Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/302

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Tarpley (Dr. T. Griffin), Virginian loyalist, c.

1783, xii. 482

" Tar-p6ugh," word used 1394, vi. 147 Tarras (Earl of), his daughter's marriage, iv.


Tarred roads u^ed in 1886, viii. 65 Tarring (Mrs. J.) on " Marriage " as surname, viii.

457 Tarring (W.) on heart-burial in niches in church

walls, viii. 432 Tarring as place-name and surname, viii. 368, 416,

473 ; ix. 158, 212, 294

Tartan of Highland clans, origin of, viii. 209 Tartans of the Scots trewsed regiments, xii. 83 " Tarts," meaning of the word, x. 449, 498 Tassis (Don J. de), Spanish ambassador, c. 1620,

x. 488: xi. 14, 36 Taswell (J.), Westminster scholar, c. 1715, xii. 69,

147 Taswell (W.), Westminster scholar, c, 1760, xii.

69, 147 Tatlock (J. S. P.) on Richard II. near Calais, i.

466 Tattershall, pronunciation of place-name, iv. 269,

314, 455, 535 ; v. 57, 135, 216 Tatting, needlework term, its etymology, i. 426,

476 Tatton (W.), Lieut,-Col. 24th Regiment, 1692,

ix. Ill

Tattooed heads of slaves, i. 205 Taunton, Maids of, and Monmouth's rebellion,

their names, ii. 408, 490 Taunton (Archdeacon of) as naval authority, i. 68,

137 Tavare (F. Lawrence) on Arrowsmith (Thomas),

artist, x. 355, 395 Church with wooden bell- turret, iii. 156 Cobbett bibliography, vi. 398

Epitaphiana, iv. 524 Manchester Volunteers,

regimental colours of, i. 484 ; ii. 73 Refugees

in the 18th century, x. 445 Snuff-boxes, x.

159 Tavarez (De)' of Bayonne, ix. 448

Tavarez or Taffare, v. 409 Tavern sign :

" The Kilton," x. 305" The Same Yet," inn

sign, v. (37 Tavarez (De), Mayor of Bayonne, his biography,

ix. 448 Tavarez or Taffare, record of baptism, 1771, v.


Tavern Signs : Acorn, iii. 2

Aleppo Merchant, iii. 289, 396 ; viii. 317 Antigallican, iv. 512 Barking Dogs, x. 50(5 Bell and Horns, x. 109 : xi. 359 Black Horse, xi. 67, 155 Black Raven, iii. 2 Bolt-in-Tun, vii. 426 Brass Angel, 1615, v. 165 Bush, i. 208

Bushel and Strike, ix. 330, 392, 454 Case is Altered, x. 146 Castle, 1673, vi. 288, 375 Cider Cellar, Maiden Lane, xii. 14 Cock, i. 190, 472 ; ii. 13 Cottage of Content, xi. 375 Crooked Billet, Tower Street, viii. 50, 116 Dew Drop. i. 246, 355 Five Alls, i. 100 Fleecy Ram, xi. 376

Tavern Signs:

Fleur-de-Lis, xi. 93

Fortune of War, i. 223, 274 ; ii. 18

P\ibbs Yacht, ii. 107, 171, 253 ; x. 347

George in the Tree, xii. 279

George Inn, Woburn, iii. 147, 172

Gold^Lion, y. 387

Hen and Chickens, vi. 67 ,- vii. 307

Herd of Swine, xi. 375

Hit and Miss, xi. 375

Hole, in Fleet Street, .ii. 229, 314, 392

Honest Lawyer, xi. 338

Horseshoe, xi. 67, 155

I am the only Running Footman, x. 229, 298, 356

Keep within Compass, ii. 505 ; iii. 55

Kilton, x. 365

King of Prussia, x. 229, 275, 298, 355

Lamb, iii. 2

Leden Hall Porch, xi. 376

Merry Horn, xi. 375

Merry Mouth, xi. 375

Mother Huff -Cap, xii. 279. 346, 385, 446, 506

Naked Boy, i. 223, 274

Old MoguU iii. 86, 153, 235

One Swan, iii. 403

Ormond's Head, xi. 375

Pen Inn, xi. 375

Plough, i. 146, 193, 293

Prince of Orange Coffee -House, v. 30

Prince of Wales, c. 1800, xii. 68

Quiet Woman, xi. 338

Rising Sun, i. 246

Road to Jerusalem, iv. 208

Rose of Normandy, iv. 26

Royal Mortar, vi.' 328

Shakespeare's Head, Covent Garden, xii. 201, 247

Six Lords, Buckingham, viii. 170, 238

Spade and Becket, viii. 87, 153

Spade Tree, x. 191

Star, Croydon, vii. 428 ; viii. 38

Star, Lewes, viii. 167, 215, 252

Sultan, xi. 375

Sun, iii. 2

Swan in Crooked Lane, 1664, xi. 93

Swiss Cottage, iv. 464, 514 ; v. 55

Taborer's Inn, iv. 34

The Same Yet, v. 67

Three Cranes, x. 509

Tom o' Bedlam, xii. 279, 506

Trouble House, xi. 375

Tumble-down Dick, iv. 90, 153

Unicorn, x. 187

Victory, Walworth, vii. 428

We Three Loggerheads, xi. 375

Whacok, iv. 97

Why Not ? vi. 328, 434

Woolpack, xi. 399

Ye Olde Harpe, viii. 267

Tavern signs, poetical, i. 293 ; Bell sign, painted by G. Morland, iv. 447, 498 ; country signs, iv. 226, 462 ; London signs, i. 402, 465 ; v. 4, 77, 286, 416, 515 ; vi. 167, 266, 306 ; foreign in Great Britain, x. 229. 275, 298, 355 ; at Bourn Bridge, Cambridgeshire, xi. 379 Tayernor -Perry ( J.) on Arter's (Andrew) memorial, iii. 75 Buddha in Christian art, ii. 147 Bares, , viii. 216 Kipling and the Swastika, ii. 292