Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/433

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11 S. X. Nov. 28, 1914.]



possibly the identification of the author is well founded. There is, however, another edition, published by Burkett & Plumpton of Smithfield, in which the author is given as Peter Pindar, jun. Both George Daniel and Thomas Agg were then using this pen-name ; but probably this edition is a piracy, the trifling change of title and the addition of four stanzas being intentional and without significance. ALECK ABRAHAMS.

FAMILY PORTRAITS MENTIONED IN WILLS. The following references to pictures men- tioned in wills proved P.C.C. may be of interest.

Theodora Cowper, " widow of the Hon. Spencer Cowper, Esquire, late one of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of Common Pleas at Westminster, and Chief Justice of Chester," by will dated 14 May, 1715, be- queathed to her son the Rev. Dr. John Cowper " my picture," and to Mrs. Judith Madan, wife of Col. Martin Madan,

"her father's picture enamelled, which I always wear about me and also Mr. Ashley Cooper's

picture, and a landskipp with figures, a Dutch drinking and dancing piece, and two flower pieces,

one with a snake, and the other with a Toad and


Unton Reade, of Shilling Okeford, co. Dorset, clerk, by will dated 7 -May, 1748, bequeathed to his wife all his family pictures for life, and then to his son Henry, " re- questing that he will never part with them out of the family."

Catherine Herbert of Rathbone Place, in the parish of St. Marylebone, co. Middlesex, spinster, by will dated 4 Aug., 1750, be- queathed to her niece Lady Wenman " my five small pictures of the Pembroke family in miniature, which are set in an ebony frame." To her niece Anne Herbert she bequeathed

<< my father's picture in miniature, set in gold with cornelian on the hack, and likewise the picture of the Countess of Pembroke in an ebony frame in miniature."

P. D. M. '

SHAKESPEARIANA : " HALLOOING." When Falstaff says (in ' 2 Henry IV.,' I. ii. 188), " For my voice, I have lost it with hallooing, and singing of anthems," he evidently means in singing of " hallelujahs " in church choirs. The idea of " hallooing," in the sense of boisterous merry - making, may harmonize with our thoughts of Falstaff, but certainly it is utterly opposed to the view of himself which he is trying to impress upon the Chief Justice. J. WILLCOCK.



WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

"POGROM." I shall be much obliged if you will kindly indicate the derivation of "pogrom." This term was frequently used in connexion with the Ulster Volunteer move- ment a few months ago. I understand that " Pogrom " was a man, but am unable to locate him. A. Z.

[This word was discussed at 10 S. v. 149 and 197- At the latter reference MR.PLATT and MK. ACKER- LEY supplied the derivation : from yrom, meaning thunder and lightning, and thence devastation and destruction. A verb formed from the same stem means "to pillage." The 'N.E.D.,' x.v. 'Pogrom,* says: "An organized massacre in Russia for the destruction or annihilation of any body or class : in the English newspapers (1905-6) chieHy applied to those directed against the Jews. The earliest use of the word cited is from The Tim f? of 17 March, 1882, where the word is explained as maaning " riots against the Jews."]

BROWNE AND ANGELL FAMILIES. Any information will be greatly appreciated concerning :

1. Sir Samuel Browne, Knt. (s. of Nicholas Browne of Polebrook, Northants, by Frances, dau. of Thomas, third s. of Oliver, Lord St. John of Bletsoe). Commissioner of the Great Seal, 1644-7; C.J. of K.B., 1648; J. of C.P., 1660-68 ; buried at Arlesey, Beds, 1668. Married Elizabeth, dau. of John Meade of Xortofts, Finchingfield, Essex.

2. John Angell of Crowhurst, Kent. Caterer to James I., Charles I. and II. ; Chief Porter, Windsor Castle; died 1675. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Robert Edolph of Kent (issue, twenty children ).

3. The Angell family of Stockwell Park House, Brixton, between 1640 and 1740.

The names, with dates of the baptisms, alliances, &c., of the children of these persons are especially sought for.

I should like to take this opportunity of cordially thanking the correspondents who most kindly answered my query, ante, p. 12.

GERALD ORLEBAR. Southborough, Robin Hood Lane, Sutton, Surrey.

[There is a notice of Sir Samuel Browne in the ' D.N.B.,' but no children are mentioned.]

ROUPELL AND THACKERAY. At the time Roupell was member for Lainb.-th, Thacke- ray made some reference to hirn in one of

^, i...oks. I should bo glad to know where.