Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/228

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. x. SEPT. 19,

Dorsett. capellanus " (Beg. O.). Presented by College to Rectory of Shaw, Berks, 19 April, 1533, as " Dom. Johannes Hasard in sacerdotali ordine consti tutus nostrique collegii consocius " (L.A., f. 68). Died before 30 Aug., 1540, when Philip Colyns was admitted Fellow on Hasard's death (Beg. O.). " Sepelitur in claustro " (Beg., L.A.). In ' Scholars,' p. 100, he is identified with a Scholar of 1503. there miscalled " John Hasard," but really John Horsey, " filius tenentis Oxon." (Beg.) i.e., son of a tenant to New College, Oxford. This Horsey is in the ' Liber Succ. et Dign.' as of Mortlake, Fellow of New College, 1511-13 ; " promo tus ad Cantariam de Witney."

71. Dom. Thomas Wade, 1514 (or 13)-17. Perhaps Dom. Thomas Wade, Bector of Deane, Hants, who died before 15 March, 1558/9 (Bp. Whyte's Episcopal Beg.).

72. Dom. John Spensar, 1517-18. Qu., see again below, No. 76.

73/Dom. Bichard Cole, 1518-19. Died 23 Dec., 1519. Brass, formerly in Chapel, now lost.

74. Dom. William Hygons or Hugyns, 1518-21.

75. Dom. William Tyle, 1521-24. Scho- lar, adm. 1510, from Buckingham, son of a tenant to New College, Oxford (Beg,). Scholar of New College, 1517 (Kirby's note). Fellow of Winchester College, adm. 14 May, 1524 : " recessit et obiit apud Bukkyn- ham " (Beg., L.A.), vacating Fellowship about December, 1527 (A.B., 1527-8, ' Sti- pendia sociorum ').

76. Dom. John Spensar, 1520-22. Qu., see also above, No. 72. Fellow, adm. 25 Jan., 1522 (Beg. O.)i.e., 1521/2 (A.B., 1521-2, ' Stipendia sociorum '), as " Dom. Johannes Spensar de Longmelford in comi- tatu Suffolk. Norwych. dioc. capellanus " (Beg. O.). " Sepelitur in claustro " (Beg., L.A.), dying probabty in 1524 (see A.B., 15234, ' Stipendia sociorum ').

77. Dom. Stokeley or Stukeley, 1520-

1523. Was he Mr. Boger Stokeley, Pre- bendary of Itchen-Abbas and Bector of Michelmersh and also Warnford, Hants ('Valor Ecclesiasticus ' ), who died, Bector of Alresford, &c., c. January, 1557/8 (see Bp. Whyte's Beg.) ? Richard Stewkeley, the Scholar of 1505, from Hawkley, Hants, son of a College tenant, is noted in the margin of the Begister of Scholars as " parochialis " (i.e., parish priest).

78. Dom. Bichard Hall or Hale, 1522-23. Perhaps Bichard Hall, Vicar of Porchester, Hants (' Valor Eccles.').

79. Mr. Nicholas Hokar, 1523-24. Scholar, adm. 1511, as of Puttnam, Winton. dioc. i.e., Puttenham, Surrey. Fellow, adm. 1 Dec., 1527, as of Basingstoke, "in i canonico bacc." (Beg., L.A.): became Bector of St. Maurice's, Winchester, and Vicar of Twyford, Hants (Beg., L.A. 'Valor Eccles.'), resigning his Fellowshi before 28 July, 1531, when Dom. Jo Chubbe, B.A., was admitted in his pla (Beg. O.)

80. Dom. George Schere, 1524-31. In A.B., 1523-4, called merely " Dominus Jorg'." Perhaps Dom. George Shere, Bector of Chale, I.W., who died before 7 April,. 1559 (Bp. Whyte's Beg.).

81. Dom. More, 1524-26.

82. Dom. Balph Wackfylde, 1526-27.

83. Dom. Valentine Weston, 1527-28.

84. Mr. Wayte, 1528-29.

85. Mr. Thomas Curtney, 1529-31. Fel low, adm. 10 July, 1531, as of Georgeha: Exeter dioc., Devon, " in decretis baccha laurius " (Beg. O.) : not of Bloxham (as i ' Scholars,' p. 8, a misreading of " George ham"). "Ad religionem ordinis observan tium se transtulit " (Beg., L.A.), resigning. Fellowship before 19 July, 1533, when Dom. Thomas Browning, B.A., was admitted (Beg. O.).

86. Dom. Bichard Buffard, 1531-35.

87. Dom. John Clarke, 1531-42 (and perhaps later).

88. Dom. Thomas Fowle, alias Birde, alias Vole, 1533-35. Scholar, adm. 1508, as " Thomas Birde de Berynton " (Begister mentions neither county nor diocese, but has marginal note, " socius Collegii Winton. ' r " Bovingdon," the place-name given in ' Scholars,' p. 103. is a misreading of " Beryn- ton "). Lay-Clerk, as Fowle, 1514-23, and as Burde, 1523-25 (or 26). In Account Bolls called Fowle while Chaplain, and also' on admission as Fellow (see A.B., 1534-5, 'Stipendia sociorum'). Was he Thomas Byrde, Bector of Crux-Easton, Hants (' Valor Eccles.') ? Fellow, adm. 20 June, 1535, as; " Thomas Vole cle Beryton [Buriton] Winton. dioc." (Beg. O., where date given as 1536; but see A.B., 1534-5). Died 10 Aug., 1558, Brass formerly in Chapel, now lost, with, epitaph :

Ut Volus in montem domini volat ore volenti : Christo funde preces Christum quicumqueprecaris:

which might be englished : While to God's hill Vole wings his willing flight, Let Christians all in prayers to Christ unite. The probate of Vole's will, dated 27 July, and proved before Dr. Bobert Baynolde,