Talleyrand (Princess de), her portrait by Madame

Vigee le Brun, 1783, vi. 67 Tallies used in the Exchequer, 1826, v. 26, 151 Tallis (Edward), hangman, c. 1752, i. 265 Tallis and Bird, their licence to print songs, 1574,

iii. 487 Tallis and Co., their edition of Shakespeare, iii. 367.


Tally, use of the word in card games, i. 87, 135 Tally-ho, its early history, i. 48, 93, 135, 172, 278 Talma as Hamlet by James Lonsdale, xii. 8 Talman and J. Webb's architectural drawings,

iii. 247

Tammany and England in 1789, ii. 185, 237, 337 Tandy (Napper), Irishman in Hamburg, c. 1798,

vi. 228, 295 Taney (Chief Justice) and Dred Scott case, vii.


Tankerville (Fourth Earl of). 1743-1822, his por- trait, ix. 10 Tanner (T.),?Bishop of St. Asaph, his brothers, v.

149, 238, "393 Tannitson on East Anglian families, vi. 230 ; vii.

279 ; xi. 9 Stainton (Elizabeth), xi. 9 Tapis : " on the tapis," the phrase, ii. 289, 352 Tapley-Soper (H.) on Boucher family of Somerset,

xi. 451 Deeds and abstracts of title : society

for their preservation, iv. 194 Duplicate

marriage, case of, viii. 456 Hawkhurst, Kent,

registers of, ix. 396 Locks on rivers and canals,

xi. 194 Moyle wills, x. 475 Printers' work, xi.

368 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) pocket-books, iv.

218 Rolls of Honour, xi. 178 Warren of

Ottery St. Mary, Devon, viii. 198 Tarn (Pauline), d. 1909, American writer of

French poetry, ix. 488 ; x. 151, 296 Tarnish, substantival use of the word, i. 209