Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/227

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ii s.x. SEPT. 19, 19U.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS. No. 247.

NOTES .-Chaplains of Winchester College, 221 Sir John Gilbert and ' The London Journal,' 223 Bibliography of Bookselling and Publishing, 225 Statues and Memorials in the British Isles, 226 " Sparrowgrass " Clan Macleod, 227 " Popular " " Canail " Proprietary Chapels A Funeral as a Good Omen " ff rancis " Rectors of High Roding, 228.

QUERIES : 'Nichol's Cities and Towns of Scotland' ' Late Lord Lyttelton's Letters to Mrs. Peach 'Beau- mont, Bowman, or Boman Burton : Blakeway Foreign Tavern Signs "I am the only running footman" Hundred of Manhood, 229 Anns of the Deans of Lich- field The ABCdarians The Irish Volunteers John Bateman Robinson-Miller Marriage Poem Wanted Loseley MSS. Handel's ' Harmonious Blacksmith,' 230 Colour and Sound Portraits by James Lonsdale D'Orsay's Portraits Author of Quotation Wanted Louvain : The Libraries, 231.

EEPLIES : Hats, 231 Descendants of Catherine Parr Death Folk-Lore, 232 Semaphore Signalling Stations

"Aschenald" "Thed d strawberry" Devotions on

Horseback, 233 Guildhall Library : Subject Index Presenting the Lord Mayor of London to the Constable of ttoe Tower Medicinal Mummies " Kennedie." 234 41 Supersubstantial " Langbaine : Whitfield : Whitehead Bntish Coins and Stamps, 235 Henry IV. 'a Supper of Hens Oldboy Sloe Fair Flower- Women in London R. H. Wood, F.S.A. The "Dun Cow's Rib" in Stanion Church 'Aut Diabolus aut Nihil' Friar Tuck, 236 4 Almanach de Gotha ' Bonar Galdy Family of Port Royal Early Puritans in Newfoundland Military Machines Lawyers in Literature" Hurley-hacket " Extremes in Stature of British Officers" Frap " Gelria, 237.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' Fine Old Bindings ' ' Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain ' ' The Universal Bible Dictionary ' ' Book-Auction Records ' ' Journal of the Gypsy_ Lore Society ' ' Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects.'

OBITUARY : Mrs. George Murray Smith.


(See ante, p. 201.)

58. Dom. Roger Philpott, 1489 (or 88)- 1497. Fellow, adm. 12 Sept., 1497, as of Cuddesdon, Oxfordshire (Rep;., L.A.). Va- cated Fellowship, while Sub -Warden, about Christmas, 1522 (A.R., 1522-3), and prob- ably died then, for Reg. O., fly-leaf, records the following gifts by him to the College, as being made in 1522 :

" Ad ornamenta capelle i pallium de blodio velveto ad valorem ixii. : iij pallia de damaske cum imaginibus beate marie in medio cum iiijor curtinis de serico ad valorem xZi. : xij cocliaria argentea et j salarium argenteum cum cooperculo ad valorem lx. et ultra : et xls. in pecuniis post mortem suam per manus Johannis Webbe."

59. Dom. John Webbe, 1492-95. Lay- Clerk, 1483-91 (or 90). Fellow, adm. l8 Jan., 1494 (i.e., 1494/5 ; see A.R., 1494-5, 4 Stipendia sociorum '), as " de Trewordroth

Exoniensis dioc." (Reg. O. ; Reg., L.A.). Presented by College to Rectory of Bradford Peverel, Dorset, 21 Dec., 1506, as " Dom. Johannem Webbe Exoniensis dioc. capel- lanum nostrique collegii consocium " (L.A., f. 71). In 151 6 built at his own cost (17Z. 10s.) the College kitchen chimney (" unum cami- num in coquina cum ijbus tunnellis "), and in 1520 gave for the Chapel an organ costing 13Z. 6s. 8d. (Reg. O., fly-leaf). Died 3 July, 1532. Brass in Chapel, now over door of organ console gallery.

60. Dom. John Erewaker or Yrewaker, 1495-1508. Scholar, adm. 1487 as of " Bery- ton " (Buriton), son of a College tenant at Hawkley (Reg.). Lay-Clerk, 1493-95. Fellow, adm. 11 Jan., 1507/8, as "Dom. Johannes Yrewaker de Byryton in com. Hampshir." (Reg., L.A.). 'Died 30 July, 1514. Brass (copy), now on Chapel floor.

61. Dom. John Colvylde, 1497-1510. Lay- Clerk, 1489 (or 88}-97. Presented by Col- lege to Vicarage of Hampton, Middlesex, February, 1509/10 ; and died while Vicar there, before 7 Dec., 1511, when Dom. John More was presented (L.A., f. 71 ; cf. Hen- nessy).

62. Dom. John Crandon, 1499-1505.

63. Dom. William Pyle, 1505-8. Fellow, adm. as " Dom. Willelmus Pyle de Pyt- mynster in cornit. Somers." (Reg., L.A.). Neither there nor in Reg. O. is the date of his admission recorded ; but according to a "Hall Book," which seems to be of 1514-15, Pyle came as Fellow (vice Wm. Gyllyatt) in second week of second quarter of that year i.e., in January, 1514/15. Died in 1540. Both Roger James, B. A. (adm. 24 July, 1540), and Robert Figen (adm. 2 Oct., 1540) are said (Reg. O.) to have been admitted to Fellowship vacant by Pyle's death.

64. Dom. John Hopkyns, 1508-14. Died 16 Aug., 1514. Brass in cloisters. Scholar, from Arreton, I.W., adm. 1483 (Reg.). Fellow of New College, Oxford, 1491-93 (' Liber Succ. et Dign.'). In the Register of Scholars the marginal note " socius Wynton." seems incorrect, whether it was intended to apply to Hopkyns or to Thos. MylljTig, the next preceding Scholar.

65. Dom. Thomas Backester, 1508-10.

66. Dom. Richard Tayiour, 1510-13 (or 1514).

67. Dom. Robert Farewell, 1511.

68. Dom. William Burley, 1511-12 (or 11).

69. Dom. William Washyngton, 1512 (or

70. Dom. John Hasard, 1514 (or 13)-20. Fellow, adm. 21 April, 1520, as "Dom. Johannes Hasard de Brydport in comitatu